DPPt/HGSS Good team in heartgold???


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im a new member on the pokebeach fourms(so yeah) and i got heartgold a couple of days ago and i kind of want to know if theres any good team to have throughout the game(no competitive please). So far i have a totodile lv 14 and a staravia lv 15. i got staravia from my platinum so theres no confusion. please help!!

also i forgot to mention this, but im going to get a growlithe and beat the main story with just those 3. when i can migrate, ill go get a treecko from my ruby and that will be it through kanto. so yeah.

also i forgot to mention this, but im going to get a growlithe and beat the main story with just those 3. when i can migrate, ill go get a treecko from my ruby and that will be it through kanto. so yeah.
I really recommend getting a wooper then evo at lv.20 into quagsire. Quagsire has really good defense and hp, helps against the gyms and it is immune to electric attacks. Also with it's water absorb ability if it gets hit by a water attack it's hp gets healed!

Also mareep into flaffy and ampharos is realy good, marreep's abilitys lets any phsical attacks make the oponent paralysed and as ampharos is really strong with great attacks. Growlithe is a good choice and you might want to think about getting a grass type before the elite four
i was thinking of getting a grass type before the elite 4... but i dont know any good ones. i might get a diglett/geodude for a good ground type because i dont think getting another water type wouldnt be the best choice. I might go with your choice with mareep but it would mean some serious grinding. so yeah.
how about a dratini ? strong attack and defense u can get a from goldenrod's game corner.and a eevee from bill. trade at night and you get umbreon strong defense and sp.def nice hp. I use both in my ss through out the game.good luck
I burned through Soulsilver with a Ledian and Ampharos, maybe you could try those...?
use your feraligatr and staraptor
and for the rest of you tem i would suggest:
mamoswine: you only need 1 heart scale to get it, which can be done by smashing alot of rocks, it has great attack and hp, and the rest of its stats arent too bad. it gets rid of those pesky dragons and electric types
arcanine: great movepool, epic stats, cool looking, what else can you ask for?
joltleon: i picked joltleon because it has better stats then ampharos for an electric type. amphy has nice SPA, but nothing else while joltleon has high spa, speed, and spd.
and for the sixth one, i would suggest t-tar, gengar, or extremespeed dragonite