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H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

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RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

i have someRH stormfornt cards and im interested in flygon lvl x. cml?
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

hey i still have 1 rev holo CoL mr mime and several of the wizards promos u want..do you have any CoL or any of my wants?
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

Gengar Master: I'm interested in a Blaziken FB Lv.X and shiny drifloon primarily.
Tjtoot: Didn't see much.
Binx: I have binder pages and a red chimchar/evos binder from cities many years ago.Also:
Feraligatr MT
Unown T MT
Sandshrew MT
Zubat MT
Nidoqueen MT
Glalie MT

Rotom GE
Combusken GE
Weedle GE

Driftblim SF
Gastly SF
Magnezone SF steel
Roserade SF (I only have one though)

Holo Garchomp C JPN SV

Mamoswine TR

Granbull CL
I have more CL but not many duplicates.

King Raptor: No, sorry.
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

Sorry, I just traded one of my blazeiken fb x, so the other one isn't for trade right now.
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

ok im defiantely interested in the binder pages and japanese SV garchomp C holo.....is the chimchar binder a 3 ring binder (that you can add pages to) OR are the pages permantly fixed in the book?

and i have these
Col- mr mime rev holo R
promo mew #8 non-holo
promo cleffa
promo igglybuff
promo smeargle
promo psyduck
promo catch mew insert card
other promos see my thread
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

CML for all sleeves.

Edit: I have a RH Research Record unlisted, but don't think I'm gonna trade it.
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

Do you have any of these:
Dialga G RH
Blaziken FB RH
Garchomp C RH
Bronzong G RH
Crobat G RH
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

of your wants, I only have WoTC promo 39 (misdreavous)

lmk what I can add to get the giratina sleeves
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

Adrian: I don't have any of those to trade. I confirmed a trade for the Bronzong on PokeGym, but the guy hasn't responded to any of my PMs and hasn't sent/left a ref yet. I think I've been ripped. Also, it doesn't count as being skipped if I haven't responded to anyone since you last posted.
Carlitos: IDK, I'd prefer to trade the japanese Giratina sleeves for something I really want. I'll think about it.
Gengar Master: That trade is VERY one-sided. Drifloon is worth a couple dollars, and I recently sold an Absol for $7.
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

Sorry, I misread my email and thought you had posted again.
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

It's fine. I'm actually looking for any RH SP stuff I can get ATM, sorry.
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

Hey, I have Groudon COL Reverse .

Im interested in: Garchomp cX
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more


1x Clefable
1x Espeon (RH)
1x Leafeon (RH)
1x Umbreon



Gyarados #7
Ho-Oh #9
Palkia #19


RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more

Darkvoid: You'd have to throw in a little bit, maybe like a Jirachi EX or something?
AnthonyG: That's a good offer, but I mainly want those to add to my CL collection. Did you need anything else that's not from CL?
RE: W: COL junk; Updated w/ Triumphant Primes, promocroaks, and more


Jirachi alone is worth more than garchomp. And im looking for the promo, which puts the trade in your favor even more. ME NO LIKE THAT. :p
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