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H: LV X legend prime crystal toys more Need:PAGES col energy/shiny and more

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RE: legend LV X PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

weekly bump here goes
RE: legend LV X PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

new plush added...jaks teddiursa, phione, cherubi, yuxie
RE: legend LV X PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

bump for the week....
RE: legend PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES gengar & more

bump for the year...new plush added
RE: legend LV X PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

cml for

POP 9 Pikachu
POP 9 Pichu
POP 5 Pikachu on Wailmer
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

cml for pokemon manga.

do you still have the pikachu's electric.boogalou or whatever its called? I may also be interested in DP adventures manga.


(I value the used/preowned manga at $4-5 each)
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

torterra will check your thread shortly

mlouden i dont have the electric pikcahu boogaloo...what i have manga wise left are

pokemon adventures part 2 # 4
large book format (thin but taller then most us comics, looks like a book) yellow caberllo
diamond pearl adventrues graphic novel 2
diamond pearl adventures grapich novel 4
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

kk. random q..do you know which manga it is of Brock sitting ontop of a Geodude (literally) or maybe it was onix (I don't think it's boogaloo but you may know because you seem to know alot of details about manga)
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

yes thats the the us comic format of electric tale of pikachu #3..i had it but sold it...btw now viz just makes the electric tale of pikachu all in 1 graphic novel (no more us style comics)
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

CML for

8 mew non-holo
catch mew card (ad card from wizards promo)
holo rare japanese mew
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

Pleas CML for Plush Togekiss or Jirachi
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

replied to both of u ...new updated cards
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

if you still have that/more of that catch mew card lmk..by the way thanks for the information! I have/had that novel somewhere in my house from when I was 8 (that was the one with the TM used that I asked about months ago)

Now I know what it is/what to get so I can read the rest
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

yes i still have those 3 promos...
catch mew info card
mew 8 and the other one

do you have
steelix und or unl theme deck version
tyranitar und or unl theme deck version
tri-aggron (not rev holo)
seeker xx
pokemon collector xx
tri- magmortar (not theme deck not rev holo)
tri- nidoking (not theme deck not rev holo)
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

I have literally ALL of those

I see:

machamp prime
The Catch Mew promo thing (just wondering what is it from?)
Possibly the DP manga (I already have 1-9 Pokémon adventures)

lmk what's high priority on your end and we can go from there
RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

Can you CML for Machamp Prime. Thanks :)
RE: PRIME crystal plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:pAGES and more

pinkerton and el radar machamp prime is pending and there is a backup waiting sorry
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