Deck List:
4-4 Gyarados HGSS
1-1-1 Tyranitar UL
2-2-1 Dusknoir DP
16 Pokemon
4 Celio's Network
4 Super Energy Removal
4 Energy Removal
2 Gust of Wind
2 Super Scoop Up
3 Interviewer's Questions
1 Pokemon Collector
1 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Switch
2 Bebe's Search
1 Marley's Request
3 Professor Elm
2 Pokemon Communication
31 Trainers
1 Recycle Energy
2 Darkness Energy - Special
2 Water Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Double Rainbow Energy
13 energy
The ideal strategy with this deck is obviously to disrupt. All 4 Gyarados HGSS and the Tyranitar UL can remove energy with their Hyper Beam attack. This paired with 4 Energy Removal disrupts their energy even further. Pair the 4 Super Energy Removals with the Recycle Energy and it continues to disrupt their energy. I threw the Marley's Request in there to make the opponent choose either ER or SER which i'm sure they will choose ER, but it'll still be like having 5 ERs in the deck. The Dusknoir DP is there for his pokemon power to disrupt the opponent's bench. I put a 2-2-1 in there instead of a 1-1-1 b/c I want to increase the chance that they aren't in my prizes, I guess..I don't know. Most of the rest of the trainers are for speed to get pokemon and energies out fast. The Gust of winds are for OHKOs or more disruption. Any input or thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Possibilities I have thought of, pokemon-wise, was to replace tyranitar and the dark energies with Feraligatr Prime, but that would mean dropping the double rainbow energy too and replacing it with a few more water energies. I figured even doing 10 less damage, the disruption was worth more than trying to alter it to have feraligatr. I also thought about Floatzel G Lv. X (I don't own one) for his pokemon power to bring cards back to my hand if a water pokemon dies, but I figured since I have 4 gyarados and that tyranitar which is similar to the gyarados, 5 of them is enough to not worry about getting their cards back into my hand.
4-4 Gyarados HGSS
1-1-1 Tyranitar UL
2-2-1 Dusknoir DP
16 Pokemon
4 Celio's Network
4 Super Energy Removal
4 Energy Removal
2 Gust of Wind
2 Super Scoop Up
3 Interviewer's Questions
1 Pokemon Collector
1 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Switch
2 Bebe's Search
1 Marley's Request
3 Professor Elm
2 Pokemon Communication
31 Trainers
1 Recycle Energy
2 Darkness Energy - Special
2 Water Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Double Rainbow Energy
13 energy
The ideal strategy with this deck is obviously to disrupt. All 4 Gyarados HGSS and the Tyranitar UL can remove energy with their Hyper Beam attack. This paired with 4 Energy Removal disrupts their energy even further. Pair the 4 Super Energy Removals with the Recycle Energy and it continues to disrupt their energy. I threw the Marley's Request in there to make the opponent choose either ER or SER which i'm sure they will choose ER, but it'll still be like having 5 ERs in the deck. The Dusknoir DP is there for his pokemon power to disrupt the opponent's bench. I put a 2-2-1 in there instead of a 1-1-1 b/c I want to increase the chance that they aren't in my prizes, I guess..I don't know. Most of the rest of the trainers are for speed to get pokemon and energies out fast. The Gust of winds are for OHKOs or more disruption. Any input or thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Possibilities I have thought of, pokemon-wise, was to replace tyranitar and the dark energies with Feraligatr Prime, but that would mean dropping the double rainbow energy too and replacing it with a few more water energies. I figured even doing 10 less damage, the disruption was worth more than trying to alter it to have feraligatr. I also thought about Floatzel G Lv. X (I don't own one) for his pokemon power to bring cards back to my hand if a water pokemon dies, but I figured since I have 4 gyarados and that tyranitar which is similar to the gyarados, 5 of them is enough to not worry about getting their cards back into my hand.