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Goodra/Aromattise/Florges EX (Update)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Goomy
    2 Sligoo
    3 Goodra
    3 Spritzee
    3 Aromattise
    3 Florges EX

  • 4 Enhanced Hammer
    3 Xerosic
    2 Vs Seeker
    2 Jamming Net
    2 Pokemon Center Lady
    3 Lysandre
    4 Potion
    2 Professor Sycamore
    2 Rare Candy
    3 Lysandre's Trump Card

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    8 Fairy Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy

Strategy: An updated version of a previous deck that i had posted earlier. The strategy is based off of 2 cards, Goodra's ability for opponent to not use item cards during their turn & being able to get supporter cards out as well as attacking your opponent with it's second attack.

Any suggestions or advice on how to play would be most appreciated!!! Thanks a bunch!!!
RE: Aegislash EX/Goodra/Venomoth/Spiritomb

Hey I think I played against u on PlayTCG? :)

first things first, i think you will need to specify which goodra and spiritomb you are using because there are a couple in the current format. Secondly, you aren't running any energy that goodra can attack with and only 6 of your 22 pokemon can use herbal energy.

Secondly to get good deck consistency it is good to have a lot of draw supporters and enough search cards: a good starting point for any deck is something like:

3 Professor Sycamore
3 N
2 Colress
2 Skyla
3 Ultra Ball
1 Computer Search/Dowsing Machine

(this is something of a bare minimum that you should build up from, and only take away from if it doesn't fit your deck. this is something you can apply to all of your decks when you start building, so you always have those 14 cards reserved for deck consistency)

Next it would be good to explain your strategy in a lot more detail. it is hard to see the current synergy between the cards- Im assuming aegislash is the main attacker, but he could really use some steel type support like the new Bronzong which allows metal energy to be attached from the discard, or another support pokemon such as Plasma Klingklang which protects all your metal pokemon from the attacks of pokemon EX. Same with the item cards, I am wondering why potion is in the deck and what its role is (usually potion is not a very used card because it has a very minimal effect, same with giant cape)
RE: Aegislash EX/Goodra/Venomoth/Spiritomb

Ok, sorry about the confusion, didn't want to get in trouble with the forums... Both Spiritomb and Goodra are the Phantom Forces one... The strategy is to use Goodra's ability which is to have my opponent not use their item cards for a turn, and Spiritomb to not have them evolve... Also with Aegislash's ability as well which is also from Phantom Forces. Yea, when i built the deck, i ran out of room for energy, i always seem to do that and i don't know why... i guess that's probably because I want to make sure that i have enough supporters/trainers/stadiums for the deck, should i good way it to do it backwards, start with pokemon then energy then supporters/trainers/stadiums?
RE: Aegislash EX/Goodra/Venomoth/Spiritomb

Well this is how I usually build decks- i pick the core pokemon/cards that i want to use the synergy between, then i put aside the cards that i need for deck consistency/ adjust that number based on how hard the core cards are to play, then i put down the number of energy that i think is ok. then i go back and just try and fill the rest with supporting pokemon and items that i can play that have good synergy with the core cards. but this is just one way to do it. usually when you get better i think you kinda just develop the whole deck at the same time.

Also regarding your synergy, i think your honchkrow malamar deck is an example of a good synergy. But here it is a lot weaker. If you want to revolve your deck around goodra's ability, i think you should not add spiritomb because making pokemon evolve will not help you take advantage of them not being able to play tools. Similarly, not being able to attack with special energy does not let you take advantage of no tools. You are providing several low levels of unrelated hindrance to the opponent instead of focusing on a single thing and pressuring them there, which tends to be the way to build successful disruption decks. Some examples of ways you could capitalize on goodra and the prevention of tools are:
-play lots of cards with powerful abilities like pyroar, since garbodors can no longer cancel abilities with garbotoxin
-play decks which can avoid ohkos due to the opponent not being able to attach muscle bands or silver bangles (aromatisse for example)

so perhaps you could remove some support pokemon and consider whether something like pyroar would be better in your deck instead. im not saying it necessarily would be what you are trying to make, but it is worth considering
RE: Aegislash EX/Goodra/Venomoth/Spiritomb

You are right in that sense, I think what i'm going to do with this one... is scrap it and start all over again, the idea that i'm trying to do with this one, is to use Goodra's ability well, but I also like Florges EX as well, would Aromattise work well with this concept and i know that i want to use Vs Seeker and Xerosic as well, since i know i can use Vs seeker to bring back Xerosic every other turn... would drive my opponent crazy!