Good Video Games and Books for the Holiday Season

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if your into the fighting genre then

Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2
Naruto Shippuden:Ultimate ninja storm 2
NFC Undisputed 2010
Tekken 6
super sf IV
should be up your arsenal.
I also recommend the Sly Cooper Collection released last month.
@ Luigibuster8989,
Off Topic:It's referd to as The Sly Collection.o_o
Books: Warriors by Erin Hunter

Games: Epic Micky,Kirby'sEpicYarn,DKC Returns
A couple books I suggest that I've been reading and enjoying recently include Animal Farm and Catcher in the Rye (I'm read both for school- the latter has a lot of profanity so check with your 'rents on that one.

It's been quite a few weeks since I've read anything for fun, however D;

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series

Video Games:

Zelda Series
Final Fantasy 4
Epic Mickey
Kirby's Epic Yarn
EPM said:
-also is halo 3 odst any good?

It was very good. A year ago. :)

I'm getting The Force Unleashed II and Black Ops for christmas. I would also seriously Recommend Fallout: New Vegas. And I just read a great book called Earth: A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race by Jon Stewart. It's hilarious, and I hope you would get it.
-Ok, looking into those books at my library
-Whats the story of Fallout: New Vegas and what would you is its sub genre (shooter being its main genre)?
-Ok, so I saw star fox for the ds at my gamestop this weekend for $7, whats the story and is it worth it?
It was very good. A year ago. Smile

I'm getting The Force Unleashed II and Black Ops for christmas. I would also seriously Recommend Fallout: New Vegas. And I just read a great book called Earth: A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race by Jon Stewart. It's hilarious, and I hope you would get it.
FO: NV = Great game. The only problem I've seen is the glitches and ugly character models, but if you played FO3, you'll learn to accept those problems :) And I wouldn't recommend FO: NV to the people here, as most of the people here are under 17 and the game forces words like the F word, S word, B word, and it has soooooo much gambling that I think parents would frown upon. I've currently spent about a week's worth of time on the game, and have played from start to finish about 5 times, exploring the various faction you can side with, lol. I has no life :<

-Whats the story of Fallout: New Vegas and what would you is its sub genre (shooter being its main genre)?
FO: NV is kinda hard to describe, story wise. The game is completley different depending on the decisions you make. You can side with Mr. House (New Vegas), or the NCR(New Californian Republic), or Caesar's Legion, or Yes Man (Independent Vegas). It's not a shooter, it's a RPG. The game is no where near a shooter classification. Say thanks to V.A.T.S for that.

Something I would recommend is the Playstation Move. It makes the Wii look like trash.
Gotta love Fallout. :)
PlayStation move looks great; I just need some good games from it to convince me.
And how could you say no to those Kevin Butler commercials?
Speaking of Kevin Butler, I'm gonna get Grand Torismo 5. It will be the first racing game I've gotten in the last couple of years, and I cannot wait to try the NASCAR mode. And let's not forget Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
PlayStation move looks great; I just need some good games from it to convince me.
Killzone 3 looks good (Even though we have to wait till February D: ) and Sports Champions makes Wii Sports look bad. We also can look foward to Little Big Planet 2. All of those games are compatible with Move. The problem is Sony didn't advertise the Move enough. I didn't realize it was released until 10 days after :p And it was released with 4 games iirc
Yes, the star fox game is a STEAL at $7. The game had high reviews. You play as fox, and you blow stuff up in your starfighter. Nuff said.:p
I say that Epic Mickey looks sort of like a shoot-everything-with-the-brush-that-requires-no-skill-whatsoever type of game. I could be wrong, but thats the feeling I'm getting from all of the trailers.
The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickinson is an EXCELLENT read for the holidays. I suggest it for everyone.
I got boared the other day because school was out and read Fallen and Tormented by Lauren Kate. They are very interesting for people with broad imaginations.
Animal Farm was a great book, C in the Rye was terrible. All he did was moan and complain. Now for Book lets see SF= Sci Fi F = Fantasy
Abnett.Dan-Horus Rising SF
Abnett.Dan-The Founding 3book in one SF
Berg.Carol-Transformation F
Berg.Carol-Revelation F
Berg.Carol-Restoration One of my all time favorite books, I've read this at least 10 times. F
King.William-Gotrex & Felix the First Omnibus 3 books in one F
Mitchell.Sandy- Ciaphas Cain Hero of the Imperium SF These books make me laugh soo hard.
Swallow.James-Faith&Fire SF I was so pissed when he didn't make the sequel, until this year
If you want a book to make you laugh try Catcher in the Wry by Bob Uecker.
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but dragon quest IX is definitely one of the best games of the year. Proof: I have been playing it for 4 months and it still entertains me. Pokemon players will also find a lot in the character creation system.
Super Scribblenauts, Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations, Mod Nation Racers, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Seriously, pass on Galaxy 2. It's a cheap sequel to the original Mario Galaxy. The game itself isn't that worse, the only problem is that it doesn't make sense to be a sequel (not story-wise), it's more of a mixture between Mario Bros and Galaxy. You should go for Galaxy instead of Galaxy 2 if you don't have both of them yet.
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