I don't know, but what's freaky is that truck in the picture looks exactly like the one I gotFINALLY!!! The car-eating Guzzlord. So, who is the suspected last UB in Ultra Prism if we assume Stakataka and Blacephalon took the two spots?
I don't know, but what's freaky is that truck in the picture looks exactly like the one I gotFINALLY!!! The car-eating Guzzlord. So, who is the suspected last UB in Ultra Prism if we assume Stakataka and Blacephalon took the two spots?
Hell, that could actually be my truck right there in the pictureI don't know, but what's freaky is that truck in the picture looks exactly like the one I got
FINALLY!!! The car-eating Guzzlord. So, who is the suspected last UB in Ultra Prism if we assume Stakataka and Blacephalon took the two spots?
I think they'll be from SM5+FINALLY!!! The car-eating Guzzlord. So, who is the suspected last UB in Ultra Prism if we assume Stakataka and Blacephalon took the two spots?
I think they'll be from SM5+
Hear me out.
We know each SM5 set will have 4 GXs, looking at the FA spaces, meaning 8 GXs out of the 10 total (likely 2 reg, 2 UBs per set, judging by Sm4). We have no idea what these 2 will be, or where they come from. The only GXs Japan has that we don't (excluding Ash's Pikachu GX and Rocket's Mimikyu GX), are Alolan Raticate GX and Palossand GX. Judging by previous gym promo GXs, these will be promos, meaning the last option is SM5+. If I had to guess the last 2 GXs are Lycanroc (Dusk) GX and Naganadel GX
That guy didn't know that, because it wasn't announced that this box had the Alt. Art Guzzlord when he posted that. :UThis box is giving Guzzlord that artwork?
I vote better as wellLet’s take a vote: better artwork or worse artwork than the CIN artwork?
I think better.
BetterI vote better as well
It's likely because these promos will rotate at the same time as the set printAlso, why aren't they keeping up with the alternate art stuff, or is that just an XY thing?
oooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhIt's likely because these promos will rotate at the same time as the set print