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H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

RE: H: Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 5/21/08)

Taylor im checkin your list right now

also, update on haves and wants :D
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

Cml for Cresselia Lv.X! Thanks and Lmk. :D
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

sorry, didnt see anything except for a dol and good leafeon, but thats not enough :)
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

Yes, I am aware of that. Is there anything else you are specifically looking for?
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

Leafeon X.... Glaceon X thats pretty much it...
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

anything for your Jpn Ninetales?
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

any of what? :p I dont see anything.
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

I didn't see anything I really want to trade Cresselia Lv.X for, but if you still want the Regirock*, I would trade it for any English non-promo Lv.X. Please LMK. Sorry about Cresselia Lv.X, but I really like it!:(
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

sorry regi rock * isnt worth a lvl X.... if you threw a couple of rares in, ill trade my Torterra... lmk
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

I REALLY REALLY need an Electivire Lv. X!(As you can see my my sig and avatar, he is one of my favorite pokemon). PPPPPPPPPPCML for it! THANKS!:D
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

i need electivire x, 1 rotom md

cml and when can u give me my cards back
RE: H: Cress X! Mag X! x2 Gardy X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/5/08)

sorry everyone, electivire X is gone, and the other isnt for trade...
sorry for not being here. i have been at a week long boy scout course....
RE: H: Cress X! Chomp X! x2 Gardy X! Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/21/08)

um all the exs that are there and some old ones
RE: H: Cress X! Chomp X! x2 Gardy X! Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 6/21/08)

Ok heres the old ones:
x1 rocket's Persian EX (UF)
x3 Typlosion EX (SS)
x3 Amphoros EX (Dragon)
x2 Raichu EX (SS)
x1 Raikou EX (??)
then the other exs on my haves

do you have any of my wants? I need Magnezone X, Vire X x1, and other MD rares, and TSD!!!! NEED TSD!
