PokeKid Brandon said:How about if I throw in a Roseannes Research?
Pokeplayer44 said:The only LV.X I think you will want that is not on your list is Lucario X (pack). Let me know so I can know what I need to offer, it would help if you checked my haves so I could know what to offer. Thanks!
z-ch said:sorry, i just made a deal trading my roseanne. thanks though.
i like the roseanne, im not all that interested in bebe, and dont have a so deck, but are you interested in anything else off my list? i have an aggron ex (EX Sandstorm)Pokeplayer44 said:I have 4 Roseanne's (can't really afford to trade), 5 Bebe's (can trade one without regret), no Rare Candy, and depending on your deck, cards you may need. If you have an SP deck, I have too many to list really. LMK!
Pokeplayer44 said:How many Promo Uxie do you have? If you have 2 Uxie (of any kind, LA) I will trade for those. Thanks.
PokeKid Brandon said:Blaziken FB Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X Garchomp C Lv.X Luxray GL Lv.X, Absol G Lv.X staraptor FB Lv.XShaymin Lv.X [SKY] machamp Lv.X Tortera Lv.X
PokeKid Brandon said:garchomp SV Gliscor Lv.X and any Gliscor that you have.
Pokeplayer44 said:I am, but right now not so much. I am trying to complete a deck for Cities. Do you have any of the following?
3x Call Energy
Multi Energy
Umbreon (MD)
2x Premier Ball
LMK if you do and we can trade. Thanks!
PokeKid Brandon said:Well how many Garchomp SV do you have? How many Gliscor do you have? And do you have any Spirtombs or gardevior SW?
Pokeplayer44 said:I can trade you lots of stuff. Please check my list to know what you want from me. LMK!
PokeKid Brandon said:How about Gardeviors?
Garchomp Lv.X [MD]
Garchomp [SV]
Gliscor Lv.X [LA]
Gliscor [LA]
Nidoqueen [RI]
Luxray GL Lv.X
Gallade 4 Lv.X
PokeKid Brandon said:What about Gardy?
no sorry. Can I add some more cards to the above for your Gengar X?dragonitetim said:no thanks, but do you have a salamence lv. x?
yeah of course, just offerdragonitetim said:no sorry. Can I add some more cards to the above for your Gengar X?
emoto4444 said:yeah of course, just offer