emoto4444 said:My
Landmin Lv. X
Beedrill GE
Salamence Lv. X
or counter please
YourP1MP said:My: Floatzel GL Lv.X + (Gardevoir Lv.X OR Staraptor Lv.X)
Your: Salamance Lv.X
LMK or counter
Edlittle said:No thanks
YourP1MP said:My: Floatzel GL Lv.X + (Gardevoir Lv.X OR Staraptor Lv.X)
Your: Salamance Lv.X
LMK or counter
No thanks
emoto4444 said:Edlittle said:No thanks
YourP1MP said:My: Floatzel GL Lv.X + (Gardevoir Lv.X OR Staraptor Lv.X)
Your: Salamance Lv.X
LMK or counter
No thanks
if its not too much trouble, could you counter![]()
EspeonROX said:My: 1x Cynthia's Feelings
1x Buck's Training
Your: RH Premier Ball
Espeon 4
Frozendukie said:Your:
Blazekin FB lvl.x
Magnezone lvl.x
Luxray GL lvl.x
Furret MT
Weavile SWx1-2
Mr. Mime MT
Machamp SFx2
Relicanth SVx2
a Poke Turn
Great ballx2
Great ballx1 RH
Cynthia's feelingsx1
Kobutopsx1 RH
Now this trade is quite a bit, I understand negotiating is needed so PM me or reply on this or my trade thread to talk about it.
emoto4444 said:My
Flygon RR
Cherrim SF RH
Kakuna RR
Bebe's Search RH
Premier Ball RH
Level Max RH
Gengar SF
Luxrage said:what would you be willing to trade for several rr kakunas?
the crippler 18 said:My
Empoleon Lv X - Promo
Hitmonchan Reprint - Platinum
SrSpoony said:MY:
1x Leafon Lv. X
1x Garchomp C Lv. X Tin
1x Electivire FB Lv. X
1x Ponyta SHINY
1x Sceptile GE
2x Togekiss GE (2 H)
1x Azelf LA
2x Blaziken FB SV (1H/1RH)
3x Kabutops AR (1H/2RH)
1x Omastar AR RH
Luxray GL Lv. X - Want something very, very in my favor.
Blaziken FB Lv. X
Machamp Lv. X
Staraptor FB Lv. X
LMK or counter
emoto4444 said:My
Gengar Lv. X
Salamence Lv. X
Bebe's Search RH
Premier Ball RH
Level Max RH
Nidoqueen RR x1
Edlittle said:I'll PM you.
emoto4444 said:My
Flygon RR
Cherrim SF RH
Kakuna RR
Bebe's Search RH
Premier Ball RH
Level Max RH
Gengar SF
No thanks.
Luxrage said:what would you be willing to trade for several rr kakunas?
Make an offer.
Care to counter? ThanksEdlittle said:No thanks.
Still interested?Frozendukie said:Your:
Blazekin FB lvl.x
Magnezone lvl.x
Luxray GL lvl.x
Furret MT
Weavile SWx1-2
Mr. Mime MT
Machamp SFx2
Relicanth SVx2
a Poke Turn
Great ballx2
Great ballx1 RH
Cynthia's feelingsx1
Kobutopsx1 RH
Now this trade is quite a bit, I understand negotiating is needed so PM me or reply on this or my trade thread to talk about it.