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Gothitelle/Gardevoir/Mewtwo Ex

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
3-2-3 Gothitelle
3-2-3 Gardevoir
2 Mewtwo Ex
1 Cleffa
1 Pichu
20 Pokemon

3 Collector
3 Sage's
3 Cheren
3 Twins
16 Supporters

3 Catcher
3 Candy
3 Junk Arm
3 P-Com
12 Trainers

12 {P}
12 Energies

At first you look that you have every Basic Pokemon which you need, after evolving to your Gothitelle and Gardevoir you attach energies which you need and keep your opponent with your Trainer Lock under pressure.
Very solid deck. Although I would recommend getting rid of Cleffa, for Pichu. This helps with getting those basics easier, and gives you a better chance of drawing Pichu.

That's my two-bits. Hope I helps a little
I think is better to use 3 mewtwos and 2-1-2 of gothitelle, and you can use double colorless energy if you start with mewtwo
I think that instead of some cheren, Twins and Juniper or some other better drawing power could help.
At first thanks for your help

I thought that 3 mewtwos are better and the gothitelle line should be 2-1-2 but i belive that i don't get three mewtwos.

Yes i know that cheren isn't that good but when i play with juniper and discard my hand like 2-3 energies i can't get them back in play i don't play a super Rod or a FSL
It looks like a solid line but I think that there are a couple things that need to be considered. I think gothitelle's ability and synergy with this deck is great but now with Reshiram EXs, other mewtwos, Zekrom EXs, and Magnezones, it might get KOd pretty easily. I also think that if there is going to be a strategy kind of like that, then I'd run vileplume since gardevoir will usually be catcher bait and relatively easy to OHKO. Many people run this deck list, but I think that a vileplume line would be good instead of gothitelle. It helps because 1) Mewtwo is harder to KO than gothitelle, 2) While setting up gothitelle, it's ability will only come into effect when active, but it still takes time to load energy and set up gardevoir, and yes I know that gothitelle is only 1 prize, but setting up another is hard in my opinion. I know that many people prefer this, but It's just my opinion. Gothitelle would be hard to run without reuniclus. I know that it would take away catcher, but its my opinion. If there is going to be a gothitelle for trainer locking, why not just vileplume? I'd rather focus more on mew two.
Yes you are right and i know that gothitelle isn`t that good but when i play with vileplume i need a second attacker, because mewtwo will be an easily revenge kill from an other mewtwo and when i play with tornadus i have not a good matchup against every electric deck.

So i do not know, which second attacker i should play.