Good cards to use with Donphan?


The Best
I'm hoping to build a Donphan Prime Deck very soon. I have pretty much all of the T/T/S/S Cards I want to use, and basically everything else other than Call Energy, Uxie, Azelf, and Unown G. However, since they're going to be rotated out soon, I really want to use things that will still be around after August so I can keep using the deck at Leagues, and so I don't have to go spending money on cards I can only use for a few months.

Currently, I'm going to be using a 1-1-1 Nidoqeen [RR] line and 1-1-1 Exploud [SV] line, as well as the 4-4 Donphan Prime. But that's only 14 Pokémon and I'd love to get it closer to 20 really.

As I said, my first plans were 2 Unown G, 1 Azelf, 1 Uxie, and a 1-1 Claydol. But since they're going to be rotated out I can't really be bothered trading for them and might as well just use the next best thing(s). Although, I will use Claydol until it's rotated out (if it is), as it's so good.

What else is there that's worth throwing in? Would using 2 Nidoqueen and 2 Exploud really be worth it? What are other Donphan Prime users planning or doing?

Any advice is appreciated :)
I'd say change the lines to 2-2-2, because its just more sturdy, IMO 1-1-1's might as well not be there, I know theres azelf, but if say, your 1 nidoran and your 1 nidorina are prized, what are you gonna do? tme walk to take up bench space and be potential gengar bait?
Well yeah, that was one worry. I do have Rare Candies though, so if that came about I could get teh Nidoran and do it that way. I'l likely end up gong for 2-1-2, or 2-2-2 as you say if I can't find even more useful cards.
They will be rotated out in August. Trade for Azelf and Uxie. If your running Donphan Prime you need it. You can set your cards up quicky.
You traded away your rare candies at states? Why? Its being reprinted in the next set! Haha. That totally sucks for you...nothing he is using will be cut for states dude...
Flygon will be great to play with Donphan since it won't be rotated out.

dmaster out.
Hmm yeah, I thought about Flygon. Could be a little difficult to get here, but I guess I could end up running 1-1-1 Nidoqueen, Flygon, and Exploud.. Or even having to run 2-1-2, but it starts to seem a little much then and I could get more less favourable starts. But I'd imagine some of those techs could be less important so I could see which I end up using more when testing.

I'll definitely try to get a Flygon though, I've been meaning to anyway. Cheers. If Claydol doesn't stay, I might throw in Dodrio SV or Noctowl HGSS instead.. It's only one card per turn but I don't see too many other options.
i used donphan at states with flygon and nidoqueen and after i realized that manetric and blissey prime is much more consistint.