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[H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

1 RH HGSS Ninetales
1 RH HGSS Feraligatr
1 HGSS Slowking
1 HGSS Sunflora
1 HGSS Lightning Energy(Non-Play stamped)
1 HGSS UL Magmortar
1 HGSS UL Lanturn
1 HGSS UL Kingdra
1 HGSS UL Torkoal
1 HGSS UD Magcargo
1 HGSS UD Smeargle
1 CL Clefable
1 RH CL Houndoom
1 CL Cleffa
1 RH CL Meganium
1 CL Mr. Mime
1 CL Mismagius
1 CL Snorlax
1 CL Tangrowth
1 CL Weezing
1 CL Interviewer's Question
1 CL RH or Non-RH Research Records
1 CL Special Dark Energy
1 CL Basic Fire Energy
1 CL Basic Metal Energy
1 CL Shiny Raikou
1 RH BW Petilil
1 RH BW Lilligant
1 RH BW 16 Tepig
1 RH BW 24 Darumaka
1 RH BW Oshawott 28
1 RH BW Panpour
1 RH BW Simipour
1 RH BW Alomomola 39
1 RH BW 42 Zebstrika
1 RH BW Munna
1 RH BW Venipede
1 RH BW Duosion
1 RH BW Timburr 59
1 RH BW Klink
1 RH BW Klang
1 RH BW Lillipup 80
1 RH BW Watchog
1 RH BW Energy Switch
1 RH BW Super Scoop Up
1 RH BW Pokeball
1 RH EP Darumaka
1 RH EP Darmanitan
1 RH EP Venipede
1 RH EP Sandile
1 RH EP Zorua
1 RH EP Recycle
1 NV Virizon
1 NV Terrakoin
1 NV Meowth
1 RH NV Leavanny
1 RH NV Lilligant
1 RH NV Foongus
1 RH NV Pansear
1 RH NV Simisear
1 RH NVVolcarona
1 RH NV Seismitoad
1 RH NV Tirtouga
1 RH NV Frillish
1 RH NV Cryogonal
1 RH NV Zebstrika
1 RH NV Cofagrigus
1 RH NV Litwick
1 RH NV Timburr
1 RH NV Golurk
1 RH NV Druddigon
i also have some PTCGO codes and BW Promos and HGSS Promos, lmk if you need anything else for this deal to go through...
1 Team Rocket's Mewtwo EX
1 Mewtwo Star
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Could I get a pick of scan of this: 1 Jirachi ex CG?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@NarcoticHobo: While this sounds quite good, I'm gonna pass on the offer right now.

@dialgarock: Pass.

@CFOURCOLTSFAN: Well... From all that stuff, I don't need Ninetales. Other than that everything is good, but I can only trade one of the cards you want for it. Rocket's Mewtwo ex is instant deal, for Mewtwo * you'd probably have to add some promos. At the moment trading both is out of question because the value is equal only more or less to one of them.

@Martini: I have no way to take a picture at the moment, but I'll get back to you when I'll be able to do that.

@Saviour_Gundam: Sorry for that. But to be honest, I no longer need Ampharos and didn't really see anything else on your list. Do you have anything unlisted from my wants?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

that's why i was asking if you need anything else for both(idk what promos you need/how many or if you want codes) lmk, and i would do that for the TRM2ex, so just lmk.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@CFOURCOLTSFAN: I'm kinda confused by your message, but if understand correctly and as I said in previous message you want to trade what you offered just for the Rocket's Mewtwo ex just pm me.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; old EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Thread updated, stuff added, stuff gone.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff; old EX era stuff [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Would you do:

1x Thundurus EP (Reverse)
113/123 Lugia LEGEND
114/123 Lugia LEGEND

For your:
3x Eviolite'
1x Pokemon Catcher

LMK or counter?

You may CML
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Thread updated! Now with ND!

@ZekromFan: Sadly I no longer need Thundurus or Lugia.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

How many reverse holos from your wants list would you want for that Victini FA? I have a whole stack of unlisted Reverse holos in a tin and was just wondering what you value them at so I have a rough idea of how many I'd need to trade for it. I also have the alt holo Nidoking and the non-holo Mamoswine if that helps at all :)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

hello perhaps we can work out a trade

BINX has
mcd snivy
mcd sandile
col- holo R lucario
col- R ursaring

BINX wants
FA victini
NV- cobalion
flip victini victory star
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets






Yanmega Prime

Call of Legends


Noble Victories Reverse Holo


HGSS Black Star Promo


BW Black Star Promo


Pre release promo

Electivire Triumphant

This is what I have from what I've seen. I'll probably have RH's from Black and White and also from Emerging Powers. LMK how much do you value the stuff i listed up there and how much you vaklue each of your star cards at and your Victini FA too.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Would you do your Shiny Bagon AR for my Prof Promo Elm's?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

First post updated. Now looking for multiple Mewtwo EX - will trade very well for those.

@Phaaze22: I value most RH uncommons and commons at about 0,25-0,50$ each and rares at about 0,50-1$. If it's something playable then I value it more, of course. The FA Victini is worth about 10$ for me.

@Binx345: I don't think there will be any deal unless you have more stuff that you didn't mention.

@Slayer: I value Yanmega at about 5$, promos at 1-2$ each, other stuff 0,50-1$ each. As for my side, *'s are about 30-35$, Mewtwo about 50-60$, Victini 10$.

@Captain Pidgey: I could do that, but is there anything you want? Because so far the trade isn't really worth it since it would be an overseas trade.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

Avalarion - Would you do that stuff for victini fa and RH DCE HGSS?
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

OK, just been looking through my stuff... how does this offer sound to you?


1 Skyarrow Bridge
1 RH Pluspower BLW
1 Holo Magmortar CL
1 Holo Cobalion EP
1 RH Azumarill HGSS
1 RH Sawk BLW
1 RH Samurott BLW 31/114
1 Holo Scizor UD 7/90
1 Holo Gliscor UD 4/90
1 RH Alomomola 38/114
1 RH Swadloon EP 6/98
1 RH Cubchoo EP 29/98
1 RH Servine BLW 3/114

For your-

1 Victini FA

Let me know? Feel free to counter if you're not happy with that :)
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

I Intresting your
1 Shiny Raikou (Tin)
1 Shiny Entei (Tin)

I Have your want
1 Skyarrow Bridge

CML More
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@Slayer: Sounds good, pm me to confirm.

@Phaaze22: Sorry, Slayer has the better offer in this case.

@zapd: Didn't see anything.
RE: [H] HGSS Meta stuff - now with Next Destinies! [W] Cards from BW & HGSS sets

@Avalarion - PM'd you :)