Goodbye to Level X


Wanna-be mod
Coming with HeartGold and SoulSilver came its TCG. With this it it brought Primes and Legends but disposed of the Level Xs. Sum may say this is a rash decision as it removes "Super cards" e.g. EX and Lv. X meaning there are none of them. Prime Pokemon have standard attacks and HP and so do Legends. Legends are rare but you must get both halves of it to play it in a game of cards. So was it a bad idea to remove Level Xs?
Yes and no. I liked the artwork, but it stunk that you needed a normal version of that pokemon to use it.
way before heart and soul where even pernounced i predicted that they would do ho-oh and lugia level x for the gold/silver remakes...guess not:(
IMO it wasn't a good idea. Primes are just some weird idea of a card that has nothing special to it and is just a little rarer and a little better than most other cards. Legends were a cool idea though, but Level X has a nice idea to it. In the games you could level up a pokemon and get new attacks and more HP. Same thing here. But I honestly think you should be able to use Rare Candy to level up, but that would wreck the game.
It doesn't matter, it's all thematic.

EXs used to be the super rares
then Lv. Xs took their place
now Legends/Primes are supers.

I like the Lv. X mechanic the most out of any of them, but I don't think it's a big deal either way.
kwisdumb said:
It doesn't matter, it's all thematic.

EXs used to be the super rares
then Lv. Xs took their place
now Legends/Primes are supers.

I like the Lv. X mechanic the most out of any of them, but I don't think it's a big deal either way.

EX era had the most balanced gameplay IMO.

Lv. X era is intuitive and strategic but had some broken cards that spoilt the fun (SP domination still going)

Prime era sounds like it's gonna be fast paced but rather plain and boring.
Oh, yeah. I'm not talking about the eras at all (I never played during EX times), just the mechanics of the supers.
They're slowly going to die out, yes. Only four sets of Lv.X are going to be Rotated, but more will come in the next few years. The usage will also go down.

dmaster out.
I personally think the Lv. X mechanic is one of the best mechanics that Pokemon has ever utilized...the EX's were ok, but really they were just (somewhat) super beefed up pokemon that gave 2 prizes when KO'd...Primes aren't much different, except for not giving up the 2 prizes...the Legend mechanic is ok, but really I think they're more collector's items than anything, however, the future may change that...but in either case, I still think the Lv. X mechanic is better

sad to see it not have a longer run
aww i just got into pokemon again (played it 5 years ago)

I really like the lv x pokemon ^^.

I hate how they call it prime. when it's just another version of a card Q_Q.
We (my brother and I) are both fans of the LV.X mechanic, and are sad to see it ended. At least they'll still be playable for a couple more years.
Level X cards were not a good idea at all really in my opinion. Ex cards, and Primes are the best. Even though they need to make some really good primes soon. Ex days were the BEST, it was really balanced, and you did not run Claydol, Uxie, and other pokemon draw power. You ran supporter power which was the best. Ex cards were better than Primes, and Lv. X cards by far. Ex cards were really broken and you could come up with any kind of stratgey to a deck involving the ex's and it would be good. Ex days were the best pokemon days in my life, and will most likely always will. Not that primes are that bad, but they are not broken like ex cards were which was amazing. They are kind of bad, and only some have potental. The game went more quicker too the fact that you got two prizes for knocking one out. It really never went into time, but it was never really that quick ethier. Their was really no such thing as a donk, because it barely ever happened. It was much more slower than this format is, which was a good thing, because it wasn't like base set times where it was attach an energy, and pass turn, for like 2-3 turns. It was 2 turns and you'd be pretty much good. While you are pumping up a guy on the bench. I also wish they'd bring back Boost energy, because that was a really fun, and kinda good card, depending on what kind of deck you are using.