Gothitelle is the new Gigas, Masters FL BR Report


We will bury you
So i've been wanting to play Gothitelle since I saw the scan. I wasn't too sure how hard it would be to play, but I wasn't too worried. I was mainly worried about how the meta game would develop. Mainly, Goth has a tough time with Zone and Mew, two decks I teched for (which didn't pay off because I dodged them all). I worked on so many lists for a long time, and I made a few last minute changes in the car before we ended up getting there. It was an hour drive.

Round 1 vs Robert B (Zekrom)

He opens Cleffa to my Pichu, and I go 2nd. He gets out Tornadus and Zekrom, while I Playground for 2 Solosis, 2 Gothita, and a Cleffa. I have a reuniclus + candy and he knocks out my active Pichu who stays awake. From there, I topdeck a Twins to stay in the game and get Goth + Rare Candy. I attach a DCE and swing for 50 on the active Tornadus. From there, we start the prize exchange. I play as if my opponent was playing Black Belt and each time I take a prize, I knock out something on my bench. Eventually, I knock out everything but his Pachi and he drops Black Belt. I move the damage and Max Potion 3 times this game to win pretty easily.


Round 2 vs Robert G (Scizor/Zoroark)

Scizor seems like a difficult matchup. I can't DCE, or Rainbow, and I also am resisted. He starts Cobalion to my horrible Solosis/dead hand start. I topdeck a Pokemon Collector with a gothita on the bench and snag Cleffa, Pichu, and Gothita. From there, I use Pichu. He Gets 2 SP Metal and a basic metal on his Cobalion and takes 4 prizes with it while I continue to dead draw for something like 7 turns straight. I had a Gothorita on the bench with 2 energy which he catcher/ sacred swords. His bench is 2 scizor, 2 Zoroark, and a Manaphy to my dead bench. Finally, I Twins topdeck to get a Beach and energy, setup and start attacking. I move a lot of the damage and KO his Cobalion after a Black Belt drop. He brings up Scizor and starts hitting me, to which I move the damage and Max Potion. I take 3 prizes and the only threat remaining is his Scizor with 3 energy on it, which deals something like 90 damage. point is, he needed 2 more energy to KO me for game. My deck is very thin and I have 4 cards left. I KO his active Manaphy, and he attaches again to Scizor and sends up Zoroark to stall. I KO my own benched Solosis, Twins for Catcher, and one shot his Scizor with exactly enough energy on my active Gothitelle. He has nothing left and scoops.


Round 3 vs Alexis M (Reshiphlo + Kingdra)

Alexis comes off a little cocky but overall seems like a nice guy. He's playing a presumed Gothitelle counter, so i'm a bit cautious going into the match. We set up and I start with 5 energy, a Shaymin, and a Communication. I sigh at my opening hand. He starts with a Cyndaquil. I attach a Psychic to Shaymin and pass. He attaches to Cyndaquil and hits me for 20 with Beat. I attach a Rainbow, Use En energy bloom (that's right, I attacked with Shaymin), and heal the damage off, while dealing 30 damage. Next turn he retreats to Reshiram and passes. I topdeck a Collector and start to set up. Eventually I am able to catcher up his Cyndaquil, and KO it with Shaymin (lol). He has one more Cyndaquil on the bench but I am able to Get Gothorita up with 2 energy, and pass with a sleeping Cleffa. He catchers me up and one shots me -___-. I have a twins in hand and a Tropical Beach in play, so I am able to begin to set up again. He has 3 prizes left to my 5, I Twins to evolve into Gothitelle with DCE on it, then Tropical Beach for 5. He hits me for 120 and I Twins again next turn for the Reuniclus set up, move the damage, and then attack. We continually swing and exchange prizes, me killing my bench each turn to use Twins. He gets out a Seadra turn 3 BTW, it sits on the bench for awhile but I am able to deny the Kingdra via Catcher. I cacther/ black belt him again as well when he has a Reshiram with 3 energy on the bench for a crucial KO. I feed him prizes and without Typhlosion in play (I prevent it from hitting the field), he runs out of energy (lol) and I win the game. He is quite disappointed, but after I set up I knew I had control. I am able to Max Potion 4 times this game, healing something like 650 damage.


Round 4 vs Glenn V (Tornadus/Lanturn Donk)

I start this game pretty well, but am not really too keen on Lanturn being in his deck. The card can actually KO Goth, and that makes the matchup a bit more difficult. He swings for 110 on my T2 goth and I am like o_O. WTF! Lol, I move the damage off and Max Potion, and just keep KOing everything. The game is relatively easy, My active goth has 6 energy on it!


Round 5 vs Timothy H (Electivire/Electrode/Lanturn)

My opening hand; Psychic, Psychic, Psychic, Solosis, Rare Candy, Junk Arm, Junk Arm. I sigh and know I lose the game. I go 2nd and avoid the donk somehow to his Chinchou start. I topdeck a Collector, only to find that my lone Cleffa is prized. I get Gothita, Pichu, and Gothita and Bench them, attaching to Goth. He gets T2 Lanturn with a DCE and takes a prize. I top deck a rare candy and sleep him with goth. he wakes up and KO's me. I attach and sleep him again (top deck junk arm). He wakes up, KOs me. He now has 2 electrode in play, Lanturn, and an electivire? Geez. I draw again and get a Gothitelle finally, evolve, and attack for 90. He retreats, pops 2 electrode, and KOs me with Lanturn. He has 1 prize to my 4 and dead bench. I scoop. *sigh*


Round 6 vs Manda C (Steelix/Kling-Klang/Samurott)

This matchup seems like a huge autoloss but you would be surprised at what Gothitelle can do. My start is average, I believe I start Jirachi to his Onix. He goes first, attaches DCE, plays Engineers, and passes. I Juniper away 2 Juniper and 2 Junk Arm, and draw a Twins thankfully. He gets T2 Steelix with a SP Metal on it, and KOs my active Jirachi. I send a Solosis to die and am still drawing kinda terribly, I twins for a Tropical Beach and Gothitelle but decide not to play it yet as I do not have Reuniclus in play. He takes the prize and I send up Cleffa, then Tropical Beach for 4. He KOs my Cleffa. This Steelix now has 3 SP Metal energy on it. I catcher his Klang (2 retreat cost), and Tropical beach for 3 turns, in which he draw passes. I FINALLY get my set up and have 4 energy on my active Goth. I catcher up Steelix and deal 50 damage to it. He Steelix, and sends up a sacrifice. My next turn I attach another energy, (4 energy on it now), which would deal 110 - 3 SP Metal (-30) + Resistance (-20) = 60, off my 30 damage. Thankfully, I Junk Arm for Catcher, and then Drop Black Belt, KOing his Steelix. He can't believe I knocked it out and neither can I. From there, He sends up Skarmory to set up another Steelix. I am able to start taking control of the game, although my deck has something like 6 cards in it. I take 4 prizes in a row, making the game 2-1 in prizes in my favor. He sends up Samurott to hit me for 70, but I have my last Catcher in hand to take the game. Amazing game.


I finish 1st in swiss.

Top 4 vs Justin M (Yamato)

Game 1: I eek 6 turns in a row and fail to setup even going first. He 4-0's me.
Game 2: I setup T2 after he KOs my Pichu, I 6-0 him.
Game 3: We both get solid starts but he has to Juniper away 2 Lanturn prime 1st turn with an active Chinchou start. I misplay by only benching 1 Solosis in which Yanmega is able to snipe quickly. play the game with No Reuniclus and somehow am able to make the game incredibly nail bitingly close. Basically, We exchange prizes. He takes a prize via Yanmega, I catcher KO a few things, and in a crucial turn I am able to mess with my hand, getting it to 8, and he cannot match. I am able to take a prize and once he matches my hand, he KOs my active goth with 3 energy on it. I have another on the bench which i send up with a twins in hand. I twins for Shaymin and an energy, hit 3 heads on Jirachi and shaymin them to another active goth. From here I mess with my hand again and bench a solosis with a 3 card hand, hoping he can't match. he whiffs the match and I set up Reuniclus, then Juniper for 7 after getting my hand to 1. From here, I have 2 babies on the bench and he has 2 Yanmega prime set up, I am worrying that benching them may cost me. I have 3 prizes to his 2. I Black belt KO his active Zekrom he is trying to wall me with, so then he matches my hand for a prize with yanmega. I KO his active Yanmega and try to get my hand down to 4. He has 5 in hand and there's not much I can do. He drops Copycat for game on Cleffa. It was an awesome match.

Jon, obv reasons
Victor, boss driver and more
Pierre, Thanks for the FA Tornadus
Curry just because..

Losing to theme decks
The points system
In b4 PokeChamp.

Good job getting second. I am very surprised a part steel deck got so far in swiss. I would've thought it would've been destroyed by a couple Reshiphlosion or Reshiboar.
I could have sworn Yamato lived in Japan lol. Does he really live in FL but not speak English or am I just really stupid and missing something obvious?

Well either way, nice job on T4.
Hey Kev, it's been a while since we've talked. It's seems like you're doing great with this new, awesome report of a great showing with a truly underrated deck.

Keep at it and make more reports like this. Win States for me this year. :D
Celebi23 said:
I could have sworn Yamato lived in Japan lol. Does he really live in FL but not speak English or am I just really stupid and missing something obvious?

Well either way, nice job on T4.
Its the name of the deck. which Yamato used at worlds.
It uses Zekrom/Yanmega/Lanturn.
Game 2: I setup T2 after he KOs my Pichu, I 6-0 him.

lol. Anyways, good report, great job. I'm glad to see Gothitelle decks doing well.
Nice job Kevin. Expect to see me for some Battle Roads after the first.

I kind of like Gothitelle, even though I can't really play it (Or any slow deck for that matter). But you seem to know what you're doing, as you approached the deck in a completely different way. Keep going far with it!
The title made me think of two things:

1) It's gotta be Darkartisan
2) This can't be real

Although I'm really debating over whether or not you can call Gothitelle the new Gigas (since Gigas has just such a unique playstyle) - and I can see that you played it a LOT like Gigas plays, amazingly enough - you did surprisingly well, as always. I wonder, will you hold onto Gothitelle the whole year like you did with Gigas last year? It'd definitely be something to see.

Myself? Coincidentally I'm working on a Vileplume build instead to block all those Catcher and Junk Arm that will come my way. But I doubt I could ever play my decks as well as you.
ESP said:
lol. Anyways, good report, great job. I'm glad to see Gothitelle decks doing well.

(what felt like a 6-0!!!)

Thanks DNA and everyone else. Basically, I stay behind in prizes to abuse come back cards, Catcher opposing threats (drag off esque), deal heavy damage (up to 150+), and disrupt via trainer lock.

That's why it feels like Gigas
Darkartisan said:
(what felt like a 6-0!!!)

Thanks DNA and everyone else. Basically, I stay behind in prizes to abuse come back cards, Catcher opposing threats (drag off esque), deal heavy damage (up to 150+), and disrupt via trainer lock.

That's why it feels like Gigas

Any chance for a decklist? I ran a Gothitelle lock and went 3-3 at my Battleroads. Everyone was like, why'd you show up with that deck. I got two more BR coming up in October and I'd like to come back a little stronger..
Lol, game 2 was 4~0.... if it was 6~0 you'd never be able to use your twins :p

Good job though! I got lucky game 1 you didn't see that lanturn nuke coming at ya. Now I have to build a goth list to test against since you did so well with it :) maybe add a seeker to pick up babies?

See ya in daytona?
It's the promo card they gave out at worlds this year. It's a Stadium that lets you draw cards until you have 7 in your hand and then if you do, your turn ends.