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~[H] Rayquza C X and supreme Victors sleeves[N] luxray Gl X and others.

RE: I Need these!

I have Raikou* and am interested in these:

Leafeon Lv. X
Energy Gain (RH)

LMK if we can work something out. Thanks.
RE: I Need these!

I also have 3x Jirachi RR, 1x Luxray GL, 1x Umbreon MD (RH), 4x Trapinch RR and 2x Vibrava RR.
RE: I Need these!

well i also seen here comes team rocket, but idk there are so many offers.

the leafy can be yours its just high play and sell. look at me thred and see what you have that i need. and well work this out .
RE: I Need these!

idk,let me think. okay? i will PM you when i make my descion.

RE: I Need these!

Would you do this:

Typhlosion EX
Umbreon MD (Reverse Holo)

Snorlax Lv. X

LMK thanks
RE: I Need these!

if you have x2 claydol GE then ill take x2 claydol and umbreon (MD).

i also have all of these:

Flygon SW x 1
Hippowdon RR x 2
Machamp SF x 1
SP Energy x 2
Upper Energy x 1

Ill be on later everyone. leave me something if you want to trade.
RE: I Need these!

My: 4 Trapinch RR, 2 Vibrava RR, 3 Dratini LA, 2 Dragonair LA, 1 Dragonite LA, 2 Eevee MD

for your Porygon ZX