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H:Dialga G LV X , Palkia G X, Kingdra LA x 4 W: To cyl, Leafeon X, Mismagius LV X, Shaymin PL 14

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RE: H:Many LV X's, opened Box of Platinum, victory Medals N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, to cyl trading overseas as

Im Interested in Uxie and Mespirit Lv X

both for Garchomp X and magnezoneX?
RE: H:Many LV X's, opened Box of Platinum, victory Medals N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, to cyl trading overseas as

I don't have mesprit LVX or uxie Lv X? =/

squirtle PM'd you
RE: H:Many LV X's, opened Box of Platinum, victory Medals N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, to cyl trading overseas as

CML for dusk X.
RE: H:Many LV X's, opened Box of Platinum, victory Medals N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, to cyl trading overseas as

Sorry man nothing seen
RE: H:Many LV X's, opened Box of Platinum, victory Medals N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, Mamoswines, Froslass

anyone else? bump 2
RE: H:Many LV X's, Opened Box of Platinum, victory Medals N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, Mamoswines,to cyl

CML for:
Pre-Release sleeves
Onslaught playmat
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, Mamoswines,to cyl

I like Weavile G but not for any of those, specially considering the shipping
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: Mismagius LV X, Luxray GL LV X, Mamoswines,to cyl

CML for your
x1 Dailga G LV X

PM me if you would like to trade
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

sorry man nothing seen
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

pokeballs, last bump of the week
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

Can you please CML for your
Japanese Uxie X
Dailga G LV X
Magnezone LV X
Please and Thank you!
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

CML for:

Dialga G Lv.x
Banette PT
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

I need your Palkia G LvX. The only thing I have on your list is a Leafeon LvX. I wont trade it for the Palkia but maybe there might be some thing else I have that might work???

RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

CML for dialga G lv.x
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

sorry guys, sae some minor stuff, like forslass and mamos but nothing worth the stuff you guys want
imacharizard- as I said I like your froslass but I no longer have banette, have torterra PT though
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

anyone else>? bump1
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

cml for dialga G Lv. X
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

CML for 3 uxies.I'll trade ANYTHING for them, need by next week and will pay for shipping.
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Uxie X JPN, 3 Uxie LA N: To cyl, 1 Kingdra H, Claydol, Mismagius LV X

sorry guys nothing seen
RE: H:Dialga G LV X and Palkia G LV X, Blastoise PT N: To cyl, Mismagius LV X

CML for Dialga G Lv X
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