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Grass Lockbox (Accelgor/Vileplume)


Aspiring Trainer
I saw the new Accelgor and thought this could work as a lock deck.

3 Shelmet (11 NV)
3 Accelgor (11 DE)
3 Oddish (60 UD)
1 Gloom (27 UD)
2 Vileplume (24 UD)
3 Sunkern (85 HGSS)
2 Sunflora (31 HGSS)
3 Virizion (13 NV)
2 Mewtwo EX (54 ND)
Pokemon: 22

3 Professor Oaks New Theory
4 Pokemon Collector
3 N
2 Professor Juniper
2 Twins
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Skyarrow Bridge
T/S/S: 24

10 Grass
Energy: 14

Strategy: Setup up Vileplume Trainer Lock as quick as possible (just like every other lock deck) and get Sunflora out right after that. Then just use Sunflora to get an Accelgor swarm, and start the Accelgor Pokemon Lock. Shuffle the active into your deck, send out another Accelgor, or Virizion as a stall/secondary attacker, retreat to Accelgor (start setting up another with Sunflora) and repeat.

Edit #1:

-1 N
-1 Professor Oaks New Theory

+2 Twins
Have you tested the deck yet? I think Pokemon Catcher might be a little hard to get out in my opinion. Maybe you can just drop it and just add in a couple of Twins in case one of your Pokemon gets knocked out. If you want to focus on the shuffle-disruption of N, you can probably lower the PONT count a bit and add in just a few Sages to power it up a bit.
Typhlo Wolf said:
Have you tested the deck yet? I think Pokemon Catcher might be a little hard to get out in my opinion. Maybe you can just drop it and just add in a couple of Twins in case one of your Pokemon gets knocked out. If you want to focus on the shuffle-disruption of N, you can probably lower the PONT count a bit and add in just a few Sages to power it up a bit.

The Catcher is just there as a disruption before I get Vileplume out.

I can't believe I forgot about Twins, the would actually help a lot in this deck, thanks for reminding me.:)

I don't focus on hand disruption, it's more of a draw power thing, I will probably drop an N or two for some Sage's.
Then you could even add 1 more Twins in case just to be sure. Hope my advice helped you! :)
I've tested this it works great wit tyrogue. You finish off pokes and and hopefully go to sleep. Not sure bout the mewtwo accelgor messes up EXs u get 2 prizes jus takes one turn longer. Idk about the catchers they could be deaddraw later on. Sages help setup ur plume I like 4 candies it might be overkill but with sunflora its pretty much a sure fire turn 2 plume
like the scrub i am, i started this thread again jsut now (apologies)

im not going to use virizion in my build but run a sing shaymin ex for some late game poundage if all is not going to plan.

i would....

- 3 virizion
-2 mewtwo ex (focus on paraylsing)
-1 rare candy
-2 skyarrow

+ 3 level ball (get the sunfloras etc out quicker)
+2 cilan (help get your energy, because its not certain you will always get the DCE)
+1 twins
and then yeh whatever dude
hadoken_101 said:
like the scrub i am, i started this thread again jsut now (apologies)

im not going to use virizion in my build but run a sing shaymin ex for some late game poundage if all is not going to plan.

i would....

- 3 virizion
-2 mewtwo ex (focus on paraylsing)
-1 rare candy
-2 skyarrow

+ 3 level ball (get the sunfloras etc out quicker)
+2 cilan (help get your energy, because its not certain you will always get the DCE)
+1 twins
and then yeh whatever dude

I've tested my deck and here's the problem with this deck, you need three built up Accelegors to continue the lock at all times, which is very hard to do for two reasons, energy and turn count. And I've won three games off using Virizion to stall.

I looked at you list and, it just seems kinda meh, too many trainers, not enough hand refreshers for my taste.

As far as your suggestions go, Cilan isn't needed because I have no problem having energy in my hand, it's more build time that's the problem. Cheren isn't that good IMO. I already have Sunflora so Pokemon aren't a problem, and It's another trainer, which is useless on turn two. I'm not taking out the Virizion or the Sky arrow, both help a lot durning setup. And I run three rare candy because it works everytime. Mewtwo EX is getting dropped for Tyrogue, or Shaymin EX, one of the two.
Cilan isn't too great you need DCEs more than the Grass. The grass can only relly be attached early game and when Tyrogue Punches. I prefer a lot of candys sunflora can get u a plume but there is no way to search for candys unless ur already losing. Here's my laest list:‎

2 Vileplume (UD 24)
3 Oddish (UD 60)
4 Shelmet (NV 11)
3 Accelgor (DE 11)
3 Sunflora (HGSS 31)
2 Tyrogue (HGSS 33)
3 Sunkern (HGSS 85)
1 Elekid (TR 21)

4 Pokemon Collector (HGSS 97)
4 Rare Candy (DE 100)
4 N (NV 101)
4 Professor Juniper (DE 98)
1 Flower Shop Lady (UD 74)
4 Sage's Training (UD 77)
3 Level Ball (ND 89)
4 Twins (TR 89)
1 Seeker (TR 88)
4 Double Colorless Energy (HGSS 103)
6 Grass Energy (BW 105)
vebtran said:
Cilan isn't too great you need DCEs more than the Grass. The grass can only relly be attached early game and when Tyrogue Punches. I prefer a lot of candys sunflora can get u a plume but there is no way to search for candys unless ur already losing. Here's my laest list:‎

2 Vileplume (UD 24)
3 Oddish (UD 60)
4 Shelmet (NV 11)
3 Accelgor (DE 11)
3 Sunflora (HGSS 31)
2 Tyrogue (HGSS 33)
3 Sunkern (HGSS 85)
1 Elekid (TR 21)

4 Pokemon Collector (HGSS 97)
4 Rare Candy (DE 100)
4 N (NV 101)
4 Professor Juniper (DE 98)
1 Flower Shop Lady (UD 74)
4 Sage's Training (UD 77)
3 Level Ball (ND 89)
4 Twins (TR 89)
1 Seeker (TR 88)
4 Double Colorless Energy (HGSS 103)
6 Grass Energy (BW 105)

You need at least one gloom in case you can't get both a candy and a plume in hand at the same time. I don't like an abundance of discard draw support simply because this deck need all the resources it can get.
- 1 Virizion
-2 Catcher
+1 Shaymin EX
+ 1 Celebi
+ 1 Twins

I've played against a deck like this and I lost because of Shaymin. Not only does it allow you crush Terrakion really really badly, but it's an easy way to get the final KO or two if the prize trade is close. Celebi is for acceleration, which is super helpful, and more Twins is for extra support in getting the cards you need. Catcher is rarely helpful and normally won't be a trump card, like Shaymin EX and an extra twins can be.

Truthfully, I would drop Virizion altogether and focus on getting the Accelegors out. I would probably add an extra Celebi and an extra twins in place of the 2 Virizion, which will greatly help the consistency of your deck. However, it's really up to you.
Emopanda133 said:
You need at least one gloom in case you can't get both a candy and a plume in hand at the same time. I don't like an abundance of discard draw support simply because this deck need all the resources it can get.

You don't need Vileplume in ur hand because of sunflora

Emopanda133 said:
You need at least one gloom in case you can't get both a candy and a plume in hand at the same time. I don't like an abundance of discard draw support simply because this deck need all the resources it can get.

As for discard supporters u need them Oddishs candys comms/level balls vileplume and extra sunkern and floras ALL become useless late game and u don't want to draw into them so u need to weed them out. when the deck is running u only need a baby 3 shelmets, 2 accelgors and dces in the deck everything else becomes a waste later on
Why Sage's? I haven't really looked into this deck an awful lot but I can't see too much you'd want to be discarding unless you already had Vileplume out and drew more Rare Candy. Wouldn't PONT be a better option? Also, have you taken Pichu into consideration?
You might want to do this with gothitelle instead of vileplume. Same thing basically. You duck and cover to paralyze and poison the defending pokemon. Then you send up gothitelle. If your opponent is trainer locked, paralyzed and poisoned they can't do much. Then on your turn you use switch and do the same thing over again. That way you can't really get OHKOd, and you aren't trainer locked, too. Also, you can run Max Potion to heal your gothitelle.
bluejay1 said:
You might want to do this with gothitelle instead of vileplume. Same thing basically. You duck and cover to paralyze and poison the defending pokemon. Then you send up gothitelle. If your opponent is trainer locked, paralyzed and poisoned they can't do much. Then on your turn you use switch and do the same thing over again. That way you can't really get OHKOd, and you aren't trainer locked, too. Also, you can run Max Potion to heal your gothitelle.

It's creative thinking and while I really like the idea, not drawing a Switch would enable your opponent to get out of the lock. Best bet it to have a free retreat on the bench such as a baby or another Accelgor IMO.
The problem with Gothitelle is you have to have a constant pokemon lock which means retreating everyturn, and he's easily revenge killed.
True....I guess it's really just preference. Vileplume you don't have to switch every turn, but gothitelle you don't lock yourself.

If you run 4 junk arm though...
JamieSerhan17 said:
Why Sage's? I haven't really looked into this deck an awful lot but I can't see too much you'd want to be discarding unless you already had Vileplume out and drew more Rare Candy. Wouldn't PONT be a better option? Also, have you taken Pichu into consideration?

I actually disagree PONT is bad in this u keep shuffle useless crap back in the the seach for Vileplue Sage's helps more. Early game ur hand should really not drop to2 or less to rather than looking at only 6 cards u look at 7 or more for candy. Sunflora can help u find plume so u don't have to worry bout that much. And u also get rid of stuff early on. Also late game u use it for dce and late game unless ur winning ur hand will start getting better and filled with more crap, PONT will continue circulating more bad stuff in. And since you run 4 N plus oppent's Ns the Flower Shop lady and the very nature of deck and hide itself its actucally pretty had to deck out with this deck.

bluejay1 said:
True....I guess it's really just preference. Vileplume you don't have to switch every turn, but gothitelle you don't lock yourself.

If you run 4 junk arm though...

Sunflora helps u get vileplume making the deck more constient, so its not really a matter of prefernence jus constiency. And once ur target is dead Gothis a siting targvet for Mewtwo than u have to have a bench spot for another goth Meaning more Goths to running making it less constent and losing the spots of all the trainers u wanted to add other than rare candy, and level/comm u really don't need any other trainers u jus kill what'sin front
vebtran said:
I actually disagree PONT is bad in this u keep shuffle useless crap back in the the seach for Vileplue Sage's helps more. Early game ur hand should really not drop to2 or less to rather than looking at only 6 cards u look at 7 or more for candy. Sunflora can help u find plume so u don't have to worry bout that much. And u also get rid of stuff early on. Also late game u use it for dce and late game unless ur winning ur hand will start getting better and filled with more crap, PONT will continue circulating more bad stuff in. And since you run 4 N plus oppent's Ns the Flower Shop lady and the very nature of deck and hide itself its actucally pretty had to deck out with this deck.

In all honesty, I'm not entirely convinced as of yet with Sage's in this. Unless you're playing N for disruption, it's the same principle as PONT. Sunflora's needed to maintain the Accelgor, so I doubt you'll be searching out Vileplume at the best of times. Sage's generally speaking isn't really something you would normally run in a trainer lock.
JamieSerhan17 said:
In all honesty, I'm not entirely convinced as of yet with Sage's in this. Unless you're playing N for disruption, it's the same principle as PONT. Sunflora's needed to maintain the Accelgor, so I doubt you'll be searching out Vileplume at the best of times. Sage's generally speaking isn't really something you would normally run in a trainer lock.


I already said N is too prevent deck out so it is not the same. And early game u need vileplume so trust me you will search for vileplume if u play this deck a lot eventually.