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[H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

Okay I'm ready to work something out. I would like the trade to be somewhat big because you live out of the country.

This is what I have from your wants:

1x Magnezone Prime TM
1x Magnezone SF (Lightning) (RH)
1x Skuntank G PL
1x Azelf LA (LP)
1x Lightning Energy HS
3x Engineer's Adjustments (2 RH)
2x Spiritomb AR (LP)

I can probably trade most of that stuff. I updated my list recently so could you check my list again and let me know if there's anything else you want from me. I could try to make you an offer afterwards.
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

1 Arceus Lv X (Omniscient)
1 Infernape 4 Lv X

2 Magnezone Prime, Magnezone 6/100 SF, Regirock LA.
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

@Afro-G: I don't need Spiritombs anymore and I guess I'm getting SF Magnezone from someone else, but I'm still interested in the rest of cards. Looking at your list, I might also be interested in additional Azelfs and also Rare Candies & Expert Belts (in that order).

@DTartagOne: As I said, in that case - we have a deal. :)
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

I would like the Unown {Q}. And I MIGHT have a Light Flareon, would you want that???
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

@absol101: Nothing I'd be interested in, sorry.

@Techdeck101: I already have a Light Flareon so I don't want it.
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

Updated Have with Arceus Deck Base and added some Wants (1 DCE and every Absol possible).
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

I'm going to throw out a first offer....
1x Magnezone Prime TM
3x Azelf LA (LP)
1x Skuntank G PL
3x Engineer's Adjustments (2 RH)
3x Expert Belt (LP)
1x Rare Candy UL
1x Lightning Energy HS

1x Yanmega Prime
1x Crobat Prime
1x Typhlosion Prime
1x Feraligatr Prime
3x Pokemon Collector
1x Broken Time-Space
1x Mesprit LA (RH)
1x Rescue Energy (RH)
1x Twins (RH)

Let me know if it's uneven or whatever and please feel free to counter offer.
I just wanted to throw out a trade that we could both work off of.
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

I would like to trade for 2 or 3 Arceus Lv X Promo (Omniscient).

from your wants, I have
1 Absol Prime
1 Azelf LA (LP)
3 Engineer's Adjustments
1 Fighting Energy HGSS

let me know what we can work out for at least 2 of those lv X's
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

@Afro-G: I calculated about 25$ in value on my side, so I would suggest something like that:
1x Magnezone Prime TM
3x Azelf LA (LP)
1x Skuntank G PL
3x Engineer's Adjustments (2 RH)
3x Expert Belt (LP)
1x Rare Candy UL
1x Lightning Energy HS

1x Yanmega Prime
1x Crobat Prime OR Feraligatr Prime
1x Typhlosion Prime
1x Broken Time-Space
1x Mesprit LA (RH)
1x Rescue Energy (RH)
1x Twins (RH)

@carlitosbob: Let me know what do you think about that:
1 Absol Prime
1 Smeargle CoL
1 Azelf LA (LP)
1 Fighting Energy HGSS

2 Arceus Lv X Promo (Omniscient)
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

I have Uxie x
Would you do it for 2 gengar prime + gengar x? let me know or counteroffer
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

I have all of your deck wants minus the energys, uxie X, and the metal magnezone. I was hoping you can CML for more to get the 1-2X gengar prime and 1x Gengar X
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

Could we do:

1x Magnezone Prime TM
3x Azelf LA (LP)
1x Skuntank G PL
3x Engineer's Adjustments (2 RH)
3x Expert Belt (LP)
1x Rare Candy UL
1x Lightning Energy HS

1x Yanmega Prime
1x Crobat Prime
1x Broken Time-Space
1x Mesprit LA (RH)
1x Rescue Energy (RH)
2x Pokemon Collecter

Please let me know or feel free to counter. Is there anything else that you wanted from me or is that all? I'm just making sure.
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

@wonderer: I could do 2 Gengar Primes for Uxie Lv X, 2 Primes and X is way too much imo.

@The Wii Man1234: Well, I don't see anything I'd really want, but maybe we could work something out for Gengar X + something else for the cards you have from my want?

@Afro-G: I'll get back to you ASAP, I got quite a good offer for BTS and Collectors so I don't know if they'll be up for trade. But if I'll still have them, I think I would change -1 Mesprit on my side and -1 Energy on your side on the deal you're offering and that would be alright for me.
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

I have
1 skuntank G
1 Eevee Aquapolis
1 Azelf LA (LP)
3 engineer's adjustments
1 fighting energy HGSS
and although they're not listed in your wants; Flareon holo legendary collection and 1st edition non holo Flareon Jungle.

I'm interested in your Arceus X (omniscient)
let me know what we can work out. And do you have a RH beginning door?
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

@carlitosbob: Nope, I don't have Beginning Door RH. I'm also probably interested in everything except Engineers. Did you read my reply (post #31) to your previous post? And did you trade away your Absol?
RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff

Well to be honest the Broken Time-Space is not a huge want for me so if someone's giving you a good offer then I don't mind if you trade it to them.
Do you want me to drop the Pokemon Collectors as well? I want them, but I'll just pick out some other stuff if you want me to. let me know.