• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

H: EX's! Full Arts!! PRE-RELEASE SLEEVES!!!! W: Mewtwo EX!!!

RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and Kingdra Prime] [WANT: ?]

Please CML for

Kingdra Prime
Donphan Prime
x1 Expert Belt
2 Oak's New theory
xx DCE
xx Collector

RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and Kingdra Prime] [WANT: ?]

They are going to both be holo. Let me mull it over, and I'll PM you when I have an answer.
RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and Kingdra Prime] [WANT: ?]

darksoulSP said:
Please CML for

Kingdra Prime
Donphan Prime
x1 Expert Belt
2 Oak's New theory
xx DCE
xx Collector


I see alot of interesting things. I see:

these Lv X's:

Infernape 4
Palkia G
Alakazam 4
Gallade 4
Floatzel GL
Absol G
Shaymin (land form?)
RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and Kingdra Prime] [WANT: ?]


Raikou & Suicune legend (Top)


Kingdra Prime

LMK or counter
RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and other X's] [WANT: PR Sleeves, X's, ?]

What about Donphan Prime?

RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and other X's] [WANT: PR Sleeves, X's, ?]

Yea I can, PMing for confirmation
RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and other X's] [WANT: PR Sleeves, X's, ?]

CML for x2 Expert Belt please.

Now that I've become a verified seller I decided to take the Expert Belts off my list and sell them. If you'd like you can post on my sale thread and we can work from there.
RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and other X's] [WANT: PR Sleeves, X's, ?]

2nd bump of the week, updated my wants!
Don't forget to check out my sale thread, which has stuff not listed here!
RE: RCA's Trades:[HAVE : DGX and other X's] [WANT: PR Sleeves and Cresselia Lv X]

please CML for 2 blaziken FB X's, and a dialga G X and 2 DCE and the RH rare candy