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Greninja/Yveltal EX


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Novice

  • 3-1-3 Greninja
  • 3 Zorua (X&Y)
  • 2 Zoroark (X&Y)
  • 2 Yveltal
  • 1 Yveltal EX
  • 1 Keldeo EX
  • 1 Kangaskhan (PlazmaB)

  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Shauna
  • 2 Evosoda
  • 3 Energy Retrieval
  • 3 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Rare Candy
  • 1 Bianca
  • 1 Silver Bangle
  • 1 Shadow Circle
  • 1 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Dowsing Machine

  • 12 Water
  • 10 Dark

So i've been playing for about a month and have been working on this deck since then. Any staples i have that I don't have more then one (ie Bianca) is because I don't have many trainers as it is I pulled my first 2 rare candies the other day.Please excuse my strategy if it sounds wrong as i said ive only really gotten a month of play in and only went to two tournys so far

So that aside I try to have a first turn froakie with a greninja and a rare candy in my hand but if not I usually get Yveltal out and try to bulk up a person on the bench with sycamores and such. My backup is to get Keldeo out on the bench and get as much water as I can on him because rush-in is incredible
So I was just basically looking for any kind of advice anything you think i should take out or if this deck sounds horrible or something. Im playing standard so its only stuff from Boundaries Crossed to X&Y
Hi VinnyCh4se (fan of the TV show "Entourage"?), welcome to the Forum!

Your deck is quite interesting, nice job. Your deck gave me an idea for a slightly different variant too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume you essentially plan to Water Shuriken (1-3 times) your opponent's Poké (let's assume the defending Poké) and then KO it with one of your main attackers... Nice combo.

In building a deck, especially with a stage 2 line, it's important to ensure you can get your bench set as quickly as possible in order to utilize that stage 2 Poké as soon as possible. So, (if you were to review other decks in this Forum) you will see players incorporate a number (not just 1 Ultra Ball) of "Balls" in order to search out needed Poké. In your case, you've opted to use Kangaskhan that has a Call for Family attack which helps you set your bench. In order to enhance your chances of starting with Kangaskhan (ideal starter), you should include multiple copies.

Also, I believe the 7 card draw Supporters are woefully insufficient. This number should be increased to at least 10 (some players like more - find what (try various card and count combinations) works best for you). In doing so, you should experience improved overall, deck operations.

Suggested card changes for your consideration:

-2 Zoroak (XY).
+3 Zoroark (LT) / (ND). LT Zoroark's attack, Brutal Bash, can possibly inflict more damage faster (important) than its XY counterpart. And ND Zoroak's attack, Foul Play, can copy any Defending Poké's attack(s) for just CC energy cost. In other words, it can 1HKO many Poké in the format.
-3 Zorua (XY).
+3 Zorua (LT). If you can, consider replacing all of your Zorua (XY) with this LT set version, because its attack, Ascension, (should you need to use it) allows you to evolve to Zoroark.
+1 Kangaskhan. These will help facitate your bench setup. (Some players prefer the Call for Family Emolga, because it has free retreat. It also only has 70 HP and can be easily 1HKOd, unlike the 100 HP Kangaskhan.)

+3 Bianca / Cheren / Colress / N. Needed additional card drawing support.
+2 Switch (or Float Stone for your Keldeo EX that can Rush In - effectively perform a switch).
+1 Ultra Ball. More Poké search capability.

-3 W
-5 D. With the other aforementioned suggested changes, less energy should be needed. By the way, you might find incorporating a few Double Colorless energy to be quite helpful too.

I hope you find these comments helpful.
Dude thank you so much for all the input (and yeah i love Enoturage)

I actually played a deck in the last tournament who has the older versions of Zoroark/Zorua who also suggested i take out the X&Y ones for the LT ones i just need to find some most of my problems stem from not having alot of cards since i only joined right before X&Y started

i also agree on the draw support im gonna be buying the genecet box to make sure i have all the trainers and draw support i need lol i also have a mega venusaur deck that needs alot of love. if you dont mind me asking what deck did mine inspire you to make?
vinnych4se said:
if you dont mind me asking what deck did mine inspire you to make?
When I first looked at your deck, I soon realized that with enough Water Shuriken (or Gourgeist's Eerie Voice attack) damage dropping, Zoroak (Brutal Bash or Foul Play) can pretty much 1HKO any Poké in the game today. Great idea, thanks. I now need to actually build and playtest the deck.

Good luck with your deck and have fun!
Can you greninja once per greninja? I thought it was once a go no matter how many greninja you have?

As in water shuriken
Yes, i believe so. My understanding is that Water Shuriken can be performed once per turn per Greninja. Imagine having 3 on your bench and dropping 9 damage counters BEFORE you even attack - simply scary.

At league today, an old Poke pal of mine "came out of retirement" in order to play in the local league tournament. Interestingly enough, when he left the game, he was running a "speed" Zoroark deck and we started discussing this particular deck concept of teaming Greninja with Zoroark. He really liked the idea and plans to run it at the upcoming State tournament. Now I got to figure out how to beat this deck. Lol.
That's good because I was thinking of making a deck like this as well but I didn't because I thought it was once per go. That's great! Tuxedo black because you seem to have very good advice could you check out my decklist? Its on the main deck garage page and its titled 'doing damage? How? Suicune/sigilyph/ silver mirror'
oggthekiller said:
That's good because I was thinking of making a deck like this as well but I didn't because I thought it was once per go. That's great! Tuxedo black because you seem to have very good advice could you check out my decklist? Its on the main deck garage page and its titled 'doing damage? How? Suicune/sigilyph/ silver mirror'
Sure, I'd be happy to.
TuxedoBlack said:
Yes, i believe so. My understanding is that Water Shuriken can be performed once per turn per Greninja. Imagine having 3 on your bench and dropping 9 damage counters BEFORE you even attack - simply scary.

At league today, an old Poke pal of mine "came out of retirement" in order to play in the local league tournament. Interestingly enough, when he left the game, he was running a "speed" Zoroark deck and we started discussing this particular deck concept of teaming Greninja with Zoroark. He really liked the idea and plans to run it at the upcoming State tournament. Now I got to figure out how to beat this deck. Lol.

DUDE NO WAY!!! that makes me kinda proud actually lol i didnt even think this little idea was gonna work at all