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H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

RE: W:Initiative, Call Energy H:ERL Bottom, Uxie, Flygon, Ninetales, Mesprit, Spiritomb

I coul trade if you add some stuff in. Do you have a thread I could look at? Or do you have any of my other wants?
RE: W:Machamp Prime, TM Machoke H:ERL Bottom, Uxie, Flygon, Ninetales, Mesprit, Spiritomb

I have darkrai and Cresselia Legend top, as well as some other stuff off your wants, and I want LA Mesprit, HS Ninetales, and RH rotom UD. LMK.
RE: W:Machamp Prime, TM Machoke H:ERL Bottom, Uxie, Flygon, Ninetales, Mesprit, Spiritomb

What else do you have from my wants?
RE: W:Machamp Prime, Gyarados H:DGX, ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

CML for Dialga G Lv.X, Uxie League Promo and Aaron's Collection.
I have:T-Tars 5x,Pokemon Communication 1x,Engineer Adjusments 1x(RH),Pupitar (Boost Gas) 2x,Larvitar(Mountain Eater)

RE: W:Machamp Prime, Gyarados H:DGX, ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

CML for Uxie
RE: W:Machamp Prime, Gyarados H:DGX, ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

I've got a lot from your wants. Do you by any chance happen to have any old ex cards you could trade?
RE: W:Machamp Prime, Gyarados H:DGX, ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

Grizzly- DCL Bottom?

Mewyoshi - No, sorry. Haven't been playing that long.
RE: W:Machamp Prime, Gyarados H:DGX, ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

Would you do Full DCL + something else for DGX and Uxie? Because I really don't want to split up the legend.
RE: W:Machamp Prime, Gyarados H:DGX, ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

No, sorry. Only need the bottom. How about for Absol Prime?
RE: W:Machamp Prime, Gyarados H:DGX, ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

Absol Prime for Uxie? I might be able to do that. Let me double check some things and get back to you.
RE: W:Machamp Prime, Jirachi, Gyarados H:ERL Bottom, Holo League Energy,Uxie, Spiritomb

Hey, Kwik, would you do Absol Prime and something for DGX?