• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

RE: H: Glace X! WANT Leafeon X! Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 12/5)

i have x2 kingdra. im looking for x2 umbreon EX.
RE: H: Glace X! WANT Leafeon X! Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 12/5)

Jordan do you have Rocket's Mewtwo EX?
If so CML for it.
RE: H: Glace X! WANT Leafeon X! Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 12/5)

Requested by owner.​
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

Shannon wants Staraptor FB lv.X :eek:
CML please. X3​
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

CML for rayquaza c lv. x and staraptor fb lv. x
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

CML for Rayquaza C X please.
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

CML for Rayquaza X and Staraptor X. Please and thank you!
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

CML for Rayquaza C + Lv.X, Flygon RR x1, and Gengar SF x2.
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

Shannon: I lieked your Flygon X/Flygon

EddieT: I liked you Flygon X

Medaforcer: I liked your: x2 Pachirisu GE (RH) x2 Luxray GL, (keep in mind, I also have a glaceon lvl X which was on your wants list ;) )

Zephlim: Sorry, didnt see anything :(

nabby: I liked your TGIs and Pokedrawers...

If any of you have Call energies, that is a HUGE want of mine

Offer away...
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

PokemonPhantom3 said:
Shannon: I lieked your Flygon X/Flygon

EddieT: I liked you Flygon X

Medaforcer: I liked your: x2 Pachirisu GE (RH) x2 Luxray GL, (keep in mind, I also have a glaceon lvl X which was on your wants list ;) )

Zephlim: Sorry, didnt see anything :(

nabby: I liked your TGIs and Pokedrawers...

If any of you have Call energies, that is a HUGE want of mine

Offer away...

well i dont think i can trade my flygon lv. x for rayquaza or staraptor, but i could trade away leafeon lv. x i guess, if your interested
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

I have several extra TGIs and 1 spare Call energy. Would you be interested in working something out for TSD?
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

CML for Lugia
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

CML for:
Staraptor FB lvl X
Weavile (SW)
Gengar (SF)

Only thing I have from your wants is an RH energy gain, but maybe you'll see something.
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/


Call Energy x4 (2x RH)
TGI Power Spray x4
TGI Energy Gain x3

Azelf Lv X
Glaceon Lv X
Venusaur SV RH
Mespirit LA

CML of ya need me to add in more stuff

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

PokemonPhantom3 said:
Medaforcer: I liked your: x2 Pachirisu GE (RH) x2 Luxray GL, (keep in mind, I also have a glaceon lvl X which was on your wants list ;) )

Well, to be honest the Rayquaza ranks a little higher than the glaceon in my wants department at the moment. :p

Would you be willing to do those and more if needed for The Ray...?
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

check me for,

ray C Lv.X
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

interested in these:

Staraptor RB Lv. X
Blaziken FB (SV)
Electivire FB (SV) (RH)
Venusaur (SV) (RH)

could u please CML for those
RE: H: Staraptor FB lvl X Raquaza C lvl X! W: Call Energy, and much more!Have Lots of lvl Xs! Come and see! (updated: 8/

@EddieT: Umm... i dont know. I dont really NEED a leafeon.

@darksoulSP: Umm... nothin for TSD. Do you see any rares on my list? I REALLY need call energy....

@Islam Soloman: I liked your powerspray, Galactics HQ, and lvl Max (all of those for the lugia?)

@Jace: Nah nothing sorry :(

@the Crippler: I'll do all that stuff you offered for my glaceon X?

@Medaforcer: Eh, I dont know. thats really not enough for a lvl X, and I dont see anything else on your list. Sorry :(

@StarForce: nothing, sorry :(

@qnet: I liked your 2-1 Uxie line. Would you do all of that (minus the Blaziken) for the 2-1 uxie line?
