RE: H: One Tyranitars AND MISSING ONLY 15 CARDS FROM UL W: Shining Steelix !
bump it up
bump it up
ash_satoshi said:CML for ur 1 ttar prime
Steelix_Kid said:do you have any primes from lost link?LMK
YEs that sounds awesome!ash_satoshi said:i do not have anymore now since i stopped buy the lost link pack ^ ^
but if u want to wait 1 more week for the clash at the summit cards, i will get them all next
okay,Steelix_Kid said:YEs that sounds awesome!
No but i have sum dusknoir stormfront sleeves unsealed comeing in when they get here i can send picsash_satoshi said:okay,
i am just curious, do u have some sealed prerelease sleeve for trade?
there is also new JPN clash at the summit deck box coming next week , i can trade them for the sealed prerelease slleeve if u have![]()
but sorry, i am only interesting in the sealed one...Steelix_Kid said:No but i have sum dusknoir stormfront sleeves unsealed comeing in when they get here i can send pics
Oh thats fine totally understandableash_satoshi said:but sorry, i am only interesting in the sealed one...
thanks for the offer![]()
ok thanks just lmk when u interested in my selling or trading stuffSteelix_Kid said:Oh thats fine totally understandable
OK SOUNDS GREAT..... AND THE SAME GOES FOR YOU!ash_satoshi said:ok thanks just lmk when u interested in my selling or trading stuff
Alseatao said:My:
Shining Steelix
4 Rare Candies.
Tylertyphlosion said:What cards are you missing from UL?
and Im interested in
Vic Medal
5x Rare Candy
bottom Lugia (lowest want)
CFOURCOLTSFAN said:do you have any Cyrus's Initiative?
I don't have your wants but i thought we could work something out.
Tylertyphlosion said:Did you get the Dusknoir Sleeves yet? if so, Im interested.