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[H]CoL Raikou!! All HS and more! [W]Shiny Entei, Groudon and Rayq, need Lugia EX and some promos!!!

RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

I have these
5 Sceptile

6 Bill's Maintenance

6 Drifloon
8 Riolu (non-holo)
9 Pikachu (non-holo)
10 Staravia

1 Ampharos (non-holo)
3 Latias (non-holo)
4 Latios (non-holo)
6 Delibird

Could you make an offer? Dialga G Lv X is pending, and I am planning to send you a Mewtwo* for compensation (Unless I get a LC Charizard, I will be sending that instead)
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

chanman45 said:
I have these
5 Sceptile

6 Bill's Maintenance

6 Drifloon
8 Riolu (non-holo)
9 Pikachu (non-holo)
10 Staravia

1 Ampharos (non-holo)
3 Latias (non-holo)
4 Latios (non-holo)
6 Delibird

Could you make an offer? Dialga G Lv X is pending, and I am planning to send you a Mewtwo* for compensation (Unless I get a LC Charizard, I will be sending that instead)

Sure, how about:
5 Sceptile

6 Bill's Maintenance

6 Drifloon
8 Riolu (non-holo)
9 Pikachu (non-holo)
10 Staravia

1 Ampharos (non-holo)
3 Latias (non-holo)
4 Latios (non-holo)
6 Delibird


Poke Turn X2 (not rh)
Power Spray X2 (not rh)
Empoleon Lv. X (tin)
Shiftry ex (CG)

Is that fair? (I know the trainers are hot, but I'm not sure their value) Feel free to counter.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

I can do that. PM me.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish


Palkia G Lv. X
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

please CML for your:Blastoise reverse holo , platinum
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

CML for Palkia G lv.x
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

CML for palkia G lv.x
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

geo15721 said:

Palkia G Lv. X

I'm really hoping to get Dialga G LV. X for my Palkia G X, but if you were to offer me a really good deal, like say Celebi* and Regice* or Celebi* and a couple of ex's I need, then I could be persuaded.

Glitch said:
please CML for your:Blastoise reverse holo , platinum

Nothing, sorry.

MasterDarkrai93 said:
CML for Palkia G lv.x
Nothing, sorry.

Rayquaza95 said:
CML for palkia G lv.x

Nothing, sorry.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

i like these, CML
Palkia G Lv. X
Blaziken holo
Delcatty holo
Gardevoir holo
Giratina (#9) holo
Palkia G holo
Rampardos holo
Shaymin holo
Slaking holo
Altaria rare x2
Banette rare x2
Bastiodon rare
Beautifly rare
Blissey rare x2
Dialga rare x2
Dugtrio rare
Dustox rare x2
Empoleon rare x2
Giratina rare
Giratina (Origin forme) rare
Golduck rare
Gyarados G rare x2
Infernape rare
Kricketune rare
Lickilicky rare
Ludicolo rare x2
Ninetales rare x2
Palkia rare
Shaymin (normal) rare x2
Torterra rare x3
Blastoise reverse holo
Dialga (#5) reverse holo
Gardevoir reverse holo
Manectric reverse holo
Altaria reverse holo x2
Banette reverse holo
Bastiodon reverse holo
Beautifly reverse holo
Blissey reverse holo x2
Giratina (#28) reverse holo
Golduck reverse holo
Kricketune reverse holo
Lickilicky reverse holo
Luvdisc reverse holo
Ninetales reverse holo
Torterra reverse holo
Toxicroak G reverse holo
Cacturne reverse holo
Cranidos reverse holo x2
Grotle reverse holo
Kirlia reverse holo
Lombre reverse holo
Lucario reverse holo
Mismagius reverse holo
Monferno reverse holo
Muk reverse holo
Prinplup reverse holo
Seviper reverse holo
Silcoon reverse holo
Vigoroth reverse holo
Wartortle reverse holo
Zangoose reverse holo x2
Cacnea reverse holo
Carnivine reverse holo
Chansey reverse holo
Chimchar reverse holo
Combee reverse holo
Dunsparse reverse holo
Grimer reverse holo
Kricketot reverse holo
Lickitung reverse holo
Lotad reverse holo
Misdreavus reverse holo
Piplup reverse holo
Poochyena reverse holo
Shuppet reverse holo
Torchic reverse holo
Turtwig reverse holo
Vulpix reverse holo x3
Wurmple reverse holo
Broken Time-Space reverse holo
Cyrus’s Conspiracy reverse holo
Level Max reverse holo
Plus Power reverse holo
Pokemon Rescue reverse holo
Armor Fossil reverse holo
Skull Fossil reverse holo
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

Superwolfe said:
I like these, CML
Palkia G Lv. X
Blaziken holo
Delcatty holo
Gardevoir holo
Giratina (#9) holo
Palkia G holo
Rampardos holo
Shaymin holo
Slaking holo
Altaria rare x2
Banette rare x2
Bastiodon rare
Beautifly rare
Blissey rare x2
Dialga rare x2
Dugtrio rare
Dustox rare x2
Empoleon rare x2
Giratina rare
Giratina (Origin forme) rare
Golduck rare
Gyarados G rare x2
Infernape rare
Kricketune rare
Lickilicky rare
Ludicolo rare x2
Ninetales rare x2
Palkia rare
Shaymin (normal) rare x2
Torterra rare x3
Blastoise reverse holo
Dialga (#5) reverse holo
Gardevoir reverse holo
Manectric reverse holo
Altaria reverse holo x2
Banette reverse holo
Bastiodon reverse holo
Beautifly reverse holo
Blissey reverse holo x2
Giratina (#28) reverse holo
Golduck reverse holo
Kricketune reverse holo
Lickilicky reverse holo
Luvdisc reverse holo
Ninetales reverse holo
Torterra reverse holo
Toxicroak G reverse holo
Cacturne reverse holo
Cranidos reverse holo x2
Grotle reverse holo
Kirlia reverse holo
Lombre reverse holo
Lucario reverse holo
Mismagius reverse holo
Monferno reverse holo
Muk reverse holo
Prinplup reverse holo
Seviper reverse holo
Silcoon reverse holo
Vigoroth reverse holo
Wartortle reverse holo
Zangoose reverse holo x2
Cacnea reverse holo
Carnivine reverse holo
Chansey reverse holo
Chimchar reverse holo
Combee reverse holo
Dunsparse reverse holo
Grimer reverse holo
Kricketot reverse holo
Lickitung reverse holo
Lotad reverse holo
Misdreavus reverse holo
Piplup reverse holo
Poochyena reverse holo
Shuppet reverse holo
Torchic reverse holo
Turtwig reverse holo
Vulpix reverse holo x3
Wurmple reverse holo
Broken Time-Space reverse holo
Cyrus’s Conspiracy reverse holo
Level Max reverse holo
Plus Power reverse holo
Pokemon Rescue reverse holo
Armor Fossil reverse holo
Skull Fossil reverse holo

I need Dialga G Lv. X and Leafeon Lv. X. Make an offer based on those.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

no thanks, i mainly need palkiaG x, can u find an x equal to value of that?
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X, Holo POP8 Heatran and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish

Superwolfe said:
no thanks, I mainly need palkiaG x, can u find an x equal to value of that?

I have very specific needs, all of which are on the first page of this post.

The Lv. X's I need are Leafeon Lv. X and Dialga G Lv. X
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

Updated haves and wants. Help me finish my ex sets!
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

Updated haves. Still trying to finish ex's.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

Hey, I still have Miltoc d (DF). I need your Manectric (PT) and Cyrus Conspiracy (PT), can you do both for it? Or you can counter LMK.

RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

AnthonyG said:
Hey, I still have Miltoc d (DF). I need your Manectric (PT) and Cyrus Conspiracy (PT), can you do both for it? Or you can counter LMK.


I would do one of them for it. Either one, you choose.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

Is there anything else I can add in for both?
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

AnthonyG said:
Is there anything else I can add in for both?

Tell you what, how about you offer anything comparable from Platinum.

So it would be:

My Manectric (H or RH?)
Cyrus's Conspiracy (RH)

Your Milotic DF
_____ (whatever platinum card)

How's that? LMK which Manectric you want as well.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

How does a RH Miasma Valley sound?

The Holo one is fine.
RE: [H]Giratina Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X and more! [W]Dialga G Lv. X and some old ex's...Help me finish my sets!

AnthonyG said:
How does a RH Miasma Valley sound?

The Holo one is fine.

Sounds good. Pm me to finalize