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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Hey, could you respond on my trade thread please! I really need that Dusknoir DP! Is it a deal.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

cml for flygon lv x and dialga g lv x, machamp SF, and do you have 2 nidoqueens?

i also have alot of foil energies unlisted just tell me which ones you want

RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Coach: my new Nidoqueen RR for 5 holo NRGs.
Dragonpulse: Sure! Pm me.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

sorry i know longer need the nidoqueen, what would i have to give you for the machamp?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

I could do 7 holo energies for a Machamp SF.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. Looking for holo energies

Hello, i have a pretty big trade offer for you:


I have
Rocket's Scyther - Gym Challenge
1st Edition Jungle Scyther
2 Holo Leaf Energies
1 Holo fighting Energy
Luxray GL Lv X
2 Luxray GL's Holos


Infernape 4 Lv X
Dialga G Lv X
Uxie Lv X
Cresselia Lv X
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

Huge update with new collection wants!

How about Infernape 4X and Uxie X for Luxray X and a fighting holo energy?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

darksoulSP said:
Huge update with new collection wants!

How about Infernape 4X and Uxie X for Luxray X and a fighting holo energy?

uhm.... I just completed this trade:

My: Flygon Lv X

Infy 4 x
Uxie X
Azelf X

... and because lux x is obviously worth more then flygon i thought my offer was appropriate... and lol im only trading luxray gl lv x so i can get a much better deal.... not because you want it... i love my luxray and will only let go of it for the right deal... like when someone offered me:

All 6 Primes and 2 packs of HGSS sleeves... that kinda forced me to let go of my luxray... infy and uxie dont have that power alone... you would need to add in DGX and cresselia to force me to let go of luxray.

Actually you know what i can do it for uxie, infernape and cresselia, and i will include(kinda have to... this is the main reason i even brought this trade up... because i had some cards that you wanted) all the other cards i mentioned above... so yea:

Rocket's Scyther - Gym Challenge
1st Edition Jungle Scyther
2 Holo Leaf Energies
1 Holo fighting Energy
Luxray GL Lv X
2 Luxray GL's Holos

Uxie X
Infy X
Cresselia X

... in order to get luxray x... you do have to sacrifice some cards... but trust me, its worth it.
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

Hi i have a gym leaders prerelease holo mistys seadra for trade

IM interested in:
pack feralgiater prime
donphan prime
many eng HGSS, expedition,aquapolis, skyridge stuff

Please PM me if interested. and check my thread to see my other stuff
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

Alseatao said:
uhm.... I just completed this trade:

My: Flygon Lv X

Infy 4 x
Uxie X
Azelf X

... and because lux x is obviously worth more then flygon i thought my offer was appropriate... and lol im only trading luxray gl lv x so i can get a much better deal.... not because you want it... i love my luxray and will only let go of it for the right deal... like when someone offered me:

All 6 Primes and 2 packs of HGSS sleeves... that kinda forced me to let go of my luxray... infy and uxie don't have that power alone... you would need to add in DGX and cresselia to force me to let go of luxray.

Actually you know what i can do it for uxie, infernape and cresselia, and i will include(kinda have to... this is the main reason i even brought this trade up... because i had some cards that you wanted) all the other cards i mentioned above... so yea:

Rocket's Scyther - Gym Challenge
1st Edition Jungle Scyther
2 Holo Leaf Energies
1 Holo fighting Energy
Luxray GL Lv X
2 Luxray GL's Holos

Uxie X
Infy X
Cresselia X

... in order to get luxray x... you do have to sacrifice some cards... but trust me, its worth it.

Alrighty then fine. PM me! :)

RareCandy: Yes, Arceus sleeves!
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

Do you have any Holo energies RCA?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

Only those 2? Is there anything else you are interested in?
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

gengar x
flying pikachu

donphan prime *
gatr prime ***
RE: darksoulSP's Trades, with many Xs and SRs. New collection wants!

Can I see your list? And Donphan is a no, regardless really. There isn't much you could add for it.