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[H]Staples! [W]Rampardos stuff, Fighting energy!

RE: [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Uxie Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X!

Buttsurfer said:
Pokefan4000 said:
The only stuff from those sets that are worth mentioning are a 95% mint Giovanni's Nidoking and an incoming Erika's Venusaur.

Would you like to trade the both of them for Dialga G? I'm SUPER interested in that Giovanni's Nidoking. lol. Please, LMK.​
Sure. PM me to finalize?
RE: [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Uxie Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X!

CML for Wash Rotom, Mow Rotom, Rare Candy if you have them and Lookers if you have them.
RE: [H]Palkia G Lv.X, Uxie Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X!

I don't have any Candy, but I do have 1 Looker's.

I saw your incoming Hippowdon Lv.X, Flygon RR, and Blastoise PT.
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!


Now have SV and a few new Lv.Xs!
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

Make me an offer for Dialga G Lv. X?
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

It says you don't have a Dialga G Lv.X on your list. Or is it incoming?

How about Luxray GL Lv.X for your Dialga G Lv.X?
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

Blaziken X. LMK, thanks.
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

I'll pass on that.
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

I can add a dialga G, and maybe another rare?
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

Sorry, didn't see much I was interested in.
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

Dialga G Lv. X

Blaziken FB Lv. X

LMK or counter.

RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

I really don't think that I'll be trading Blaziken FB Lv.X for Dialga G Lv.X, since I might already have a trade going on involving Dialga G Lv.X. Anything else for it, such as Luxray GL Lv.X?
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!


x1 Dialga G
x1 Dialga G LV X
x2-3 SV rares (you can CML)

x1 Blaziken FB LV X
x1 Staraptor FB

RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

Frodus said:

x1 Dialga G
x1 Dialga G LV X
x2-3 SV rares (you can CML)

x1 Blaziken FB LV X
x1 Staraptor FB

I'm interested in that offer. Could I get back to you once I hear from Jackolas?
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

Pokefan4000 said:
I really don't think that I'll be trading Blaziken FB Lv.X for Dialga G Lv.X, since I might already have a trade going on involving Dialga G Lv.X. Anything else for it, such as Luxray GL Lv.X?

Do you think you can possibly add in a Holo? I need Staraptor FB or Luxray GL. If you can add those in w/ Luxray GL Lv. X

But LMK through PM either way.

RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

AnthonyG said:
Do you think you can possibly add in a Holo? I need Staraptor FB or Luxray GL. If you can add those in w/ Luxray GL Lv. X

But LMK through PM either way.

Like with Frodus, can I get back with you when I hear from Jackolas?
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

Pokefan4000 said:
I'm interested in that offer. Could I get back to you once I hear from Jackolas?

yea sure, I mean, I won't put anything on hold so if I receive offers for that stuff I may trade them off, but I'll probably still have it.
but yeah, if you don't hear back from jackolas or don't like the deal he's giving you please come talk to me (preferably through PM as I may forget to check back here.)
I'd love to be able to work something out.
RE: [H]Blaziken FB Lv.X, Luxray GL Lv.X Lv.X! [W]Dialga G Lv.X, SV!

CML for
Blaziken FB Lv.X
1x Yanmega (RH)
1x Staraptor FB