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Gyarados (seniors, any)


Formerly Roronoa Zoro
Hi there. This is my Gyarados deck and I hope you comment.

Pokémon (20):
4-3 Gyarados SF
4 Smeargle
2 Crobat G
2-1 Uxie L.X
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q
1 Mesprit
1 Regice

T/S/S (33):
2 Bebe's Search
4 Pokémon Collector
3 Pokémon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
4 Junk Arm
3 Seeker
2 Pokémon Rescue
1 Palmer's Contribution
4 Poké Turn
2 Expert Belt

Energys (7):
4 Rescue Energy
3 Warp Energy

Basic Gyarados strategy. Start with Sableye, setup, discard Magikarps from your hand with Regice and Junk Arm. Play Gyarados, Belt it and focus on healing/recovering him.

PS: Dual Ball are there to speed up the deck. I won't take them out.
Have you thought about mew prime? It allows you to send off a garados to the lost zone and pretty much use its attack for free...

Edit *count it as a back up 'dos.
I would say that dual ball is too flippy so IMO
-3 Dual Ball
+2 Expert Belt
+1 Pokemon Collector

More collector the better because your deck runs a lot of basics, also Expert belt can bump your damage up to the magic number needed to KO most SP pokemon 110
+ 1-1 weavile UD to discard luxray GL/ Luxray Gl x vs luxchomp or other critical cards in other matchups
I think Mew Prime isn't that good in this deck.
I tottaly disagree with that weavile tech. It can easily be Power Sprayed.
I think 3 communication is more than enough in this deck. This deck doesn't need much Pokémon that aren't basics. Pokémon Collector is enough and plus I have 3 Communication and Luxury Ball.
I guess that's your choice... But I tend to like Communication. Otherwise, the deck looks fine.
-3 smeargle
-1 palmer's contribution
-1 pokemon communication
+1 combee sf
+4 sableye.

sableye offers better control of your starting supporters, guaranteeing a good start. smeargle is something i promote after KO for rebounds. palmer's just isn't needed, combee is better against trainer lock.
I personnaly prefer Smeargle. I don't have Combee, unfortunately.