Good "One Of" Cards

I'm a firm believer that in most cases, it's 2+ or nothing. There are of course good exceptions such as Town Map, but most of the time you'll want at least 2 copies of something important in your deck.
Lysandre, I think it is pretty good when you need to catcher something and you don't want to rely on the flip.
Eron said:
Lysandre, I think it is pretty good when you need to catcher something and you don't want to rely on the flip.
For decks that really used Catcher as a 4-of pre-errata (most decks, but especially Blastoise), a 2-of is preferable, but I could see a one-of being good as well for decks that don't need the catcher effect as awesome (i.e Darkrai).
I'm going to revise this thread. With VS Seeker, single copies of supporters can be played as techs which can be used multiple times. Xerosic, Lysandre, and Iris are good situational cards. Lysandre's Trump Card is another good one. If you don't need them, they can be discard fodder and VS Seeker can be used to retrieve draw supporters. I'm not sure how good this is as an engine yet, but it does wonders for deck space.
I think Lysandre's Trump Card can fit well as a one-of in almost any deck (Flareon and Night March are exceptions). In conjuction with Vs Seeker, this essentially makes your deck completely recyclable. In a deck like Big Basics or Yveltal, you can be lass conservative with Lasers and DCE knowing that you can get them back in the mid-late game. While this also allows your opponent to recycle their discard, the idea is that you can get the upper hand early with speedy plays. Trump Card really makes any sort of tech a lot more viable because you can recover and reuse it over and over.
Escape Rope is a pretty underrated and great card for a 1 off. If you are running 3 or 4 switch (or even 2), I think its worth considering swapping one for an escape rope. This card can be game winning and is a free lysandre + switch wrapped up in an item card in the right situation. And since they switch first you basically are just shifting the match momentum into your favour with a single card. Ive never really felt a situation where I felt negatively impacted by the forced double switch because you always get to at least keep the match in your favour by bringing in an appropriate response to their switch-in, even if you would have preferred to not have forced them to switch out.

I also run a single Sacred Ash in almost all of my decks because sometimes you just cant afford to save your pokemon in your hand until the next turn and just have to juniper them away. Plus its always possible to start with the wrong active pokemon and a unhelpful hand and it gets KOed turn 2. And lastly, sacred ash is your friend against pyroar. (and probably WITH pyroar too) You can afford to run just 1 because your deck can hopefully carry you through a couple of prizes before running out of steam even with a bad start, and hopefully you'd hit it in your prizes by then..
Sacred Ash is a good one too. You never know when you could end with a painful discard. I still think Lysandre's Trump Card is the better one because it's more versitile, but sometimes you just need an item to get stuff back in your deck.
Pipotchi said:
I also run a single Sacred Ash in almost all of my decks because sometimes you just cant afford to save your pokemon in your hand until the next turn and just have to juniper them away.

Yeah, 1 sacred ash seems to be helpful for exactly this.

Think it is especially useful in a "toolbox" type deck that might have 1 of quite a few Pokemon, or a deck with a couple of techs. It's some insurance in case you lose that Pokemon early for any reason. The fact that you only have but it is providing insurance for several individual Pokemon actually works in its favour.