'GX Ultra Shiny' Pack Featuring Shiny Pokemon, Worldwide Card Legality After All?!

With so much news flowing around lately, I guess I missed it, but will these Shiny Pokemon will be reprints or new cards altogether?
The great amount of shining Charizard variants we have seen come up over time make it seem that its stale and not actually rare anymore when taken into account its poplarity over other previously used shinings in the TCG with substantially less, namely Espeon. Actually Gold Star Espeon is likely worth more than any Shining Charizard phase so stick it. Of course also Rayquaza is leading up with Charizard on the back foot of commiting the same crime.
I like the Shiny Zygarde, it looks more like a Gundam or a mechanoid from War on Geminar. And the color scheme of Shiny Stakataka is awesome. I like Shiny Umbreon rather than Shiny Espeon. Green is not good looking on Espeon IMO. The blue rings on Shiny Espeon give it a Tron look.
Welp, that shiny Charizard is soon going to be the most expensive S/M era card, bypassing...Charizard :p
Seriously though, those shiny cards look amazing.
These look amazing. Rayqauza GX shiny is 240/150, which is insane. I can't imagine what the set we get these in will be like for secret rares, but I hope we get thebshiny pokemon somehow, and since there's is going to be so many, I hope they are not super hard to get,
Lycanroc seems pretty decent!

They're REALLY trying to outdo themselves with massive sets this year it seems...
"each booster will include one GX" - why would anyone buy a booster from another set then? (where its about 1 GX in four packs.) And that set has all of the top GXs.
"each booster will include one GX" - why would anyone buy a booster from another set then? (where its about 1 GX in four packs.) And that set has all of the top GXs.

I'm guessing that will be the case in Japan only, where they do that sometimes. To collect this set from boosters in Europe/US will be totally bonkers. Not gonna try that, but I do like that they finally seem to abandon the 'GX/FA/Rainbow' system that was already old by the time the second Sun & Moon set rolled along. This set is gonna cost me some money.
“Spits out water”! Wow those are a lot of SR! I already know that shiny full art charizard is most likely gonna be worth more than the RR! Really want the lycanroc GX & zoroark GX shinies though :p:rolleyes:
If Gardy were relevant, that stadium would be nuts. As it stands, Sylveon loves it. Lycanroc dusk mill might be fun, especially with the stadium. Not too excited about shinies, it's just more money for a shinier card that you can get $50 cheaper in regular art. (Lookin at you, Lele)