Guitar Hero:On Tour Only for Nintendo DS!


HAMMERFALL 3/6/10!!!
So, i can't beleive it, but Guitar Hero:On Tour, will be a new Nintendo DS game that hits stores on June 29, 2008. pre-order at gamestop here:

official website

i'll be pre-ordering. anyone else?
yeah. it looks hard, but good, especially when you are in the car for 7-8 hours when driving up to Quebec City normally once or twice evry year now. Multiplayer 'll be sweet!
Wierd. That's all I an say. I thought it was just going to use the stylus. 0_o I might pick it up. Maybe. It better have Wi-Fi or at least the download option. Otherwise, it's just a lesser copy to GH III.

dmaster out.
I loved Guitar Hero on 360, Beat the Hard Tour.

I'll grab a copy and play it on the go! Wonder if it will have the same songs, or different ones.
I loved Guitar Hero III on Wii, but the DS version looks very strange, but very cool. It will either be great or really suck. I'll probably get one to see if they can pull it off.

Those kids in the commercial look absolutely ridiculous. :D

I'm not a Guitar Hero or Rock Band fan-- I figure it's better to actually learn an instrument than to pretend to play it. The idea is kind of novel, though-- I might pick it up just for that.
woh this is awesome I dont think it will be as good as Guitar Hero for the Wii

PS-cant wait until guitar hero aerosmith
yeah, i will see if one of my friends pre-orders it and picks it up before me. then i can try it out before i get it
Archimer said:
Those kids in the commercial look absolutely ridiculous. :D

I'm not a Guitar Hero or Rock Band fan-- I figure it's better to actually learn an instrument than to pretend to play it. The idea is kind of novel, though-- I might pick it up just for that.

Pffft, old school, eh? You should have watched South Park Guitar Queer-O, where Stan's dad plays real guitar unlike Stan and they were all like: "lame, ***,..."

Also, I don't believe it'll be as fun on DS as everywhere else.

Boracay_Jason said:
It will come with a strum thingie (A.K.A Pick) , it is in the trailer though, they're holding it.

In that case, I have a very important question. How big is it? Would it be able to be carried in, say, a backpack or something?