located in the USA
Hi, enjoy my trade thread.
1. pokebeach rules
2. All my cards are eng/Japanese, authentic, and near mint/mint (unless otherwise noted). I only want cards of the same. NO bootlegs, world championship editions. I may take some less then mint cards of ultra rares but let me know 1st.
3. I do not buy unless you have wanted shinies/EX for about $5-10.
4. I do not want any reverse holo cards from sets expedition-skyridge, or DP onward. there r some exceptions of course so please just let me know if it is reverse holo.
5. I live in the USA and trade worldwide.
6. I usually do not tape the top of toploaders because I have recieved cards that are hard to get out or tape actually sticks to card, so i don't like this very much, if you really want the top of the toploader taped please tell me.
7. Haves are at top, wants are followed
my crystal celebi reverse holo mint for your crystal celebi regular holo
my crystal crobat reverse holo mint for your crystal crobat regular holo
my crystal golem reverse holo mint for your crystal golem regular holo
older Promos
31 cleffa
MIP holo entei
igglybuff 36
rev holo mudkip 010
beldum 022
pop 3 holo R plusle
POP 8 hapiny
pop 6 buneary
pop 6 bidoof
pop 5 zangoose
pop 5 pelliper
pop 5 charmeleon
pop 5 charmander 10
pop 7 ralts
pop 6 chimchar
pop 6 starly
pop 7 spinda
pop 8 luxio
pop 6 staravia
pop 8 riolu
pop 7 burmy sand
pop 7 burmy plant
pop 5 meowth
pop 9 buneary
pop 9 piplup
pop 8 piplup
pop 7 mareep
pop 9 pachirisu
pop 4 squirtle
pop 9 croagunk
pop 8 croagunk
pop 9 floatzel
pop 9 turtwig
pop 6 turtwig
pop 8 turtwig
pop 5 pikachu on wailmer
pop 9 chimchar
pop 8 chimchar
pop 9 pikachu (jumping)
pop 9 pichu
catch mew card (ad card from wizards promo)
cities poliwag-pending
league promo donphan GS
PROMO arceus LV X 56
promo regigigas 40 drag off regular sized
promo regigigas 40 drag off jumbo sized
mcd tepig holo-pending
mcd munna holo
MIP upper deck green solid color deck box
cities '07-08
cities 08-09
cities 05-06
nationals 05-06
battle tower 05
battle palace 05
viridian city 06
vermillion city 06
fuschia city 06
celadon city 06
oreburgh city 07
eterna city 07
gym challenge
plus power
energy switch
super scoop up
poke ball
night maintainance
pro oaks visit
moo moo milk
helix fossil
energy restore
pro rowan
double full heal
- have others also - ask-the below trainers will be harder to get
sp radar
poke turn
expert belt
league holo roseanes research
league holo bebes search
league holo warp point
league holo felicitys drawing
pokemon communication (only 1 for 1 for collector)
dawn stadium
sages training
TCG coin
silver dialga
Diamond Pearl
R Japanese carnivine
R purugly
R japanese wobbafet
R steelix
R japanese munchlax
rev holo marrill
Mysterious Treasures
C pikachu
c pichu
R bastidon
SECRET wonders
U charmeleon
R arcanine
Majestic Dawn
torterra R
Legends awakened
R bellossom
R japanese salamance
R japanese staraptor
R kricketune
R luvdisc
Holo dialga 5
japanese aipom R
Supreme victors
medicham R
R hariyama
arceus lv x promo 56
Heart Gold soul silver
R weezing
R beedrill
R fearow
R crobat
rev spearow
rev holo pikachu C
H R magcargo
R mismagius
R forretress 13
holo R venomoth
R bannette
rev quilava
rev magby
R ursaring
Black White
ultra rare (FA) reshiram-pending
ultra rare pikachu
R beedrill
eng pikachu C
U plus power (legal again)
R dugtrio
R de-evolution spray
R pokemon trader
C charmander
U charmeleon
C vulpix
U ivysaur
U growlithe
SHADOWLESS growlithe
SHADOWLESS charmander
SHADOWLESS charmeleon
Japanese holo R electrode
c eevee
base 2
R electabuzz (legal again)
R hitmonlee (1 crease)
R muk
R dragonite
Team Rocket-
holo rare japanese gyarados
Gym Leaders-
U sabrinas psychic control
neo genesis
C cyndaquil 1st ed 57
R vileplume
C 105 cyndaquil
C 98 charmander
C 97 charmander
R poliwrath
R weezing
R cloyster
R jumpluff
H ninetales
R exeggcutor 12
rev holo R porygon 2 28
crystal golem reverse (only trading for another crystal card or tropical wind/tidal wave)
R forretress
R wigglytuff
CRYSTAL celebi reverse holo- ONLY trading for crystal celebi regular holo, crystal charizard regular holo, mcdonalds mew, tropical wind, tropical tidal wave
crystal crobat reverse holo - only trading for another crystal card or tropical wind tidal wave
crystal ho-oh reverse holo - see above
Ruby saphire
blaziken 15
sharpedo 22
R arcanine
R keckleon
R vaporeon
C rev holo bagon 50
Hidden legends
R huntail
Team magma vs aqua
R sealeo 16
R sharpedo 18
R raichu
C charmander 58 (also have 1 w minun symbol)
U charmeleon
R xatu
R shiftry
R seviper
unseen forces-
R murkrow
legend maker
R magmar
R spinda
crystal guardians
R marshtomp 24
dragon frontiers
R vibrava
R cloyster
Yugi-oh cards
holo mist valley falcon
holo detonate
holo cyber laser dragon bootleg
holo x saber airbellum
promo aqua dragon
promo kaiser dragon
mystic tomato
holo de fusion
secret holo gearfried iron knight
ultra holo elemental hero bladedge
jar of greed
R sasuke samurai
promo pragtical
promo dungeon worm
holo worm cartaros
celtic guardian
R winged sage falcos
secret holo xyz dragon cannon
holo gryphon wing
R black horn of heaven
holo penguin soldier
holo flamvell guard
holo ally justice garadholg
secret holo evolution burst
R sauropod brachion
R koaki meiru speeder
R fortune lady light
R pseudo space
holo fabled kushano
medium of ice barrier holo
ally of justice rverse break holo
holo worm rakuyeh
holo jurrac guaba
holo genex spare
holo naturia antjaw
holo secret naturia guardian
holo ally of justice unlimiter
holo naturia stinkbug
holo genex charger
holo genex ally
TOYS and such
sleeves- generic gaming clear
southrn islands- Japanese postcard
plush finneon ~3 in jaks
plush avon pikachu clip 2000 MIP
plush applause chansey and charmander set MIP
plush jaks riolu sitting 5 inch
plush jaks munchlax 5 inch
plush jaks pichu 2010
plush toy factory 16 in pikachu
plush jaks teddiursa
plush burger king togepi
plush jaks murkrow
plush jaks jirachi
plush jaks celebi
plush jaks togekiss
plush jaks azelf
plush jaks phione
plush jaks buneary
plush - banpresto- 3 in zoroa
plush jaks mespirit
plush jaks tepig
plush oshawatt jaks
plush munna jaks
plush banpresto 3 in turtwig
bandai loudred figure
tomy clefairy figure
tomy togepi figure
tomy pokeball figure
tomy raticate figure
tomy meowth figure
tomy chansey figure
tomy talking pikachu 4 in figure
tomy talking psyduck figure 4 in
bandai kids figure poliwrath
bandai kids electabuzz
bandai kids azumarill
bandai kids vaporeon
jaks figure zubat
jaks figure buneary
jaks figure chimecho
jaks figure lucario (~3 inch)
jaks figure driftblim
jaks figure zubat
jaks figure yanma
jaks figure hoothoot
jaks figure lugia
jaks figure ho-oh
jaks figure quagsire
jaks figure arceus
jaks figure machop
jaks figure shaymii sky form
jaks MIP meowth
jaks MIP misdreavus
jaks figure gible
jaks figure umbreon
jaks figure leafeon
jaks figure vaporeon
jaks figure espeon
jaks figure totodile color version
jaks figure cyndaquill color version
jaks figure DX talking grotle
Burger King 98 graveler figure top
Burger King shellder squirter
Burger King poliwrath squirter
BK figure top clefairy
BK muk figure keychain
BK electabuzz figure keychain
psyduck figure keychain
1998 figure light-up keychain chansey
memory board game
Puzzle- 1998 has butterfree, misty , moon on pic
charizard squeak figure
pikachu squeak figure
meowth squeak figure
bootleg clefairy figure tiny pencil topper
MIP hasbro-figures sharpedo,marshtomp, azumarill, lotad
MIP hasbro- figures medicham, makuhita
2011 mcdonalds usa figures (no card) reshiram, zekrom, zorua, zoroark, oshawott, snivy, tepig, pikachu
BOOKS and MANGA and magazine
UK summer annual pokemon book (missing 2 pages and written in)
puzzle anime generation 1 ash, pikachu butter free and moon
book novel pikachu vacation
book top 10 handbook
book pokemon pokedex
book meowth the big mouth
book attack of prehistoric pokemon
book time out for torchic
manga Diamond Pearl adventures 2, 4 (2 DIF BOOKS)
book save our squirtle
book return of the squirtle squad
beckett pokemon magazine may 09
book sinnoh handbook
collectors value guide
beckett pokemon collectors June '09
other beckett pokemon cellectors - ask please
pikachus rescue adventure novel
US large format- adventures- yellow caballero 18
official pokemon handbook inc mint poster
battle frontier- deoxys in danger/grovyle trouble inc mint tattoos
Fan Book- mini mag- summer 2005
1998 MIP pokemon book covers
counting book (1st generation)
book island of giant pokemon
book sinnoh junior handbbok
book pikachus vacation novel
book save the shieldon
VHS mewtwo VS mew movie
VHS lugia and legendary birds movie
VHS johto journeys- ask many available
VHS season 1- ask many available
DVD BOX set jotho journeys season 3
DVD Box set Advanced
DVD Box set Battle frontier Vol 1
DVD Box set Diamond pearl Vol 1
DVD Box set Diamond Peald VOL 3
shirt blue mewtwo kids size 6/7
shirt- blue pikachus kids size 6
shirt- red has ash, gliscor, pikachu more on it kids size 8/10
shirt grey 1st generation starter and pikachu size ? 2T-4T
shirt red 5/6 long sleeve sinnoh starter trio
hat black kids hat w pokemon logo
dark blue long sleeve kids size ~10 giratina, ash etc
shirt size large youth 14 long sleeve red
TOPPS non-tcg cards
sticker chase card pikachu
team rocket
sticker chase squirtle line
sticker chase bulbasaur line
BK 1998 non tcg cards
artbox flip cards
European Merlin sticker cards
japanese hyper sticker cards
toys, shirts, deck box-ask
***********BINX WANTS
trading card clear pages I NEED hundreds! so however many you can offer is wonderful!
many badges, pins, figures and plush
many Japanese promos, vending, and VS cards
some yugi-oh toys and holos
pokemon binders (large ones that u put loose pages in)
mcdonalds ereader mew
mcdonalds ereader pichu brothers
mcdonalds ereader umbreon
rotas mew
gameboy holo lugia
any tropical tidal wave or tropical wind, any language, BUT not the 2004 version
championship arena- dialga and palkia
victory medal - meganium, feralgiator, gold medal arceus, or any of the older ones before Diamond pearl
nationals charizard
many Japanese promos
BEST #3 pro elm
jumbo shadow lugia
jumbo Japanese exc pikachu swim party
jumbo Japanese exc grand party trainer
jumbo promo base charizard
jumbo Japanese exc trainer valley/.river
jumbo Japanese exc pikachu and pichu bros
jumbo steel energy special
jumbo marshtomp (same as small promo)
jumbo captain pikachu Japanese exc
jumbo rockets hitmonchan
jumbo ereader celebi
jumbo rockets sneasel
jumbo rockets mewtwo
jumbo dark venusaur
jumbo multi enbergy
pop holo pikachu w waterfall
pop holo yanmega
pop holo luxray
mcd USA 2011 snivy
mcd 2011 blitzle
mcd 2011 6 x zorua
mcd 2011 5 x klink
mcd 2011 1 x audino - pending
japanese movie holo regigigas
japanese movie holo shieldon
japanese movie holo lucario
japanese movie holo jirachi
japanese movie holo latios
japanese movie holo latias
japanese movie holo mamoswine
japanese movie holo entei
many other japanese promos
mewtwo looking over shoulder
ooyamas pikachu
haunter leaving house x 2
haunter in graveyard x 2
holo gengar x 2
holo omastar
holo machamp
holo golem
graveler stairs on mountain
trainer imakunis skill (green couch)
imakuni lose green card
drawing-pokemon machine factory
holo moltres
holo zapdos
holo scyther
holo alakazam x 2
zubat x 2
golbat x 2
mr mime juggling
jynx sunset
trainer flash diglett
holo articuno
shiny imakuni (may be promo)
trainer moonstone
trainer fossil excavation
bills pass card
card list #2
card list #4
holo beedrill Japanese
neo 4
US holo dark porygon
shiny charizard
shiny kabutops
rev holo mewtwo
S1 charizard
S2 dark blastoise
S3 dark raichu
S4 mewtwo
H1 alakazam
H2 ampharos
H10 dugtrio
H12 feraligator
H15 kingler
H16 machamp
H21 ninetales
H27 skarmory
H28 typhlosion
H31 vileplume
44 dugtrio
57 ninetales
U 87 metapod
U 90 pupitar
U 147 power charge
R 158 darkness energy
2 feraligator
3 tyrannitar
4 venusaur
H1 ampharos
H2 arcanine
H10 exeggcutor
H13 jumpluff
1 ampharos R
37 suicune
U 121 fight cube
127 lightning cube
128 memory berry
132 psychic cube
133 seer
134 super energy removal
142 darkness energy
147 warp energy
5 box topper entei
6 espeon
8 suicune
crystal charizard not rev holo
crystal ho-oh not rev holo
crystal kabutops not rev holo
crystal celebi not rev holo
H1 alakazam
H9 gengar
H10 gyarados
H12 jolteon
H13 kabutops
H14 ledian
H15 machamp
H16 magcargo
H18 magneton
H20 moltres
H22 piloswine
H23 politoed
H32 xatu
C 47 buried fossil
84 pikachu
115 weedle
U 119 ancient ruins
121 apricorn maker
122 crystal shard
124 fast ball
126 friend ball
127 hyper potion
128 lure ball
132 mirage stadium
133 mystery plate a
134 mystery plate b
135 mystery plate y
136 mystery plate o
137 mystery zone
139 star piece
142 cyclone energy
143 bounce energy
144 retro energy
9 box topper charizard
10 crobat
11 ho-oh
VS japanese
lances charizard
holo falkners skarmory
sabrinas espeon
holo rockets t-tar
akanes milktank
akanes clefable
akanes persian
akanes wigglytuff
bugys ledian
bugsys beedrill
bugsys yanma
holo mortys murkrow
mortys marowak
mortys gengar x 2
mortys hypno
mortys misdreavus x 2
jasmines ampharos
jasmines jolteon
jasmines electabuzz
jasmines raichu
jasmines magneton
chucks primape
chucks donphan
chucks poliwrath
pryces dragonite
pryces lapras
pryces piloswine
clairs blastoise
clairs gyarados
clairs mantine
surges raichu
surges lanturn
mistys lapras
sabrinas xatu
erikas jumpluff
erikas bellosom
janines arbok
janines venomoth
janines weezing
janines shuckle
janines crobat
brocks omastar
wills slowking
wills jynx
wills exeggcutor
wills slowbro
wills xatu
kogas crobat x 2
kogas foretress
brunos ursaring
bronos steelix holo
karens flareon
holo rockets raikou
lances gyarados
lances aerodactyl
Ruby saphire
C phanpy
Japanese holo arcanine
Japanese holo vaporeon
Japanese holo espeon
Japanese holo blackie umbreon
eng C cyndaquil
many Japanese vending, VS, and promo cards
hidden legends
R machamp
team rocket returns
shiny torchic
suicune ex
venusaur ex
shiny rayquaza
shiny latios
shiny latias
rare ninjask
deoxys EX 97
regirock ex
raichu ex
unseen forces
shiny entei
holon phantoms-
shiny gyarados
legend maker
shiny registeel
non holo flygon
3 holo blastoise
shiny umbreon
7 holo kirlia
holo pikachu w waterfall
8 holo yanmega
8 holo luxray
9 holo regigigas
Diamond Pearl
eng lopunny
eng munchlax
eng azumarill R
eng dustox
Mysterious Treasures
eng unown T U
eng holo feraligatr
eng holo raichu
eng C sandshrew
eng glalie
eng nidoqueen
eng ninetales
eng c zubat
Great encounters
eng H rotom
eng scizor
eng latios
eng hypno
eng unown H (un)
eng blaziken
eng beedrill R
eng combusken U
eng weedle
eng wailord
eng H torterra
eng C gastly
eng R mamoswine
eng H magnezone steel type
R roserade
r salamance
promo Japanese drapion LV X
Trainers- eng only
reverse holo rare candy (blue-purple version)
xx pokemon collector
xx junk arm
x x recycle old fossil set
xx energy retireval BW
reverse holo rare candy (hgss -on version)
pulse of frontier/supreme victors
regular holo garchomp C (Japanese exc)
eng H metagross
Advent of Arceus
Japanese promo door of begging
HGSS (no rev holos except DCE)
3 x new DCE
xx pokemon collector U
rev dce
xx energies
xx ninetales
H (came in theme deck) tyranitar
H (came in theme deck) steelix
rare candy reverse holo
holo raichu (jap battle theme deck exclusive)
holo mamoswine
holo nidoking
nintales xx
manaphy xx
xxx espeon holo energy
xx holo umbreon energyh
xx holo water energyhh
xx holo fire energy
xx holo grass energy
xx holo steel energy
xx holo fighting energy
shiny groudon
holo lucario theme deck
holo pachirisu xx
Black white
20 emboar holo
emboar theme deck holo
39 alomomola R x 3
3 x 61 throh R
71 zoroark holo xx
32 samurott holo x 1
xx mandibuzz
xx yanmega
xx lanturn
xx magnezone
xx donphan
xx machamp
ENERGIES (i have some special energies i cna trade for this just ask, i have xx of wizards holo water for example)
fire- holo jap mcdonalds ereader
fire- jap movie arceus pack
CoL- holo fire
fire- 07 league promo (says 2007 on bottom)
fighting- Col holo
fighting- jap movie arceus pack
fighting- emerald holo
fighting - ruby saphire rev holo
electric- col holo
electric- 2007 league promo
electric- emerald holo
grass- jap mcds ereader holo
grass- ruby saphire rev holo
psychic- wizards coast league promo
psychic- jap mcd ereader holo
psychic- xx col holo
psychic- jap movie arceus pack
psychic- ruby saphire rev holo
water- jap mcd ereader holo
water- 2007 league
water- jap movie pack arceus
water- ruby saphire rev holo
dark- col holo
dark- jap movie arceus pack (? if exists)
dark- 2006 league (?if exists)
dark- 2007 league (?if exists)
steel- jap movie arcues pack (?if exists)
steel- 2006 league (?if exists)
steel- 2007 league (?if exists)
many pokemon toys/plush/books/dvds/manga/etc
many yugi-oh toys and holos
Hi, enjoy my trade thread.
1. pokebeach rules
2. All my cards are eng/Japanese, authentic, and near mint/mint (unless otherwise noted). I only want cards of the same. NO bootlegs, world championship editions. I may take some less then mint cards of ultra rares but let me know 1st.
3. I do not buy unless you have wanted shinies/EX for about $5-10.
4. I do not want any reverse holo cards from sets expedition-skyridge, or DP onward. there r some exceptions of course so please just let me know if it is reverse holo.
5. I live in the USA and trade worldwide.
6. I usually do not tape the top of toploaders because I have recieved cards that are hard to get out or tape actually sticks to card, so i don't like this very much, if you really want the top of the toploader taped please tell me.
7. Haves are at top, wants are followed
my crystal celebi reverse holo mint for your crystal celebi regular holo
my crystal crobat reverse holo mint for your crystal crobat regular holo
my crystal golem reverse holo mint for your crystal golem regular holo
older Promos
31 cleffa
MIP holo entei
igglybuff 36
rev holo mudkip 010
beldum 022
pop 3 holo R plusle
POP 8 hapiny
pop 6 buneary
pop 6 bidoof
pop 5 zangoose
pop 5 pelliper
pop 5 charmeleon
pop 5 charmander 10
pop 7 ralts
pop 6 chimchar
pop 6 starly
pop 7 spinda
pop 8 luxio
pop 6 staravia
pop 8 riolu
pop 7 burmy sand
pop 7 burmy plant
pop 5 meowth
pop 9 buneary
pop 9 piplup
pop 8 piplup
pop 7 mareep
pop 9 pachirisu
pop 4 squirtle
pop 9 croagunk
pop 8 croagunk
pop 9 floatzel
pop 9 turtwig
pop 6 turtwig
pop 8 turtwig
pop 5 pikachu on wailmer
pop 9 chimchar
pop 8 chimchar
pop 9 pikachu (jumping)
pop 9 pichu
catch mew card (ad card from wizards promo)
cities poliwag-pending
league promo donphan GS
PROMO arceus LV X 56
promo regigigas 40 drag off regular sized
promo regigigas 40 drag off jumbo sized
mcd tepig holo-pending
mcd munna holo
MIP upper deck green solid color deck box
cities '07-08
cities 08-09
cities 05-06
nationals 05-06
battle tower 05
battle palace 05
viridian city 06
vermillion city 06
fuschia city 06
celadon city 06
oreburgh city 07
eterna city 07
gym challenge
plus power
energy switch
super scoop up
poke ball
night maintainance
pro oaks visit
moo moo milk
helix fossil
energy restore
pro rowan
double full heal
- have others also - ask-the below trainers will be harder to get
sp radar
poke turn
expert belt
league holo roseanes research
league holo bebes search
league holo warp point
league holo felicitys drawing
pokemon communication (only 1 for 1 for collector)
dawn stadium
sages training
TCG coin
silver dialga
Diamond Pearl
R Japanese carnivine
R purugly
R japanese wobbafet
R steelix
R japanese munchlax
rev holo marrill
Mysterious Treasures
C pikachu
c pichu
R bastidon
SECRET wonders
U charmeleon
R arcanine
Majestic Dawn
torterra R
Legends awakened
R bellossom
R japanese salamance
R japanese staraptor
R kricketune
R luvdisc
Holo dialga 5
japanese aipom R
Supreme victors
medicham R
R hariyama
arceus lv x promo 56
Heart Gold soul silver
R weezing
R beedrill
R fearow
R crobat
rev spearow
rev holo pikachu C
H R magcargo
R mismagius
R forretress 13
holo R venomoth
R bannette
rev quilava
rev magby
R ursaring
Black White
ultra rare (FA) reshiram-pending
ultra rare pikachu
R beedrill
eng pikachu C
U plus power (legal again)
R dugtrio
R de-evolution spray
R pokemon trader
C charmander
U charmeleon
C vulpix
U ivysaur
U growlithe
SHADOWLESS growlithe
SHADOWLESS charmander
SHADOWLESS charmeleon
Japanese holo R electrode
c eevee
base 2
R electabuzz (legal again)
R hitmonlee (1 crease)
R muk
R dragonite
Team Rocket-
holo rare japanese gyarados
Gym Leaders-
U sabrinas psychic control
neo genesis
C cyndaquil 1st ed 57
R vileplume
C 105 cyndaquil
C 98 charmander
C 97 charmander
R poliwrath
R weezing
R cloyster
R jumpluff
H ninetales
R exeggcutor 12
rev holo R porygon 2 28
crystal golem reverse (only trading for another crystal card or tropical wind/tidal wave)
R forretress
R wigglytuff
CRYSTAL celebi reverse holo- ONLY trading for crystal celebi regular holo, crystal charizard regular holo, mcdonalds mew, tropical wind, tropical tidal wave
crystal crobat reverse holo - only trading for another crystal card or tropical wind tidal wave
crystal ho-oh reverse holo - see above
Ruby saphire
blaziken 15
sharpedo 22
R arcanine
R keckleon
R vaporeon
C rev holo bagon 50
Hidden legends
R huntail
Team magma vs aqua
R sealeo 16
R sharpedo 18
R raichu
C charmander 58 (also have 1 w minun symbol)
U charmeleon
R xatu
R shiftry
R seviper
unseen forces-
R murkrow
legend maker
R magmar
R spinda
crystal guardians
R marshtomp 24
dragon frontiers
R vibrava
R cloyster
Yugi-oh cards
holo mist valley falcon
holo detonate
holo cyber laser dragon bootleg
holo x saber airbellum
promo aqua dragon
promo kaiser dragon
mystic tomato
holo de fusion
secret holo gearfried iron knight
ultra holo elemental hero bladedge
jar of greed
R sasuke samurai
promo pragtical
promo dungeon worm
holo worm cartaros
celtic guardian
R winged sage falcos
secret holo xyz dragon cannon
holo gryphon wing
R black horn of heaven
holo penguin soldier
holo flamvell guard
holo ally justice garadholg
secret holo evolution burst
R sauropod brachion
R koaki meiru speeder
R fortune lady light
R pseudo space
holo fabled kushano
medium of ice barrier holo
ally of justice rverse break holo
holo worm rakuyeh
holo jurrac guaba
holo genex spare
holo naturia antjaw
holo secret naturia guardian
holo ally of justice unlimiter
holo naturia stinkbug
holo genex charger
holo genex ally
TOYS and such
sleeves- generic gaming clear
southrn islands- Japanese postcard
plush finneon ~3 in jaks
plush avon pikachu clip 2000 MIP
plush applause chansey and charmander set MIP
plush jaks riolu sitting 5 inch
plush jaks munchlax 5 inch
plush jaks pichu 2010
plush toy factory 16 in pikachu
plush jaks teddiursa
plush burger king togepi
plush jaks murkrow
plush jaks jirachi
plush jaks celebi
plush jaks togekiss
plush jaks azelf
plush jaks phione
plush jaks buneary
plush - banpresto- 3 in zoroa
plush jaks mespirit
plush jaks tepig
plush oshawatt jaks
plush munna jaks
plush banpresto 3 in turtwig
bandai loudred figure
tomy clefairy figure
tomy togepi figure
tomy pokeball figure
tomy raticate figure
tomy meowth figure
tomy chansey figure
tomy talking pikachu 4 in figure
tomy talking psyduck figure 4 in
bandai kids figure poliwrath
bandai kids electabuzz
bandai kids azumarill
bandai kids vaporeon
jaks figure zubat
jaks figure buneary
jaks figure chimecho
jaks figure lucario (~3 inch)
jaks figure driftblim
jaks figure zubat
jaks figure yanma
jaks figure hoothoot
jaks figure lugia
jaks figure ho-oh
jaks figure quagsire
jaks figure arceus
jaks figure machop
jaks figure shaymii sky form
jaks MIP meowth
jaks MIP misdreavus
jaks figure gible
jaks figure umbreon
jaks figure leafeon
jaks figure vaporeon
jaks figure espeon
jaks figure totodile color version
jaks figure cyndaquill color version
jaks figure DX talking grotle
Burger King 98 graveler figure top
Burger King shellder squirter
Burger King poliwrath squirter
BK figure top clefairy
BK muk figure keychain
BK electabuzz figure keychain
psyduck figure keychain
1998 figure light-up keychain chansey
memory board game
Puzzle- 1998 has butterfree, misty , moon on pic
charizard squeak figure
pikachu squeak figure
meowth squeak figure
bootleg clefairy figure tiny pencil topper
MIP hasbro-figures sharpedo,marshtomp, azumarill, lotad
MIP hasbro- figures medicham, makuhita
2011 mcdonalds usa figures (no card) reshiram, zekrom, zorua, zoroark, oshawott, snivy, tepig, pikachu
BOOKS and MANGA and magazine
UK summer annual pokemon book (missing 2 pages and written in)
puzzle anime generation 1 ash, pikachu butter free and moon
book novel pikachu vacation
book top 10 handbook
book pokemon pokedex
book meowth the big mouth
book attack of prehistoric pokemon
book time out for torchic
manga Diamond Pearl adventures 2, 4 (2 DIF BOOKS)
book save our squirtle
book return of the squirtle squad
beckett pokemon magazine may 09
book sinnoh handbook
collectors value guide
beckett pokemon collectors June '09
other beckett pokemon cellectors - ask please
pikachus rescue adventure novel
US large format- adventures- yellow caballero 18
official pokemon handbook inc mint poster
battle frontier- deoxys in danger/grovyle trouble inc mint tattoos
Fan Book- mini mag- summer 2005
1998 MIP pokemon book covers
counting book (1st generation)
book island of giant pokemon
book sinnoh junior handbbok
book pikachus vacation novel
book save the shieldon
VHS mewtwo VS mew movie
VHS lugia and legendary birds movie
VHS johto journeys- ask many available
VHS season 1- ask many available
DVD BOX set jotho journeys season 3
DVD Box set Advanced
DVD Box set Battle frontier Vol 1
DVD Box set Diamond pearl Vol 1
DVD Box set Diamond Peald VOL 3
shirt blue mewtwo kids size 6/7
shirt- blue pikachus kids size 6
shirt- red has ash, gliscor, pikachu more on it kids size 8/10
shirt grey 1st generation starter and pikachu size ? 2T-4T
shirt red 5/6 long sleeve sinnoh starter trio
hat black kids hat w pokemon logo
dark blue long sleeve kids size ~10 giratina, ash etc
shirt size large youth 14 long sleeve red
TOPPS non-tcg cards
sticker chase card pikachu
team rocket
sticker chase squirtle line
sticker chase bulbasaur line
BK 1998 non tcg cards
artbox flip cards
European Merlin sticker cards
japanese hyper sticker cards
toys, shirts, deck box-ask
***********BINX WANTS
trading card clear pages I NEED hundreds! so however many you can offer is wonderful!
many badges, pins, figures and plush
many Japanese promos, vending, and VS cards
some yugi-oh toys and holos
pokemon binders (large ones that u put loose pages in)
mcdonalds ereader mew
mcdonalds ereader pichu brothers
mcdonalds ereader umbreon
rotas mew
gameboy holo lugia
any tropical tidal wave or tropical wind, any language, BUT not the 2004 version
championship arena- dialga and palkia
victory medal - meganium, feralgiator, gold medal arceus, or any of the older ones before Diamond pearl
nationals charizard
many Japanese promos
BEST #3 pro elm
jumbo shadow lugia
jumbo Japanese exc pikachu swim party
jumbo Japanese exc grand party trainer
jumbo promo base charizard
jumbo Japanese exc trainer valley/.river
jumbo Japanese exc pikachu and pichu bros
jumbo steel energy special
jumbo marshtomp (same as small promo)
jumbo captain pikachu Japanese exc
jumbo rockets hitmonchan
jumbo ereader celebi
jumbo rockets sneasel
jumbo rockets mewtwo
jumbo dark venusaur
jumbo multi enbergy
pop holo pikachu w waterfall
pop holo yanmega
pop holo luxray
mcd USA 2011 snivy
mcd 2011 blitzle
mcd 2011 6 x zorua
mcd 2011 5 x klink
mcd 2011 1 x audino - pending
japanese movie holo regigigas
japanese movie holo shieldon
japanese movie holo lucario
japanese movie holo jirachi
japanese movie holo latios
japanese movie holo latias
japanese movie holo mamoswine
japanese movie holo entei
many other japanese promos
mewtwo looking over shoulder
ooyamas pikachu
haunter leaving house x 2
haunter in graveyard x 2
holo gengar x 2
holo omastar
holo machamp
holo golem
graveler stairs on mountain
trainer imakunis skill (green couch)
imakuni lose green card
drawing-pokemon machine factory
holo moltres
holo zapdos
holo scyther
holo alakazam x 2
zubat x 2
golbat x 2
mr mime juggling
jynx sunset
trainer flash diglett
holo articuno
shiny imakuni (may be promo)
trainer moonstone
trainer fossil excavation
bills pass card
card list #2
card list #4
holo beedrill Japanese
neo 4
US holo dark porygon
shiny charizard
shiny kabutops
rev holo mewtwo
S1 charizard
S2 dark blastoise
S3 dark raichu
S4 mewtwo
H1 alakazam
H2 ampharos
H10 dugtrio
H12 feraligator
H15 kingler
H16 machamp
H21 ninetales
H27 skarmory
H28 typhlosion
H31 vileplume
44 dugtrio
57 ninetales
U 87 metapod
U 90 pupitar
U 147 power charge
R 158 darkness energy
2 feraligator
3 tyrannitar
4 venusaur
H1 ampharos
H2 arcanine
H10 exeggcutor
H13 jumpluff
1 ampharos R
37 suicune
U 121 fight cube
127 lightning cube
128 memory berry
132 psychic cube
133 seer
134 super energy removal
142 darkness energy
147 warp energy
5 box topper entei
6 espeon
8 suicune
crystal charizard not rev holo
crystal ho-oh not rev holo
crystal kabutops not rev holo
crystal celebi not rev holo
H1 alakazam
H9 gengar
H10 gyarados
H12 jolteon
H13 kabutops
H14 ledian
H15 machamp
H16 magcargo
H18 magneton
H20 moltres
H22 piloswine
H23 politoed
H32 xatu
C 47 buried fossil
84 pikachu
115 weedle
U 119 ancient ruins
121 apricorn maker
122 crystal shard
124 fast ball
126 friend ball
127 hyper potion
128 lure ball
132 mirage stadium
133 mystery plate a
134 mystery plate b
135 mystery plate y
136 mystery plate o
137 mystery zone
139 star piece
142 cyclone energy
143 bounce energy
144 retro energy
9 box topper charizard
10 crobat
11 ho-oh
VS japanese
lances charizard
holo falkners skarmory
sabrinas espeon
holo rockets t-tar
akanes milktank
akanes clefable
akanes persian
akanes wigglytuff
bugys ledian
bugsys beedrill
bugsys yanma
holo mortys murkrow
mortys marowak
mortys gengar x 2
mortys hypno
mortys misdreavus x 2
jasmines ampharos
jasmines jolteon
jasmines electabuzz
jasmines raichu
jasmines magneton
chucks primape
chucks donphan
chucks poliwrath
pryces dragonite
pryces lapras
pryces piloswine
clairs blastoise
clairs gyarados
clairs mantine
surges raichu
surges lanturn
mistys lapras
sabrinas xatu
erikas jumpluff
erikas bellosom
janines arbok
janines venomoth
janines weezing
janines shuckle
janines crobat
brocks omastar
wills slowking
wills jynx
wills exeggcutor
wills slowbro
wills xatu
kogas crobat x 2
kogas foretress
brunos ursaring
bronos steelix holo
karens flareon
holo rockets raikou
lances gyarados
lances aerodactyl
Ruby saphire
C phanpy
Japanese holo arcanine
Japanese holo vaporeon
Japanese holo espeon
Japanese holo blackie umbreon
eng C cyndaquil
many Japanese vending, VS, and promo cards
hidden legends
R machamp
team rocket returns
shiny torchic
suicune ex
venusaur ex
shiny rayquaza
shiny latios
shiny latias
rare ninjask
deoxys EX 97
regirock ex
raichu ex
unseen forces
shiny entei
holon phantoms-
shiny gyarados
legend maker
shiny registeel
non holo flygon
3 holo blastoise
shiny umbreon
7 holo kirlia
holo pikachu w waterfall
8 holo yanmega
8 holo luxray
9 holo regigigas
Diamond Pearl
eng lopunny
eng munchlax
eng azumarill R
eng dustox
Mysterious Treasures
eng unown T U
eng holo feraligatr
eng holo raichu
eng C sandshrew
eng glalie
eng nidoqueen
eng ninetales
eng c zubat
Great encounters
eng H rotom
eng scizor
eng latios
eng hypno
eng unown H (un)
eng blaziken
eng beedrill R
eng combusken U
eng weedle
eng wailord
eng H torterra
eng C gastly
eng R mamoswine
eng H magnezone steel type
R roserade
r salamance
promo Japanese drapion LV X
Trainers- eng only
reverse holo rare candy (blue-purple version)
xx pokemon collector
xx junk arm
x x recycle old fossil set
xx energy retireval BW
reverse holo rare candy (hgss -on version)
pulse of frontier/supreme victors
regular holo garchomp C (Japanese exc)
eng H metagross
Advent of Arceus
Japanese promo door of begging
HGSS (no rev holos except DCE)
3 x new DCE
xx pokemon collector U
rev dce
xx energies
xx ninetales
H (came in theme deck) tyranitar
H (came in theme deck) steelix
rare candy reverse holo
holo raichu (jap battle theme deck exclusive)
holo mamoswine
holo nidoking
nintales xx
manaphy xx
xxx espeon holo energy
xx holo umbreon energyh
xx holo water energyhh
xx holo fire energy
xx holo grass energy
xx holo steel energy
xx holo fighting energy
shiny groudon
holo lucario theme deck
holo pachirisu xx
Black white
20 emboar holo
emboar theme deck holo
39 alomomola R x 3
3 x 61 throh R
71 zoroark holo xx
32 samurott holo x 1
xx mandibuzz
xx yanmega
xx lanturn
xx magnezone
xx donphan
xx machamp
ENERGIES (i have some special energies i cna trade for this just ask, i have xx of wizards holo water for example)
fire- holo jap mcdonalds ereader
fire- jap movie arceus pack
CoL- holo fire
fire- 07 league promo (says 2007 on bottom)
fighting- Col holo
fighting- jap movie arceus pack
fighting- emerald holo
fighting - ruby saphire rev holo
electric- col holo
electric- 2007 league promo
electric- emerald holo
grass- jap mcds ereader holo
grass- ruby saphire rev holo
psychic- wizards coast league promo
psychic- jap mcd ereader holo
psychic- xx col holo
psychic- jap movie arceus pack
psychic- ruby saphire rev holo
water- jap mcd ereader holo
water- 2007 league
water- jap movie pack arceus
water- ruby saphire rev holo
dark- col holo
dark- jap movie arceus pack (? if exists)
dark- 2006 league (?if exists)
dark- 2007 league (?if exists)
steel- jap movie arcues pack (?if exists)
steel- 2006 league (?if exists)
steel- 2007 league (?if exists)
many pokemon toys/plush/books/dvds/manga/etc
many yugi-oh toys and holos