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[H]: Mostly everything you could need [W]: unown q, rh meta cards

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RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Hey could you CML for your POP9 Garchomp?
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

richkid50000 said:
I am also interested in Snorlax X and Alakazam 4 X. Just to ask what do you value Leafeon X at?

I know it's semi-popular/valuable, but it's more of a "just in case I want to try a deck idea" thing.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

I can value it to at the least $30 i would prefer to get it at at least that if not up to $40 in value. If that is to high just let me know.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

richkid50000 said:
I can value it to at the least $30 I would prefer to get it at at least that if not up to $40 in value. If that is to high just let me know.

That honestly sounds about right. just cml for stuff and make me an offer, you can copy and paste my above offer -electivire fb x and add to it? and I'm also interested in your unlisted uxie, but I do not value it as high as usual because of the new league support.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Do you have any Pikachus? I am trying to get 100 of them and am almost half way there. I was interested in the Alakazam 4 X and DGX. I really dont want to trade for another Evire FB X

PS I am very bad at making offers.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

captain.mongoose said:
Hey could you CML for your POP9 Garchomp?

I'm interested in your honchkrow lv x, could you find something in my list to add to the garchomp for it?

richkid50000 said:
Do you have any Pikachus? I am trying to get 100 of them and am almost half way there. I was interested in the Alakazam 4 X and DGX. I really don't want to trade for another Evire FB X

PS I am very bad at making offers.

Lol, it's ok. ANY pikachus at all as in commons/uncommons/rares/reprints/holos?
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

crm103top08 said:
I'm interested in your honchkrow lv x, could you find something in my list to add to the garchomp for it?

richkid50000 said:
Would you add an Electivire FB for it?
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Yes ANY i could personally care less if they are just commons i wont trade a ton but i would trade some for them.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

captain.mongoose said:
crm103top08 said:
I'm interested in your honchkrow lv x, could you find something in my list to add to the garchomp for it?

richkid50000 said:
Would you add an Electivire FB for it?

Sure, so...
electivire fb rh
garchomp pop9

Honchkrow lv x

if that is correct, pm me and I will get those sent out tomorrow.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Hey dude, remember that Gastly/Haunter offer you made a while back? I might take you up on that. CML for 3x SF Gastly and 4x SF Haunter.

While you're at it, also CML for 1x PT Ampharos.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Dichromate said:
Hey dude, remember that Gastly/Haunter offer you made a while back? I might take you up on that. CML for 3x SF Gastly and 4x SF Haunter.

While you're at it, also CML for 1x PT Ampharos.

Ok, I just checked my book and I do still have that many.
All I see on your list is a staraptor fb lv x.
You're welcome to add a little something from my list to come to an agreement.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Hm, if i get rid of the Ampharos, since I don't need it that bad, would you be willing to do, for just the Gastlys/Haunters, maybe 2x Snowpoints (1 RH) and something else?
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Dichromate said:
Hm, if I get rid of the Ampharos, since I don't need it that bad, would you be willing to do, for just the Gastlys/Haunters, maybe 2x Snowpoints (1 RH) and something else?

I recently got a snowpoint in a trade so I only need one, and didn't really see anything else in your list that I need.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

Hm, how about that stuff for a Roseanne's? I've got an extra unlisted one that I don't think I need.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

crm103top08 said:
Bump, come on people, I've got to have something you want.

I want your Electivire FB Lv.X.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

My Flying Pikachu for your Electivire FB
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

i'm interested in:

Dialga G LV X
Skymin Promo LV X (kind of...)
Giratina LV X
Snorlax LV X
Alakazam 4 LV X
Electivire FB LV X

do you see anything from my list?
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

my claydol GE(RH)

your electrivire FB
RE: Crm's trades [H]: Lots from SF to SV [W]: Staples======Take A Look

YourP1MP said:
I want your Electivire FB Lv.X.

vire fb x

vire fb
metagross sv
houndoom la x2

lemme know or counter

ace11 said:
My Flying Pikachu for your Electivire FB

Sorry, I'm not interested in the pikachu reprints.

spartan7987 said:
my claydol GE(RH)

your electrivire FB

that's a deal. But I unfortunately traded my vire fb and haven't taken it off of my list yet. But I will be trying to get another one asap. So, if you can wait until Monday, I can ship one out. Or if you send first, I will have another one to send to you by the time it gets here.

lmk what you want to do.

1Pokemon_Master said:
I'm interested in:

Dialga G LV X
Skymin Promo LV X (kind of...)
Giratina LV X
Snorlax LV X
Alakazam 4 LV X
Electivire FB LV X

do you see anything from my list?

Sorry, I didn't really see all that much that I needed, but I will look more thoroughly when I get home from school.
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