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[H] CPU search x 2, Keldeos and Landorus, other EXs, Shinings, codes, holo TSS, Skyla

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RE: [H] Hydreigons!, Garchomp, Rayquaza *, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Interested in Rayquaza *, Absol ex, Dustox ex, and Groudon ex.

I have: FA Rayquaza EX, Skyridge holo Raikou, Shaymin EX FA, Terrakion EX FA, Kyogre EX x2, Rayquaza EX non-FA x3, Reshiram EX, Regigigas EX, CoL shinies Raikou and Palkia, and the following Neo/Base/Jungle/Fossil/E Series holos:
Base: Hitmonchan, Mewtwo, Ninetales, Raichu
Jungle: Kangaskhan, Scyther, Snorlax
Fossil: Articuno, Ditto, Haunter, Lapras, Zapdos
Neo Genesis: Ampharos, Azumarill, both Feraligatrs, Heracross, Jumpluff, Kingdra, Slowking, Steelix, Togetic
Neo Discovery: Forretress, Hitmontop, Houndour, Politoed, Poliwrath, Smeargle, Unown A, Wobuffett, Yanma
Neo Revelations: Blissey, Delibird, Houndoom, Jumpluff, Magneton, Misdreavus, Porygon2
Neo Destiny: Dark Feraligatr, Light Dragonite, Dark Typhlosion, Dark Tyranitar, Miracle Energy, Light Arcanine
Expedition: Alakazam (holo & RH), Ampharos (holo & RH), Butterfree RH, Cloyster, Dragonite, Kingler RH, Machamp, Magby, Typhlosion RH, Pichu RH
Aquapolis: Slowking
Skyridge: Raikou, Kabutops

And the following exs: Typhlosion, Electabuzz, Sneasel, Magmar, Wailord, Hitmonchan, Muk, Scyther, Chansey, Ampharos, Lapras, Rayquaza delta, Aggron (sandstorm), Rayquaza promo, Deoxys POP4, Exploud, Ho-oh POP3, Flygon PK, Kingdra delta, Flygon delta, Altaria delta, Rocket's Raikou, Mewtwo.

Let me know if you're interested in anything.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Hmm I was hoping to put the Rayquaza towards other * cards unless the offer was really good, and you must have replied while I was still updating the list, the groudon is gone unfortunately :/
I could do those 2 exs for 3 neo destiny holos though. I have plenty more unlisted exs if your interested?
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

I have Crystal Charizard RH. Interested in Neo 2 JPN packs and Rayquaza *. LMK what we can do.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

salmoncannon said:
Hmm I was hoping to put the Rayquaza towards other * cards unless the offer was really good, and you must have replied while I was still updating the list, the groudon is gone unfortunately :/
I could do those 2 exs for 3 neo destiny holos though. I have plenty more unlisted exs if your interested?

I could also sweeten the deal with star cards- I have Metagross * (slight bend), Espeon * (NM), Treecko * (NM/M), 1st Ed Shining Raichu (NM), 1st Ed Shining Steelix (Excellent), and a few others from newer sets. Also just got RH Crystal Kabutops as well.

I could maybe do 2 Destiny, or 1 Destiny and 2-3 from Discovery or something.
I would be interested in any exs not on the list I gave, excluding EX Dragon exs.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

@Mayer; sorry man, just ran out of neo 2 boosters. Still have neo 1 though if youre keen?

@Brandon; 1 destiny and 1 skyridge?
Some of my unlisted exs that come to mind are;
Articuno ex
Rockets entei ex
Flygon ex
Shiftry ex
Blaziken ex
Skarmory ex

Theres more but I cant remember off the top of my head and I don't have my folder on me. Interested in those?
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

salmoncannon said:
@Brandon; 1 destiny and 1 skyridge?
Some of my unlisted exs that come to mind are;
Articuno ex
Rockets entei ex
Flygon ex
Shiftry ex
Blaziken ex
Skarmory ex

Theres more but I cant remember off the top of my head and I don't have my folder on me. Interested in those?
Interested in all except the Shiftry. Flygon would be Legend Maker, right?
Let me know when you're able to check on what you have, I'd be willing to trade quite a few holos, probably most of them, if you had enough exs.
I'll make an offer when I know all of the ones you have.

Also, not interesting in any of my *s towards a trade for Rayquaza? It's cool if not, still willing to do a trade just for the exs.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

The flygon is from power keepers I believe. I can give you a full list of what ive got when I get home.
Oh and yeah i'd definetely be interested in the treecko, even maybe the espeon if we can Both find enough stuff we like!
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

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RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

i am probably only trading venusaur holo for a wanted exp/aqu/sky holo. but like i said i have tons of commons and uncommons to trade for those wanted commons and uncommons
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Still really interested. Mostly the Rayquaza.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Hey man,

I'm interested in your Rayquaza * (exc condition)

I can offer you:
Registeel * NM (30)
Umbreon * NM (80)

and I've got a few extra Umbreon cards I'll throw in, off the top of my head:
DX both, maybe 1 extra RH
HGSS series theme deck promo + non-holo umbreon
any others I find.

should be more than a fair trade.

Let me know if we can work something out.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

@Brandon: okay the rest of the exs I have for trade are Delcatty, Aggron SS and Groudon

@binx: there aren't really any commons/uncommons that I really need at the moment man

@Mayer: I was hoping to involve a gold star for the Rayquaza :/

@Kroatia: Awesome offer man, but you do know the Rayquaza isn't mint right?
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Hey salmoncannon,

My bad, I completely forgot that EXC was a measurement on the grading scale, I thought it was in "excellent" condition. Haha not enough sleep...

In any case, whats the exact condition of the card? Can you PM me some pics by any chance? If it's without too much major damage, I'll still give you around 70ish+ value on it, probably not the Umbreon*, but the Registeel and another * is reasonable. I`ve got:

Entei* NM-M
Raikou * (slight bend in card, it doesn`t sit flat on a table but there aren`t any visible creases), I`d say NM otherwise
Mew * NM-M

You`re welcome to choose one of those (since they`re valued at around 40 - 45 each) + the registeel * and I`ll still throw in the umbreons (cause i don`t really need them)

Let me know
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

It is, but I consider ex to be on the lower end of the scale :p
The back of the card is not really an issue, it's just the front has scratching. There's no bends or creases, and no pealing that usually happens on most ex Deoxys gold stars. I'll be able to get some pictures pm'ed to you this evening and you can see for yourself.
I saw on your list you were interested in lv Xs and I have some unlisted ones if you're looking for them too?
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

salmoncannon said:
@Brandon: okay the rest of the exs I have for trade are Delcatty, Aggron SS and Groudon

Ok, I would be interested in the Delcatty, along with the previously mentioned ones. Which Groudon is it? There are 4, 2 of which are promos.

I would do my:
Skyridge Kabutops (H13/H32), Forretress ND, Hitmontop ND, Poliwrath ND, and Wobbuffet ND.
for your:
Absol ex, Dustox ex, Delcatty ex

If I could see the pictures of Rayquaza*, I'd be willing to do Treecko* and quite a few of the other holos you were interested in for that too.
Can throw in more towards Groudon too, once I know which one- I have 2 of the 4, otherwise it wouldn't matter too much.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Pics would be great, I'm definitely still interested. And shoot me the list of your lv.x's too (I'm just missing like 8 more for the set)
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Oh, ok, thanks for your time then.
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

@Brandon: that's a fair deal, its just ND holos arent a priority at the moment as I'm looking at buying a booster box in the near future.
The Groudon ex is the non holo Nintendo promo number 002 :)
I'll be able to get the pics pm'ed to you by tomorrow when I have a better way to take photos, my phones camera is pretty dodgy haha

@Kroatia: Same deal with the pics as above mate, I'll be able to get them to you tomorrow.
The lv Xs I have for trade are;
Absol G
Staraptor FB
Blaziken FB
Electives FB
Arceus 96/99
Dialga G
A few more promo ones that probably already have haha. Need any of those?

@Mayer: no worries man, thanks for your interest. If you're still interested in the neo 1 packs, I'm thinking of becoming a verified seller soon and I'll have them up for a decent price :)
RE: [H] Rayquaza *, Hydreigons, Garchomp, T/S/S, EXs, SR, WOTC,

Sounds good to me :)

Out of the Lv.Xs you mentioned I do need the Drapion, although it`s not a big need since it usually goes for $3-$4 on eBay, I also need the Palkia Lv.X promo in case you have it (the code is DP18)

Were you interested in any of the three gold stars i listed aside from the registeel*?
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