BW/BW2 Gym Leaders Visiting from other regions

Trainer of Shadows

"But... Why?"
O.k. my first thread.:)

I want to know, do you think that gym leaders from previous regions will be visiting Isshu during Black and White?

(Like Jasmine visited Sunnyshore in D,P,Pt.)
RE: Visiting Gym Leaders

It's possible to see Steven or someone in the game. Ruby and Sapphire may see a remake if they stick to the same formula.
Well since Steven got a cameo in HeartGold and SoulSilver, we could possibly see one of the Hoenn Elite Four maybe Wallace. Also seeing as how Jasmine had a cameo in Diamond Pearl and Platinum we got HeartGold and SoulSilver, we might actually get a remake of Ruby Sapphire and Emerald.
I love Wallace!
That... doesn't help anyone. Please don't spam.

I wasn't spamming. I was responding to DarkraiLord and expressing how excited I would be if Wallace did appear because of how much I love Wallace. I don't agree with my warning level being raised.
Hopefully. I always liked it when different regions coincided. Bear in mind though, Isshu is very far away. This might mean that no gym leader knows of Isshu.
Its wierd that Crasher Wake and Maylene both appeared in Celadon City in HeartGold and SoulSilver when Steven already made a cameo in Saffron City.
I'd like to see some Johto or Kanto Gym leaders appear if any Gym Leaders appear. Maybe Whitney at the Theme Park looking thing? Or Bugsy popping up since there is probably a Bug Gym in this region. :D
Well, so a Johto GL appeared in Sinnoh, so wouldn't it make sense for a Hoenn GL to appear in Isshu?

Well, think of it this way: was it ever actually explained exactly where the main character in Hoenn came from? No. It just touched upon that he had recently moved there. Now, there is obviously no chance that the RSE main character will show up there, but it is likely that his father might. Because who knows: they might have originally been from Isshu, and the father, being a gym leader, wanted to return to see his home region again.

Or, there is always the chance that we'll find someone like Wally there, or maybe even Scott. Although having Wally there would be a lot more fun IMO.
Having Wally would be awesome. Hopefully you would be able to battle him. =P
I think one Hoenn GL/E4 will show up, at least.
It is possible for other region gym leaders to visit the region in the game or in the anime of the 5th generation. They probably will eventually visit once the game or the anime progresses. This will be nice to see, as older trainers from other previous regions have visited the Sinnoh. It is quite possible for previous gym leaders to visit the Isshu region, if this really does happen then that would be really cool.
If a Hoenn leader was to appear, I would want Steven. I always though he was the coolest. But since he's made so many cameo's, a gym leader should appear. Maybe Wattson just wanted to see Isshu.
I think it's already pretty clear that there will be RSE remakes. Just look at the similarities:

Sinnoh brought back the day/night feature from GSC, and low and behold, a remake was made.

Isshu is revamping weather status and from what we know so far, probably making it of more significance in-battle and in the overworld as well. RSE introduced weather. So it is very likely that there will be remakes already from the info we know so far.

But let's not get too ahead of ourselves: BW isn't even released in Japan yet! o_O

Getting back to Wally, if he did appear in Isshu, I am sure he could be found at that "shrine", what with his whole theme of closeness to pokemon, serenity, finding oneself, and the like. It is questionable whether you could battle him, but it depends on how GF remakes his character in BW. If he has grown increasingly outgoing as it was shown in RSE, he might be determined enough to battle you. But, of course, that is highly unlikely, since the question arises for newcomers: "Who is this guy, why is he challenging me, and why are his pokemon so strong?!"

So GF would either have to make him un-battleable or lower his pokemon's level significantly, which would then sort of ruin it for the veterans who know who he is.
I really believe that if they do bring back Brendan(male hero in RSE) in Isshu, then they will likely make him to where he's the champion of Hoenn and be battleable. They will probably have his Pokemon very strong and seeing as his Pokemon in the cameos he's made in the movies, he will probably have Swampert, Shiftry, Aggron, and Rhyperior along with 2 more random pokemon! Although if they cameo Wally his team will likely be Altaria, Delcatty, Roserade, Magnezone, and Gardevoir, along with one of his Pokemon from the manga maybe Flygon to make his team tougher to beat. Whatever character they decide to cameo in Black and White will likely be battleable!
Excuse me, when in HGSS could one battle Steven, Crasher Wake or Maylene?

Anyway, I would find it cool to see Brawly or Wattson on vacation in Isshu.
paddy185 said:
Excuse me, when in HGSS could one battle Steven, Crasher Wake or Maylene?

Anyway, I would find it cool to see Brawly or Wattson on vacation in Isshu.

Noone ever said anything about that they were just NPC's there for a vacation Crasher Wake gave you a Turtwig, and a Chimchar mask in the Celadon Department Store, while Maylene was in town for an eating contest. Steven was in Vermillion City outside the Pokemon Fan Club, then he was in Pewter City at the Pewter Museum looking at the exhibits, and finally in Saffron City inside Silph Co. to trade you a Beldum for a Forretress and then give u one of the Hoenn starters after you beat Red!!!
Well, I think we'll be able to tell right away who from Hoenn will be seen in Isshu once we get all the town names and such. Sunyshore City was where Jasmine was, coinciding with her lighthouse hometown. Right now, it's up in the air and could be anyone. o_O
swimfastray said:
Wallace, Morty, and Volkner know of Isshu cuz they're the bomb diggities!
um.... what?

I really hope they make some R/S/E remakes, and that could mean some gym leader appearances.