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[H] 50x Codes, Boxtoppers, Tornadus FA, Primes, Shiny NRG & TSS [W] LOTS

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RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] Many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, some PR Sleeves, old deckboxes...

If I had 3 RH Collectors, I wouldn't be trading them away.

Nothing yet though. LMK when you update, thanks.
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] Many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, some PR Sleeves, classic deckboxes...



Black & White
3x Simisage
2x Maractus
2x Pansage
1x Patrat #78

Call of Legends
2x Magikarp
1x Relicanth
2x Croconaw
1x Magby
2x Bayleef
1x Koffing
6x Mime Jr.
1x Pidgey
2x Pidgeotto

1x Tentacool
1x Tentacruel
1x Mamoswine
1x Magby
1x Yanmega
1x Bellsprout
1x Weepinbell
1x Venonat
4x Illumise
2x Volbeat
2x Electrode
1x Skorupi
3x Nidoran { M }
2x Gastly
5x Shuppet
3x Nidoran { F }
3x Nidorina
1x Porygon2
1x Porygon
1x Kangaskhan
1x Lickitung
1x Lairon
1x Aron
2x Bronzor
3x Carvanha
5x Diglett

1x Togetic
1x Muk
3x Metang
2x Houndour
1x Skuntank
2x Hitmonchan

1x Golbat (JP)

Heart Gold Soul Silver
1x Koffing


Updated with RH UC/C from legal sets.
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

Final bump of the week!
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

Please CML for Uxie X (Damaged/ NM)

Or 1x Arceus M JP #20
1x Arceus M JP #21
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

I saw:
2x T-Tar Prime
1x Vileplume UD NH
1x Jirachi RR
1x Pikachu POP6 Holo

But nothing I'd trade away Uxie LV.X for...LMK an offer, thanks.
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

Before I offer, would you downgrade your Rev Poketurns?

Is Dialga M a Holo?

And I also have a Crobat Prime, which is one of your wants...
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

Oh, I have to remove Crobat Prime from my Wants...

And yeah, I suppose I could Downgrade. 4:2 ratio, or 2:2 ratio with more cards on your end to bump up the deal.

Dialga M is not Holo. Only the Arceus M cards are.
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

Yeah, I would like to do: My: 2 turns + something else, your: 2 rev turns.

So at this point, I want:

both arceus's
Rev Poketurns

RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

2x T-Tar Prime
1x Pikachu POP6 Holo
2x PokeTurn

2x Arceus M
2x PokeTurn RH

LMK or counter, thankee.
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

1x Darkrai Cresselia Top
1x Machamp Prime
1x Shiny Ponyta Ar
2x Mr.Mime COL

1x Switch DP RH
1x Magnezone Prime
2x Pokemon Communication
5x Bill HGSS
sorry dont have rainbow energy anymore traded it last week and just forgot to remove it. (fixed now)
and i only have 1 pokemon communication. (other is now in deck) (fixed that aswell)

i narrowed it down to my most wanted from what you have

and what you say to these 2 offers i went by T&T prices and there pretty even.

magnezone prime
4x Bill

machamp Prime.
Ponyta AR.


Magnezone prime
4 Bill

Darkrai Cresselia Bottom
Ponyta AR
Raichu Prime

LMK or counter. if you find them off. by calculations though there both almost even.
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] 1x Uxie LVX, many Primes, COL Shinys, some Legends, classic deckboxes...

Hikikomori-san said:
2x T-Tar Prime
1x Pikachu POP6 Holo
2x PokeTurn

2x Arceus M
2x PokeTurn RH

LMK or counter, thankee.

TTAR's Gone, went towards my regionals deck needs.

Poketurns aren't must have's so I dont want to give TOO much with the regulars. The Arceus' are must haves. Please counter
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] Your Soul! Nah, just some cards, deckboxes, Primes, stuff.

@ daviduk2000:

No longer have the Champ Primes nor the Raichu Prime.

@ DV57:

Don't really see anything else for the Arceus though, sorry...
I'm interested in the POP Energies, but not so much now. :-\
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] Your Soul! Nah, just some cards, deckboxes, Primes, stuff.

RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] COL Shinys, 1x Donphan Prime + more [W] Easy Collection Wants

Anyone got Murkrows?
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] COL Shinys, 1x Donphan Prime, 11x Seeker, 13+ Rare Candy, TONS OF TSS [W] Easy Collection Wants

Bumpage for Murkrows, again!
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] COL Shinys, 1x Donphan Prime, 11x Seeker, 13+ Rare Candy, TONS OF TSS [W] Easy Collection Wants

Please CML For:

x1 Rescue Energy TM NH
x2 Palkia G PL Holo

i have lots of Murkrows
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] COL Shinys, 1x Donphan Prime, 11x Seeker, 13+ Rare Candy, TONS OF TSS [W] Easy Collection Wants

Please CML For
1x Blaziken PL Holo
have you got any sleeves of the same design 60 times
thank you:)
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] COL Shinys, 1x Donphan Prime, 11x Seeker, 13+ Rare Candy, TONS OF TSS [W] Easy Collection Wants

hey, just checking have you received my end of our deal yet? it was
x1 absol prime
x1 ursaring prime
x1 ampheros prime

x1 Magnezone prime
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] COL Shinys, 1x Donphan Prime, 11x Seeker, 13+ Rare Candy, TONS OF TSS [W] Easy Collection Wants

My 2 BTS, Bellossom UD

1x Research Records COL RH
1x Lost Remover COL RH
2x Seeker

PM me if this is good or counter! :)
RE: Hikiko's Trades [H:] COL Shinys, 1x Donphan Prime, 11x Seeker, 13+ Rare Candy, TONS OF TSS [W] Easy Collection Wants

CML for Kingdra Prime, Scizor Prime, Magnezone Prime, and Machamp Prime
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