EspeonROX said:I agree. Yay...Gorebyss and Huntail have been since once in Great Encounters...
However, Pokemon like Salamence and Flygon somehow always get reprinted in a LV.X, ex, whatever. Salamence had three ex cards, in EX Dragon Frontiers, EX Power Keepers, (TWO consecutive sets?!), and EX Deoxys. Flygon made two appearances, in EX Legend Maker and in EX Dragon Frontiers.
We need to see moreEspeonof a variety.
Lou: Gengar from EX Legend Maker was great with Curse Powder. Just saying.
Flygon had an Ex in PK as well...he got 3 Ex's in 5 sets, go figure.
While its true some people never see the light of day, there still is a LOT of diversity. Tauros? He had a good card, CG. Remember that 40+ pokes list I put up? Add all their prevos and you got a huge portion of pokes covered, and thats excluding things like Pachirisu, Tauros, Claydol, the likes who have all gotten some time or spent their time as an engine. I think at most 20% of the pokes never gotten anything playable.