Got an idea for your own Pokemon game? You'd better read this.


Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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From this point forward, no person is allowed to make a thread for their own game unless they have sufficient proof that said game is more than just a gathering of ideas (or lack thereof). If you are in need of anyone to do anything, you are not ready and cannot post your thread. Violators will have their threads locked. Repeat offenders will be banned.

I'm sick of seeing people post the same things over and over, and nothing ever comes of it. It just makes this forum look silly.

Current threads are, somewhat regrettably, not subject to this rule, excluding the one I just locked.

Comments? Complaints? Post 'em here.
My first thought upon entering this forum yesterday was "Holy carp, so many games!". Then I clicked them and many were nothing but a collection of vague ideas and requests for other people to do the work.

I guess the elongated titles "LOOKING FOR SPRITERS" and "NEED PROGRAMMERS" should've given the game away.

Thanks for reading my mind and going draconian, maybe the TCG threads will get a bit more attention now, ahaha.
I agree on this entirely. I don't think everyone realizes that making a game is more than just making up new fakemon and new story lines. If it was that easy we'd all be out very own nintendo.
Finally, it's annoying to see all these obviously unsuccessful threads being posted. :/

Thank you PMJ. :F
What if your a person who can program, map, etc. However you need someone to do a task, like make the sounds since you yourself cannot do that. You don't want to PM random people, it might be best to have exceptions to unless you have everything up and are not asking people for help, then don't post rule thing if we add exceptions to it slightly. This would allow those games as long as the owner takes an initiative to start it, be more successful. The owner cannot do everything himself you know. ;)
I think what PMJ means is that if you have sufficient proof that the game exists, and is pretty far along in production, you can make a thread. If you have everything but the sounds, your game is still playable. If you don't have enough graphics, then provide proof of the engine by using basic graphics, or something.
Thank god, I mean PMJ :D I agree it was becoming out of control with games that (sorry to say it) are most likely to never get anywhere. Of course there are some games around I have good belief will get a product finished *cough*Acanthite*cough* but most won't.
wait, did I do anything wrong then? mines has screens and such but it says in the title "spriters wanted" or something like that...
This is a good idea. It'll help stop the madness with all these games that won't go anywhere.
I'm all for this. I don't think that anyone that wants to build a game understands the sheer amount of work that goes into each game. It will definitely help those double-think as to what's going on with a game besides ideas.

Haha, not gonna lie, I actually have wondered what RQO would be like as a game, but I know how generally -bad- it would be to attempt that project. Period, end of story.
Some rules for thought...

HB Games said:
Thread Ownership

1. Minimum requirements for a thread
There is a set of requirements that must be met when creating threads. These requirements show us that you are making an effort with your project and want constructive advice and feedback.

* At least two screenshots. Screenshots show that you’ve actually made progress on your project beyond conceptual stages. Your screenshots need to show actual gameplay, not just title screens or menus.
* At least one full paragraph of story description. You need to tell us what happens during the game, and what the player will be doing and trying to accomplish.

Because these are only the bare minimums you must include in your thread, feel free to have some flexibility in your thread. It’s generally a good idea to include information and a small biography about some of the main characters, as well as some of your project’s features, things that set it apart from other games and make it unique.

Remember, any genre of game is allowed here. We don’t want you to feel constricted with the requirements. You can substitute story description, for example, for a description of gameplay if your game is more of an action or a shooter game. The main goal is for people to get a good idea of what your game is about and what playing the game involves.
im not loving this, most of the stuff here is beacause the person has an idea and is putting together a team for such, if mods go around deleting EVERYTHIGN tht isnt sufficient enough than this foum is, dare i say, corrupt, no not corrupt, another word but along the lines of __ so i think you should reconsider this rule or atleast loosen it up. i mean seriously, not everybody can script sprite draw come up with ideas and put there where they need to be, its a team effort, look at EVERY game out there, you need to start somewhere and sorry were not Grade A genious in everything like you PMJ but ease up on other people, this is nothing but bullying, and it ISNT constructive critisism telling someone they cant do it because its lame.
^ See the point is, if a person posts looking for a team to help Sprite, program, and come up with ideas, the basic concept of the game is not fully complete, which it should be before you post it here. It's nt bullying in any way shape or form.
If I may, I suggest sort of a 'list for hire', that way people will know whom to PM so they CAN actually get a few things started? IE: PEOPLE FOR HIRE:

Crystal Hikara- Sugi Images
Espy- Pokemon badge sprites

Charizard88- Game Maker
Zyflair- C++

Etc., etc. Granted, that's only an example. It could also be used for people looking for a certain thing instead of all the willy-nilly 'NEED PROGRAMMER/SPRITERS/MUSICIANS/etc.', like:

Name: Crystal Hikara
Game: Rose Quartz and Onyx
Synopsis of the Game: Blahblahblah here
In need of: Programmer, Musician
Requirements: C++, clean recording/computer generated music

Something like that. Just a thought, that way we won't get people flying off the handle or something similar to that.
On a vaguely related note, can we get seperate subforums for games and cards? Call me what you will, but I'm fed up of my card thread being buried by "POKEMON ROCK PAPER SCISSORS - LOOKING FOR SPRITES ETCETCETC".

This way, ROCKPAPERSCISSORS and all the other games can have their own subforum, and all the card threads can have thier own subforum. End result: less clutter for both sides.
Petrex said:
im not loving this, most of the stuff here is beacause the person has an idea and is putting together a team for such, if mods go around deleting EVERYTHIGN tht isnt sufficient enough than this foum is, dare i say, corrupt, no not corrupt, another word but along the lines of __ so i think you should reconsider this rule or atleast loosen it up. i mean seriously, not everybody can script sprite draw come up with ideas and put there where they need to be, its a team effort, look at EVERY game out there, you need to start somewhere and sorry were not Grade A genious in everything like you PMJ but ease up on other people, this is nothing but bullying, and it ISNT constructive critisism telling someone they cant do it because its lame.

agreez :]
YakobTheRed said:
On a vaguely related note, can we get seperate subforums for games and cards? Call me what you will, but I'm fed up of my card thread being buried by "POKEMON ROCK PAPER SCISSORS - LOOKING FOR SPRITES ETCETCETC".

This way, ROCKPAPERSCISSORS and all the other games can have their own subforum, and all the card threads can have thier own subforum. End result: less clutter for both sides.

Approved, my stamp is done, but not uploaded.