-2 Sableye
-1-1 Luxray
-2 Crobat G
-1 Collector
-1 SSU
-2 Volkner
-1 Seeker
-1 Poketurn
-1 Rescue
-1 Cyclone
+2 Smeargle UD
+3 Plus Power
+1 Pokemon Communication
+4 poke drawer+
+1-1 Dialga G lvl X
+1 uxie
+1 junk arm
Smeargle is better IMO starting first isnt always great and you can always just unown Q it out sableye and get another supporter out of your turn.
Plus power over bat since you waste bench space with bat and 2 other cards + poketurns.
Pokedrawer is amazing with junk arm say you draw one piece and have another in discard boom 2 cards.
Dialga G X mespirit combo against vilegar works great, I think its better then luxray since you can't always 1 shot a Vileplume, also gets rid of nasty bodies so ++, really good after KO on active G-dos with Warp point or Warp energy in hand.
-1-1 Luxray
-2 Crobat G
-1 Collector
-1 SSU
-2 Volkner
-1 Seeker
-1 Poketurn
-1 Rescue
-1 Cyclone
+2 Smeargle UD
+3 Plus Power
+1 Pokemon Communication
+4 poke drawer+
+1-1 Dialga G lvl X
+1 uxie
+1 junk arm
Smeargle is better IMO starting first isnt always great and you can always just unown Q it out sableye and get another supporter out of your turn.
Plus power over bat since you waste bench space with bat and 2 other cards + poketurns.
Pokedrawer is amazing with junk arm say you draw one piece and have another in discard boom 2 cards.
Dialga G X mespirit combo against vilegar works great, I think its better then luxray since you can't always 1 shot a Vileplume, also gets rid of nasty bodies so ++, really good after KO on active G-dos with Warp point or Warp energy in hand.