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Gyarados, Senior, Cities

-2 Sableye
-1-1 Luxray
-2 Crobat G
-1 Collector
-1 SSU
-2 Volkner
-1 Seeker
-1 Poketurn
-1 Rescue
-1 Cyclone

+2 Smeargle UD
+3 Plus Power
+1 Pokemon Communication
+4 poke drawer+
+1-1 Dialga G lvl X
+1 uxie
+1 junk arm

Smeargle is better IMO starting first isnt always great and you can always just unown Q it out sableye and get another supporter out of your turn.

Plus power over bat since you waste bench space with bat and 2 other cards + poketurns.
Pokedrawer is amazing with junk arm say you draw one piece and have another in discard boom 2 cards.
Dialga G X mespirit combo against vilegar works great, I think its better then luxray since you can't always 1 shot a Vileplume, also gets rid of nasty bodies so ++, really good after KO on active G-dos with Warp point or Warp energy in hand.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to say no to just about all of that. Luxray is better than DGX in this deck. With luxray, warp to the bench and damage Dos, send out Luxray. Lv. Up for Bright Look. Seeker up the damage Dos. Play it down with BTS, and now you should either have a Vileplume, Uxie X, or any other cheap KO Pokemon active.

No plus power, that's what expert belt is for.

No more Uxie, my bench is always full.
I usually have: Azelf/Mesprit, Uxie, Sableye, Luxray, Regice. I have to keep 1 bench space open for Combee too.
I'd replace the Lookers for a Judge, I think it works a lot better, especially for mirror match, and the combo with Mesprit.
I'd also replace the two Reversals, with two Warp Point. Warp Point is kind of a better choice, because it is a Cyclone, and is a Warp. Reversal is also too flippy.