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H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

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RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

.::n00bmuffin::. said:
Mina said:
Mina said:
I have:
1x Cranidos (DP07)
1x Shieldon (DP08)
1x Carnivine G (DP42)
1x Probopass G (DP43)
1x Cresselia (DP51)
Dunno if you need theese, but I'm gonna list 'em up anyways :p :
1x Sceptile (POP1 HOLO)
1x Chimchar (POP6 HOLO)
1x Piplup (POP6 HOLO)
1x Turtwig (POP6 HOLO)
1x Ampharos (POP1 HOLO)
1x Latios (POP7 HOLO)

Sceptile has edge-wear on the back, and a few of the other promos have a little mark on the top. bottom, and sides 'cus of the plastic that they come in, in the blister packs. The rest is in mint/nm.

New offer: my cards ^
against your:
2x Scizor Prime
1x Three dogs-binder-thingy
1x Scizor prime
1x Three dogs-binder-thingy
1x Lost World

What could I get if we took out the Scizors on my side?

Darkvoid57 said:
Please CML for 1-2 Yanmega Prime.
I want:
Scizor Prime
RH Energy Retrieval BW

piplup234 said:
.::n00bmuffin::. said:
Do you have bulk commons/uncommons?
Yes i do

How much for the Giratina Sleeves?
Techdeck101 said:
I need x3 Scizor Prime. Please CML.
All I really need from you is the Flareon *...and I'd rather not trade the Scizors since I may want to play them...
gary182000 said:
Please CML for

Shaymin 4 pocket binder
Regigigas deck box
Dialga/Palkia Dice box
1x Mew Prime
Celebi *
Pikachu *
Krookordile(if you have)


I need a klinklang

Could you make an offer for mine I only have 1 and it is holo.
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!


Anything else? Yanmega Prime is 6, Scizor is 12, but mine is miscut, so I value it at 16-18. Either you'd need to throw in something else, or you have to check again for something else
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

Darkvoid57 said:

Anything else? Yanmega Prime is 6, Scizor is 12, but mine is miscut, so I value it at 16-18. Either you'd need to throw in something else, or you have to check again for something else

I think I've seen a picture you posted of it somewhere, and I'd actually value it less...also, Scizor is not $12...I just bought one for $5.93 shipped.

gary182000 said:
.::n00bmuffin::. said:
Krookodile for it?

Is it holo or RH?

RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

I go by T&T Prices;


And the miscut adds at least 4 dollars to its value
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

Did you ever think that there might be a reason why there are 21 in stock? Because their price on that card is way too high, and no one is buying it for that much.
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

.::n00bmuffin::. said:
Darkvoid57 said:

Anything else? Yanmega Prime is 6, Scizor is 12, but mine is miscut, so I value it at 16-18. Either you'd need to throw in something else, or you have to check again for something else

I think I've seen a picture you posted of it somewhere, and I'd actually value it less...also, Scizor is not $12...I just bought one for $5.93 shipped.

gary182000 said:
.::n00bmuffin::. said:
Krookodile for it?

Is it holo or RH?


Sure but I really do not want to do 1 for1 so is there any thing else you want unlisted
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

I only want the Scizor Primes. That is the only thing that I see that I would trade for the Flareon*... I guess it depends how much you really want the Flareon*.
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

I am good on the Dice, but Thanks. I need 4 Scizor Prime. Would you need these?:

Sneasel ex
Aggron ex
Claydol ex (crease in right corner)

LMK Thanks!
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

Hmm...Do you have RH Pokemon Collector? RH BTS? CoL Energy? Anything like that?
RE: Huge update w/ BW cards!

Do you have RH Pokemon Collector? RH BTS? CoL Energy?
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