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Gothitelle/Reuniclus w/ Dragons


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 20
3 Gothitelle (EP-1)
3 Gothita (EP-1)
3 Reuniclus (BW)
3 Duosion (NV)
4 Kyurem (NV)
4 Reshiram (BW Promo 2)

Trainer 26
4 Level Ball (ND)
4 Pokemon Communication (BW)
4 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
2 Switch (BW)
4 Rare Candy (UL)
4 Cheren (EP)
4 Xtransceiver (NV)

Energy 14
14 Psychic Energy (BW)

This deck is focused only on Black&White block cards i accept all the hint you can give me. The main attackers are the dragons while Gothitelle stop the opponent item usage and can be used against Mewtwo if it comes in play. Put damage counter on rear dragons to get a great damage output.
RE: GothiDragon

If rotation was up to B/W I could see this deck being quite interesting however the only downside I see is that it would be trashed by Mewtwo EX as almost all of those Pokemon use alot of Energy, Maybe teching in one mewtwo EX would be a good idea. Also Eviolite or EXP share would benefit the deck abit more than Xtranseiver though I understand why they are there. I would also suggest Prism energy due to Kyurem / Reshiram as it gives you the opportunity to use their alternate attacks rather than just locking yourself down to the basic outrage attacks.

Pokemon wise, Reduce duosion down to at most 3-2-3 though ideally I run 3-1-3 in my deck, same with gothitelle. Also reduce the kyurem / reshiram total as 4 of each is ridiculous, maybe 2 of each at most.
That creates more space for the use of other supporters like N or Cilan which are both useful cards.
I have many other ideas however they are just the main ones that came to mind
RE: GothiDragon

Volkner said:
If rotation was up to B/W I could see this deck being quite interesting however the only downside I see is that it would be trashed by Mewtwo EX as almost all of those Pokemon use alot of Energy, Maybe teching in one mewtwo EX would be a good idea. Also Eviolite or EXP share would benefit the deck abit more than Xtranseiver though I understand why they are there. I would also suggest Prism energy due to Kyurem / Reshiram as it gives you the opportunity to use their alternate attacks rather than just locking yourself down to the basic outrage attacks.

Pokemon wise, Reduce duosion down to at most 3-2-3 though ideally I run 3-1-3 in my deck, same with gothitelle. Also reduce the kyurem / reshiram total as 4 of each is ridiculous, maybe 2 of each at most.
That creates more space for the use of other supporters like N or Cilan which are both useful cards.
I have many other ideas however they are just the main ones that came to mind

Thanks i appreciate your reply! Mewtwo can do only 40 to 80 to a outraging dragon cause of it's low cost attack and gothitelle can trash mewtwo with it's basic attack cause it's 30+20x3=90 x2 weakness is a dead mewtwo. I can lower -1 x dragon type and take 1x type stage 1 pokemon.
For the training i can exchange the trans for expshare Or eviolite.
Thanks again
RE: GothiDragon

Pokerevenge said:
Thanks i appreciate your reply! Mewtwo can do only 40 to 80 to a outraging dragon cause of it's low cost attack and gothitelle can trash mewtwo with it's basic attack cause it's 30+20x3=90 x2 weakness is a dead mewtwo. I can lower -1 x dragon type and take 1x type stage 1 pokemon.
For the training i can exchange the trans for expshare Or eviolite.
Thanks again

I won't deny that gothitelle can trash mewtwo however what do you do if they play mewtwo down after gothitelle is out and get it ready to attack? It would 1hit gothitelle regardless if it could attack because it relies on 4 energy (I am assuming your using 3 of the trainer lock ability gothitelle)
Luckily though you wouldn't need to worry about catcher so its extra reasons for you to consider a mewtwo ex for yourself in there (Yes I know they are expensive/hassle to trade for but worth it)
I will still advise at least 1 mewtwo in there because it can cause alot of damage.
I just remembered what else I ran in that deck, FOUR Max potions. They do wonders with Reuniclus, you move all damage counters to a dragon with NO energy on or reuniclus and then max potion it off. Does wonders trust me, it helped me survive in my regionals in england.
Either way, mewtwo is a choice up to you but max potion is a necessity with reuniclus
RE: GothiDragon

Volkner said:
I won't deny that gothitelle can trash mewtwo however what do you do if they play mewtwo down after gothitelle is out and get it ready to attack? It would 1hit gothitelle regardless if it could attack because it relies on 4 energy (I am assuming your using 3 of the trainer lock ability gothitelle)
Luckily though you wouldn't need to worry about catcher so its extra reasons for you to consider a mewtwo ex for yourself in there (Yes I know they are expensive/hassle to trade for but worth it)
I will still advise at least 1 mewtwo in there because it can cause alot of damage.
I just remembered what else I ran in that deck, FOUR Max potions. They do wonders with Reuniclus, you move all damage counters to a dragon with NO energy on or reuniclus and then max potion it off. Does wonders trust me, it helped me survive in my regionals in england.
Either way, mewtwo is a choice up to you but max potion is a necessity with reuniclus

Mewtwo is too expensive for me but the max pots are a very good idea !!
Thanks again Volkner, advice from expert player are useful to me cause up to now i played only in lackey ccg pokemon plugin! So i didn't saw many deck! I will edit the deck in a few day pls review it again! Thanks again
RE: GothiDragon

Pokerevenge said:
Mewtwo is too expensive for me but the max pots are a very good idea !!
Thanks again Volkner, advice from expert player are useful to me cause up to now i played only in lackey ccg pokemon plugin! So i didn't saw many deck! I will edit the deck in a few day pls review it again! Thanks again

Anytime my friend, I am happy to help you whenever you need it
RE: GothiDragon

Please add the names of your main attackers to the title of your thread. Thanks.
RE: GothiDragon

Doesn't Gothetelle only lock when active? How would that work when you retreat for a dragon?
RE: GothiDragon

Mora said:
Doesn't Gothetelle only lock when active? How would that work when you retreat for a dragon?

I played only in lackey since now. I must edit it for modified and use vileplume and the uber supporter card!
RE: GothiDragon

You could still use it with N maybe. That would get rid of their hand of trainers. Play N, send out dragon while another Gothetelle gets set up, and Outrage for 140. Or Something like that.
RE: GothiDragon

The thing with trainer locking though with this deck is that for it to be truly effective you have to keep it up every turn for the whole game. Once you retreat from gothitelle to one of your dragons to attack The trainer lock is broken and they can catcher you reuniclus and totally disrupt the rest of your game. It's a very risky move to retreat gothitelle, so I wouldn't really recommend it.
RE: GothiDragon

I wouldn't either, but at some point, they'll probably knock out the last Gothitelle you had set up. N would lessen the blow if it ever came to that, since by that point, your opponent would have probably taken at least two prize cards by that point.
RE: GothiDragon

Now to the deck
-1 Reuniclus (if you keep up the trainer lock 3-2-2 could be about enough)
-1 Duosion (look above)
-4 kyurem (not sure if it's even needed since i think the most effective way is to hit for weakness with outrage in this deck)
-3 reshiram (you will almost never need 4. Only a minimal amount is needed)
-5 psychic energies (14 is too many)
-2 xtransciever (I think only two may be needed)
+4 juniper (need all the supporters you can get since you lack some important cards from the sets before bw)
+4 N (look above)
+1-2 zekrom (can hit for weakness against tornadus)
+3 solosis (need if you are to have reuniclus)
+1 gothorita (need)
+1 recycle or DCE or super rod (anything you need really)

Sorry if my suggestions were kind of confusing and sloppy because of the Bw on.
RE: GothiDragon

Where is solosis? I agree with everyone above about the changes. I personally think, even with 4 rare candy, Stage two's are not good.
I have a feeling this deck is going to get slaughtered by CMT. You really need every consistency card you can get. Since it's not yet BW-on, I wouldn't hesitate putting in 3 Collectors.