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Gothitelle Reuniclus need help


Bench, Call, Ride, Summon, Cast
Need some help with my deck
3-1-3 Reuniclus BW
3-1-3 Gothitelle EP
1 cleffa HGSS
1 Reshiram BW
1 Kyurem NV

2 Cheren
4 twins
1 N
2 Junk Arm
4 Collector
4 Catcher
3 Juniper
4 Rare Candy
1 Super Rod
4 Communication


Gothitelle builds up energy to make it's attack more powerful. Renuiclus spreads the damage to the benched pokemon and dragons, who use the damage to power up outrage. Cleffa starts and death fodders to allow the use of twins to set up faster.

I have no way to get tropical beach!
Oh, Gothitelle, how I love you :D

Anyway, I have quite a lot of suggestions, so bare with me. I don't like 3-1-3 Gothitelle, not in the slightest. With the prevalence of Catcher, it is highly unlikely that your Gothitas won't be KO'd at some point. Thickening the line to 4-2-3 will give you a more consistent Gothitelle, and allow you to roll with the punches better. Once that first Gothitelle goes down, it becomes very hard to stay in the game, so a thick line lets you bring her back into play as fast as possible.

Also, I don't see the point of 3 Reuniclus. Once you get one up, you're good, and the second one is just insurance (in case it is prized, or whatnot). Once again, I'd suggest putting in a 2nd Stage 1, and going down to 2 Reuniclus.

On your TSS, I think that the Juniper needs, needs, needs to be out of this deck right now. Juniper is too much of a liability slow, set up decks like Gothitelle. It forces you to choose between your pokemon lines and more outs; discard the Gothitelle and Reuniclus, or be unable to dig further into your deck is a common occurence. But, you do still need more draw supporters, because consistency is key, especially without Tropical Beach on the table. I'd recomend adding your configuration of choice of N/Proffessor Oak's New Theory till you have 6 copies between them. I'll also suggest decreasing your catcher count to 2, as you really don't need them that much; Gothitelle is a deck that can afford to neglect Catchers, and still do well. With the thicker pokemon lines, you could decrease your Rare Candy count to 3, which would give you room to add in at least 1 Max Potions (which are absolute lifesavers).

So, in summary, here are my suggestions

+1 Gothita
+1 Gothorita
+1 Duosion

-1 Reuniclus

+3 Shuffle Draw Supporters (N, PONT, Copycat)
+1 Max Potion

-3 Proffessor Juniper
-2 Pokemon Catcher
-1 Rare Candy

Other possible cuts would be the Super Rod for a second Max Potion or a Pokemon Communication/DCE for another Junk Arm.
I used to play this deck. It's amazing once you get set up. :p

I found the following lines to be perfect:
3-2-2 Reuniclus BW
3-2-3 Gothitelle EP

Otherwise I think you should definitely add another Cleffa or Pichu even. With just one Cleffa there's a pretty high chance you will start with Solosis, Gothitelle, or a Dragon and that could cost you the game. (I always seemed to start with Solosis and Zekrom.) Maybe do something like:

-1 Catcher
+1 Cleffa

Other than that it looks like a pretty interesting list. "N" is nice in this deck because you're typically behind in prizes to utilize Twins.

Good luck with the deck!