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[H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Thread updated, added lots of new stuff. Also, now I should be able to reply everyday.

@CFOURCOLTSFAN: Well, if you can substitute something for Shaymin then we can still make a deal.

@NarcoticHobo: Well, depending on how much Collectors/Catchers/RCs/DCEs/whatever you'd want for that, maybe we can make a deal. Also, what do you mean by Special Holo?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I Intresting your
victini FA

I have your want
Thundurus FA
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Avalarion said:
Thread updated, added lots of new stuff. Also, now I should be able to reply everyday.

@CFOURCOLTSFAN: Well, if you can substitute something for Shaymin then we can still make a deal.

@NarcoticHobo: Well, depending on how much Collectors/Catchers/RCs/DCEs/whatever you'd want for that, maybe we can make a deal. Also, what do you mean by Special Holo?

Special Holo is the card from the tin, same as the regular holo but it has a prismatic background instead.

Can you make an offer on the list I presented?

I still have all of it except for gothitelle 47 from EP.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Heya! I would like to trade with you. Since you're a collector, I guess you would only need 1 of each.

I have these cards:
Zorua BW09
Shuckle HS
Caterpie HS
Girafarig HS
Snubbull HS
Mismagius UL
Ursaring UL
Steelix UL
Torkoal UL
Lanturn UL
All UL Commons and Uncommons
Forretress UD
Mismagius UD
Tropius UD
All UD Commons and Uncommons except Sneasel
Team Rockets Trickery
Solrock TM
Ambipom TM
Carnivine TM
Magneton TM
Swablu TM
Volbeat TM
Gyarados CL
Mismagius CL
Granbull CL
Bayleef CL
Magby CL
Quilava CL
Hitmonlee CL
Sp. Darkness Energy CL

Pokeball Rev BW

1 Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend Top
1 Houndoom Prime
1 Reshiram BW (Tin)
1 Conkeldurr NV (Ability)
1 Victini (Victory Star)
1 Vanilluxe NV Reverse
1 Eviolite
1 Rocky Helmet
1 Pokemon Catcher
4 Double Colorless Energy HGSS
13 Fighting Energy HP
1 Twins
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@zapd: I can trade Victini FA for your Thundurus FA and Tornadus FA, but not just for Thundurus.

@NarcoticHobo: Hmm, to be honest, I don't know. There's nothing special in all those cards so I don't really want trade much for it... how does one Collector sound?

@dialgarock: Whoa, that's a lot of stuff you want. To be honest, going from the top of the list, I don't think I'd trade more than Rayquaza/Deoxys and Houndoom for that. Also, There is no Zorua BW09, did you mean Zoroark or is it BW12 promo Zorua or McDonalds 9/12 promo Zorua?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Avalarion said:
@zapd: I can trade Victini FA for your Thundurus FA and Tornadus FA, but not just for Thundurus.

@NarcoticHobo: Hmm, to be honest, I don't know. There's nothing special in all those cards so I don't really want trade much for it... how does one Collector sound?

@dialgarock: Whoa, that's a lot of stuff you want. To be honest, going from the top of the list, I don't think I'd trade more than Rayquaza/Deoxys and Houndoom for that. Also, There is no Zorua BW09, did you mean Zoroark or is it BW12 promo Zorua or McDonalds 9/12 promo Zorua?

do you intresting anything else
I dont want trade 2 full art for 1 full art
because i have 1 thundurus FA
1 Tornadus FA
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets


94/95 Suicune & Entei LEGEND
95/95 Suicune & Entei LEGEND
99/102 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND
100/102 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND

for your:

1 Altaria ex DF
1 Flygon ex DF
1 Rayquaza ex DF
1 Jolteon ex DS
1 Mew ex HP

Please let me know, thanks.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Avalarion said:
@zapd: I can trade Victini FA for your Thundurus FA and Tornadus FA, but not just for Thundurus.

@NarcoticHobo: Hmm, to be honest, I don't know. There's nothing special in all those cards so I don't really want trade much for it... how does one Collector sound?

@dialgarock: Whoa, that's a lot of stuff you want. To be honest, going from the top of the list, I don't think I'd trade more than Rayquaza/Deoxys and Houndoom for that. Also, There is no Zorua BW09, did you mean Zoroark or is it BW12 promo Zorua or McDonalds 9/12 promo Zorua?

I think that is a bit low don't you? I counted 18 rare holos at about ~$0.50 a piece (that's being nice cause the two cleffas are worth around $2-3 each) for $9, then each RH I figure is at least $0.50 each (once again being nice as some of them are rares) and there were ~36 of those or ~$18 total.

I'd like at least 3 collectors and maybe a UL rare candy or something, after all that would fill and awful lot of your wants :) I'm willing to negotiate though as long as the trade value is closer to the $30-$40 range as opposed to the $10 range.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Hello! Very interested in:

1 Latias Star
1 Regice Star
1 Regirock Star

I have:

3 Thundurus EP
1 Alph Litograph TM

Porygon HGSS22
2X Shuckle HGSS15
Wobbuffet HGSS 04
Tepig BW02
2x Ducklett BW17
Zorua BW12
Pansage BW11
Torterra shard holo
Victini NV prerelease
Tepig mcdonalds
Oshawott mcdonalds
Blitzle mcdonalds
2x Munna mcdonalds
Sandile mcdonalds
Snivy mcdonalds
Zorua mcdonalds
Audino mcdonalds
Klink mcdonalds
Pidove mcdonalds

around 50 PTCGO codes

Heart Gold & Soul Silver
2/123 Azumarill
3/123 Clefable
4/123 Gyarados
5/123 Hitmontop
6/123 Jumpluff
7/123 Ninetales
11/123 Shuckle
12/123 Slowking
17/123 Cleffa
18/123 Exeggutor
20/123 Feraligatr
26/123 Meganium
30/123 Smoochum
31/123 Sunflora
32/123 Typhlosion
57/123 Caterpie
60/123 Clefairy
64/123 Girafarig
82/123 Snubbull
92/123 Fisherman
105/123 Ampharos Prime
107/123 Donphan Prime
115/123 Grass Energy
116/123 Fire Energy
117/123 Water Energy
118/123 Lightning Energy
119/123 Psychic Energy
122/123 Metal Energy

Heart Gold & Soul Silver Unleashed
1/95 Jirachi
4/95 Metagross
5/95 Mismagius
6/95 Octillery
8/95 Shaymin
10/95 Torterra
12/95 Beedrill
16/95 Floatzel
17/95 Kingdra
18/95 Lanturn
19/95 Lucario
20/95 Ninetales
21/95 Poliwrath
24/95 Steelix (holo)
26/95 Tyranitar (holo)
27/95 Ursaring
44/95 Beldum
45/95 Buizel
46/95 Carnivine
47/95 Cherubi
48/95 Chinchou
49/95 Horsea
50/95 Larvitar
51/95 Larvitar
53/95 Mankey
54/95 Misdreavus
55/95 Natu
57/95 Onix
58/95 Poliwag
59/95 Remoraid
60/95 Riolu
62/95 Spearow
64/95 Stantler
65/95 Teddiursa
66/95 Tropius
67/95 Turtwig
69/95 Weedle
74/95 Energy Returner
78/95 Judge
84/95 Crobat
85/95 Kingdra Prime
86/95 Lanturn Prime
88/95 Tyranitar Prime

Heart Gold & Soul Silver Undaunted
3/90 Forretress
4/90 Gliscor
7/90 Scizor
8/90 Smeargle
19/90 Mismagius
22/90 Tropius
23/90 Vespiquen
44/90 Combee
49/90 Gligar
52/90 Hitmonlee
55/90 Makuhita
57/90 Misdreavus
62/90 Pineco
63/90 Pineco
67/90 Slugma
68/90 Sneasel
77/90 Sage's Training
78/90 Team Rocket's Trickery
79/90 Darkness Energy
81/90 Espeon Prime
85/90 Slowking Prime
90/90 Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND
THREE Alph Lithograph

Heart Gold & Soul Silver Triumphant
2/102 Altaria
5/102 Mamoswine
6/102 Nidoking
7/102 Porygon-Z
9/102 Solrock
10/102 Spiritomb
12/102 Victreebel
13/102 Ambipom
16/102 Carnivine
20/102 Electivire
21/102 Elekid
25/102 Lunatone
43/102 Magneton
78/102 Swablu
82/102 Volbeat
90/102 Rescue Energy
91/102 Absol Prime
95/102 Machamp Prime
97/102 Mew Prime
98/102 Yanmega Prime
101/102 Palkia & Dialga LEGEND

Call of Legends
1/95 Clefable
3/95 Dialga
5/95 Forretress
10/95 Houndoom
11/95 Jirachi
16/95 Magmortar
17/95 Ninetales
18/95 Pachirisu
21/95 Smeargle
22/95 Umbreon
24/95 Cleffa
26/95 Granbull
27/95 Meganium
28/95 Mismagius
29/95 Mr. Mime
30/95 Pidgeot
31/95 Skarmory
32/95 Slowking
33/95 Snorlax
34/95 Tangrowth
35/95 Typhlosion
37/95 Ursaring
38/95 Weezing
39/95 Zangoose
40/95 Bayleef
42/95 Donphan
43/95 Flaaffy
46/95 Magby
49/95 Quilava
58/95 Hitmonlee
79/95 Interviewer's Questions
81/95 Lost World
84/95 Research Record
85/95 Sage's Training
94/95 Darkness Energy
95/95 Metal Energy
SL2 Dialga
SL5 Ho-Oh
SL8 Palkia
SL9 Raikou

Black & White REVERSE HOLO
10/114 Lilligant
15/114 Tepig
20/114 Emboar
37/114 Swanna
39/114 Alomomola
70/114 Zorua
90/114 Bouffalant

Emerging Powers REVERSE HOLO

2/98 Simisage
4/98 Sewaddle
5/98 Swadloon
12/98 Whimsicott
13/98 Petilil
16/98 Sawsbuck
17/98 Virizion
20/98 Darumaka
21/98 Darmanitan
22/98 Panpour
26/98 Ducklett
27/98 Swanna
28/98 Cubchoo
38/98 Venipede
46/98 Gothorita
47/98 Gothitelle
48/98 Gothitelle
53/98 Gigalith
57/98 Excadrill
65/98 Liepard
66/98 Zorua
68/98 Vullaby
69/98 Mandibuzz
71/98 Ferroseed
74/98 Klink
77/98 Cobalion
80/98 Pidove
88/98 Braviary
89/98 Tornadus
91/98 Cheren
95/98 Pokémon Catcher
96/98 Recycle

Noble Victories
13/101 Virizion
99/101 Terrakion

Noble Victories REVERSE HOLO
3/101 Leavanny
14/101 Victini
15/101 Victini
16/101 Pansear
17/101 Simisear
33/101 Cryogonal
60/101 Chandelure
61/101 Gigalith
62/101 Timburr
63/101 Gurdurr
81/101 Pawniard
88/101 Haxorus
89/101 Druddigon
93/101 Plume Fossil

would you like to make an offer? :D
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@zapd: Well, how about Thundurus FA, Eviolite RH and Tynamo RH (only if it's 38/101) for Victini FA?

@silentsword77: I'm probably getting DCL from somewhere else, so only interested in SEL. Here are two offers:
1: Your SEL Complete, my Rayquaza ex.

2. Your SEL Complete, my [Pick two of the following: Jolteon ex, Flygon ex DF, Altaria ex DF]

@NarcoticHobo: Well, while you are right, I'm afraid I'll pass. The only worthwhile cards are the Cleffas and Gothi. And let's face it, trading 3 Collectors for a bunch of 'crap' cards even for collection purposes is a bit too much.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

okay, what would you be interested? Just ask about a couple of cards and I'll LYK.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

1 Rocket's Scizor ex TRR

Interested in this! I have a LOT of your wants, please PM me so we can work it out! :)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Hello, I have Ampharos Prime (x2)
Could you please cml for anything else you'd want for your:
1 Victini FA
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Avalarion said:
@dialgarock: Whoa, that's a lot of stuff you want. To be honest, going from the top of the list, I don't think I'd trade more than Rayquaza/Deoxys and Houndoom for that. Also, There is no Zorua BW09, did you mean Zoroark or is it BW12 promo Zorua or McDonalds 9/12 promo Zorua?

I meant Zorua BW12.. Confused.. hehe.. and remove Houndoom and RDL and if the 13 {F} are holo, pls remove it. I'm only interested in NHs energies
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Avalarion said:
@zapd: Well, how about Thundurus FA, Eviolite RH and Tynamo RH (only if it's 38/101) for Victini FA?

@silentsword77: I'm probably getting DCL from somewhere else, so only interested in SEL. Here are two offers:
1: Your SEL Complete, my Rayquaza ex.

2. Your SEL Complete, my [Pick two of the following: Jolteon ex, Flygon ex DF, Altaria ex DF]

@NarcoticHobo: Well, while you are right, I'm afraid I'll pass. The only worthwhile cards are the Cleffas and Gothi. And let's face it, trading 3 Collectors for a bunch of 'crap' cards even for collection purposes is a bit too much.

I dont have anymore
eviolites but i can give
Eelectriks or tynamos more
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@fizzycat: Haha, sorry, didn't skip you, seems you posted right when I was posting. Please check the first post, since the list of stuff I need got quite shorter. Also, since you're after the Stars, I would prefer if you made the offer first.

@silentsword77: Unless you add something on your side, not gonna happen. Mew is worth about 20$ while SEL is about 14$

@CFOURCOLTSFAN: I don't know, to be honest. There's a lot of stuff on my want list, I'm sure you can come up with something. Also I no longer need Pachirisu, so would be good if you could substitute something for it as well.

@darksoulSP: I don't deal via PMs, so please post your offer here.

@dialgarock: Well, HP Energies are only holo. Anyway, I might no longer need some stuff so check the first post and then reoffer if you're still interested.

@zapd: In that case I'll pass.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Avalarion said:
@NarcoticHobo: Well, while you are right, I'm afraid I'll pass. The only worthwhile cards are the Cleffas and Gothi. And let's face it, trading 3 Collectors for a bunch of 'crap' cards even for collection purposes is a bit too much.

I see what you mean, I'm really just looking to consolidate what I have, so it doesn't have to be for collectors. If you want I could do 1 collector + 2 UL rare candy. I think that is a very good deal and would allow me to consolidate some of my bulk.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

How bout this:
Shuckle HS
Metagross UL
Lanturn UL
Torkoal UL
Ursaring UL
Spearow UL
Forretress UD
Mismagius UD
Combee UD
Gyarados CoL
Granbull CoL
Mismagius CoL
Bayleaf CoL
Quilava CoL
Magby CoL
Hitmonlee CoL
Sp. Dark CoL

2 Cheren
1 Reshiram Tin
1 Pokemon Catcher
1 Eviolite
1 Rare Candy GE
1 Victini (Victory Star)
2 {F} PK