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H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

RE: All Pre- DP must go! CElios, DRE, windstorm, Etc! ! Have other Lvl X (Update 6/26)

sorry everyone didnt see anything. Dudeman: no thanks.
RE: All Pre- DP must go! CElios, DRE, windstorm, Etc! ! Have other Lvl X (Update 6/26)

OK. Next time then.
RE: All Pre- DP must go! CElios, DRE, windstorm, Etc! ! Have other Lvl X (Update 6/26)

srry all i want is ur leafeon LVX
and Gardy LVX
lol XD

and BTW i havent recived ur cards :(
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

sorry, i havent sent them :p but trust me i will real soon. I hadnt been on all week, and I sent last weekend, but didnt get your adress in time. Ill send asap! If you like Gardy X, do you like both?
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

PokemonPhantom3 said:
sorry, I havent sent them :p but trust me I will real soon. I hadnt been on all week, and I sent last weekend, but didnt get your adress in time. Ill send asap! If you like Gardy X, do you like both?

i like both...oh u havent? whenare u gunna send them?
lol ya i love both XD
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

CML for
Cresslia Lv. X
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

CML for x1 electivire X,
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

CML for Cress X and Garch X.
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

cml for:
x1 Chomp X
x1 Cresselia X
x1 salamence ex delta
x1 rayquaza ex(from any and/or all sets)

i have kyogre star.if this 1 card is not cood enough,cml.
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

CML for Garchomp Lv.X
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7

Please CML. You have lots of my wants.
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

ok ill eventually catch up. no vire X for trade. Adropes, nothin sorry. roxsora, nothin. water raquaza, ill check. same with you TCG Co founder....
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

I have 2 Magnezone Lv.X. I want your Garchomp Lv.X. Would you buy the other one? $18
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

I didnt know you had those... hmmm. I would do the chomp X and 2 rares for both Zones. lmk.
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

No thanks. Chomp X and $10.
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

excuse the double post, but i forgot, i dont have chomp X any more, sorry...
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7

RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

Yata: and???
shaymin: leafeon does not want to part with me :p

Regice* and something else (non lvl X)
for magnezone X...
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7

CML for leafeon lv.X
RE: H: Glaceon X, Mag X, x2 Gardy X, Cress X, other Great cards, check itou!(Update 7/25)

x1 Chomp X
x1 Cresselia X
x1 Leafeon X
x1 Electivire X
x1 Torterra X