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[H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@Lilbandit: Done. PM me to confirm.

@silentsword77: You already posted in my thread on PokeGym, my answer isn't going to be much different.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I've got pretty much all your COL wants, and would you take a Shining Mewtwo for a Gyarados *?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Please CML for arceus lv.x psychic bolt.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@oskierox: Sorry, not interested in Shinings, but we can probably work something out for the COL stuff.

@Epic Reshiram: My Arceus Lv. X (Psychic Bolt) for your Yanmega Prime?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

A good offer, but I feel I can get something better for yanmega. Is there anything else?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

hello, i hope we can work out a trade

NV- 17 rev holo U simisear
EP- UR thundurs (fa-only trade towards those wanted shiny * you have)
Unl- R beedrill
COL- H 14 lucario
CoL- R ursaring
please see my thread- i have coins, badges, plush etc

* latios
* latias
* registeel
NV- chandlure xx
japanese skyridge- jolteon holo
NV holo conkeldurr ability
xx N
xx collector

and i also have league BW era promos and mcd BW promos
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

1 Ampharos ex DR
1 Crawdaunt ex HP
1 Manectric ex DX
1 Rayquaza ex DR
1 Rocket's Raikou ex DX
1 Salamence ex DX
1 Sharpedo ex DX
or any star lol
1 Gyarados HP

How much from COL would it take for these? lol i've got a complete set, plus so many more cause i opened 2 boxes man, except for Pachirisu, Ho-oh, houndoom (i have rh), kyogre or lucario. I have all the rest though, and like 3 sets of common-uncommon. Shinies i have: rayquaza, kyogre and dialga.

Also got: Virizion holo from NV, and like 6 of your RH wants.
2 boxes of EP: i have alot of your RH wants
and hgss-triumphant probably got like 20 of your wants.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Hi! I have:
HGSS: 4 (RH), 18, 26, 31, 57, 2x 60 (1 RH), 64, 82
= $16.72

UL: 12, 14, 16 (German), 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 74
= $14.47

UD: 52, 55, 68
= $0.99

TM: 75, 82
= $0.50

COL: 46, 58
= $0.74

Total = $33.12
All prices from Collector's Cache.

Wants (Bold= high want)
1 Dragonite Delta ex DF HIGHEST WANT OF ALL!!
1 Salamence ex DX
1 Salamence Delta ex DF
1 Flareon ex DS
1 Flygon ex LM
1 Flygon Delta ex DF
1 Vaporeon ex DS
1 Flareon Star
1 Vaporeon Star
1 Latias Star

1 Glaceon Lv. X (Condition?)
1 Jolteon Star
1 Gyarados Star
1 Mewtwo Star
1 Pikachu Star
1 Latios Star
1 Rayquaza Star
1 Regice Star
1 Regirock Star
1 Registeel Star

Also - see if you have any of my other wants :) (Link in sig.)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@Totoro: How about Alph Litograph 4?

@Binx345: Didn't see anything, sorry.

@oskierox: Hmm, lack of Pachirisu and only two shinies I want (Rayquaza and Dialga) make it a bit worse. Could you make an offer so I know what exactly from EP and TM?

@Mina: To be honest, I'm gonna pass since your side seems terribly overpriced.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Hey, can you CML for Virizion NV, Meowth NV, all of your gold stars, Glaceon Lvl X and Leafeon Lvl X please ;D
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I need 4 Rare Candies I have alot of HGSS-NV extras (mostly HGSS-CoL cause I don't collect that)
can you just LMK what you would need (like $ value) and I'll look more into you big ol' list lol :)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I'm greatly interested in:
1 Mew ex LM
1 Mew ex HP
1 Rocket's Mewtwo ex TRR
1 Mewtwo Star

I have:
4-5 HGSS Promos (Some doubles)
40+ Unused codes
1x Junk Arm
3/123 Clefable - HGSS
Rayquaza SL10
Some Pokémon DS games other than what you listed

I can also trade my friend for a lot of your collection wants..
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I didn't mean that I'll get ALL of them. :p I ment that I'm interested in those cards :)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I'm interested in any of your Arceus cards (except colourless and psychic), check my trade thread and see if I have anything there you want and find worth it. ;)
If not, I'm sure you have quite a lot of cards there that are on my wants list from the Black & White sets.

My Trade Thread
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@Slayer: Virizion and Meowth are my wants, I don't have any. Other than that, I see that you have some stuff I might be interested in (all your promos from the stuff that's not listed in my wants; a lot of random stuff from the lists in my first posts) but I don't think it's enough for any of the *'s. Feel free to offer for Glaceon and Leafeon.

@solprps: I value RC's at aboout 5-6$ each.

@SoulWind: I'm sorry, but I don't think we can work anything out at the moment. I'm not trading older Ultra Rares for codes and I don't need DS games until I have a DS. The rest of the stuff isn't enough to work with.

@Mina: I do realize that. But since I think you overprice your side way too much, it has nothing to do with what you want.

@DinoTamerMeep: To be honest, I didn't see much stuff I'd be interested in, only something like 2 random cards. Sorry.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I just took the prices from Collector's Cache.. It's not me that't overpriced. But did you check if you have any of my wants that's on my thread? :)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

1 pachi
1 shiny raikou
1 NV Meowth
1 RH Druddigon
1 Shaymin
1 Col Fire Energy
1 RH Unfezant
1 FA Terrakoin
1 team rocket's mewtwo ex

RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@CFOURCOLTSFAN: If it's Shiny Raikou from CoL and Shaymin UL then deal and pm me to confirm.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

actually, I don't have a shaymin anymore, my last ones got traded after I posted the offer :(
would you do it w/out the shaymin? and yes the Raikou is from CoL.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I have from your wants:

HGSS Generation

Azumarill 2/123 HS
Cleffa 17/123 HS
Feraligatr Special Holo 20/123 HS
Meganium Special Holo 26/123 HS
Typhlosion special holo 32/123 HS
Sudowoodo 9/95 UL
Tyranitar 26/95 UL
Magcargo 6/90 UD
Altaria 2/102 TM
Mamoswime 5/102 TM
Spiritomb 10/102 TM
Ho-oh 9/95 CoL
Magmortar 16/95 CoL
Cleffa 24/95 CoL
Darkness Energy 86/95 CoL
Metal Energy 87/95 CoL

Reverse Holo:
Skarmory CoL
Noctowl HS
Wobuffet HS
Carnivine TM
Oddish UD
Pidgeotto CoL
Poliwag UL
Pupitar UL
Metagross UL
Mareep HS
2x Magikarp CoL
Bayleef CoL
Volbeat TM
Slowbro UD
Staryu HS
2x Larvitar UL
Venonat TM
Clefairy HS
Mankey UL
Vaporeon UD
Vulpix HS
Blissey HS
Corsola HS
Haunter TM
Snubbul CoL
Houndour CoL
Stantler UL
Machop TM
Skuntank UD

Black and white RH (actually have a complete set of mint RH cards from this if you are interested)

47/98 Gothitelle

RH Larvesta 19
RH Gurdurr 63
RH Crustle 7
RH litwick 58
RH Foongus 9
RH Bisharp 76

Not sure what I want for it though since you don't have anything I'm specifically looking for, but I'll accept trade bait.