Gotta Love It!


I Want To Believe 151
Hey... So I grew up playing with the original Pokemon (Base, Jungle and Fossil) , and I gotta say I love em to much to play with the new cards. Im old school through and through. OK I was wondering if anybody else likes to play with the original three sets only. If anybody interested in starting a group or anything to talk strategy, cards, trading or anything else that has to do with the original cards that would be SWEET. I know playing with the original cards limits where I can play but sticking with the oldies is well worth the sacrifice. In short im looking for any OLD SCHOOL poke masters out there who wanna chat it up! Thanks
You can count me in ;)

I like playing with the old sets, but playing with the new sets is something I have grown to live with.

WoTC era FTW!
I played most of my time with the old sets as well. Got to admit tho, Neo 1 was refreshing. (the other 3 sucked quite hard imo) I am now used to play with the new sets, but I suppose I could fish up my Aerodactyl deck and start pwning again. =P
i liked the old sets.... with my two blastoises. venusaur, chansey and a whole bunch of pokemon. except charizard.
Awesome... Anyone have any ideas or suggestions where we should put our amazing little group? or any suggestions or anything?
I really like the old trainers, and that there were no exs, stars, Level X's ect. I wish I was more into Pokemon in the Gym leader and Below sets. Shame Redshark also doesn't work on my computer (or the chatroom).
Ah the memories.

Times were simpler back then, all you needed were a few Hitmonchan, Electabuzz and Professor Oak and you had yourself a great deck.

I miss discarding my entire deck just to get those 4 Pluspowers to be able to win on the first turn.

I miss the time when everyone wanted a Base Set Charizard even though it was one of the worst cards.

I would love to be a part of reminiscing about the good old days.
To bad redshark doesnt have all the old cards :( but mabey well start up our own group fourm to start... does ez group boards work for everyone?
yay the time you could get all of a guys cards for a charizard you found on the floor on the bus....

the time when you wouldn't get beat up for saying pokemon or pikachu.
yes, yes, i can see it now, one of the biggest weekly tournies on the site :) legal sets include:

Legendary Collection
Neo Destiny
Neo Discovery
Neo Genesis
Gym Challenge
Gym Heroes
Team Rocket
Base Set 2
Base Set

All people have to do is summit a deck list to one of the clan thingys moderaters and be put into a bracket with people matched up at random, max 20 enegy and 4 copies of a card in a deck. It will be one of the most orginized tournies out there considering there is so litte argument over the original TCG compared to the new one :D
ok, I think we should post a weekly tourny in the online card battling section, but first we need to start a clan that runs the tournys, and for that we will need members, so hows this sound?

President (over-looks all clan activeties)

Vice-President (Makes clan choices, if cant be agreed upon by other members, and informs President about clan activetys)

Tournament Organizers (organize tournaments :p)
1)Pokeric (I want to be this :D)

Advertisers (Spread the word about our clan, required to put clan banner in sig)

Hows this look?
Wtf, advertisers? Isn't that like, everyone? Srsly, you're not going to tell members "ZOMG UVE BEEN PROMOTED TO ADVERTISER WITH NO EXTRA ABILITIES WHATSOEVER FTW?", or are you? xP
And why would you need more than 1 guy to organise an online tournament? All you gotta do is write some names and IPs, announce the pairings and you got it.
And you forgot Neo 3, Relevations. It's totally awesome compared to 2 and 4, if I remember correctly. But Neo 1 is the best out of all this. Downpour Feraligatr is gonna pwn all over again, I can promise you that.