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[H]Staples! [W]Rampardos stuff, Fighting energy!

RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Gallade 4 Lv.X! [W]Staraptor FB Lv.X, LunaSol stuff!

Opened upon request.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Gallade 4 Lv.X! [W]Staraptor FB Lv.X, LunaSol stuff!

I have lots of SV cards (some unlisted so I will check for more if you ask), 2 Relicanth, 1-2 Uxie LP, a Claydol LP, Dialga G LP, and plenty more on my list and that I can get access to easly. I am interested in your Luxray GL LV X. LMK if we can work something out.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

Actually, I just updated my list as you posted that...I don't need those cards anymore.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!


I have;
Gengar Lv X
3 expert belts
2 Lucky eggs
1 Floatzel GL

Im very interested in your Luxray GL lv X.

lmk or counter please.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

You say you have Gengar Lv.X, but I don't see it on your list. Do you have any other Lv.Xs?
Also, I noticed that I have a few of your RR and SV wants. Any of those I can trade for the Floatzel GL?
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!


i am very interested in your luxray X. i have gengar X. LMK if you see anything else.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

Pokefan4000 said:
You say you have Gengar Lv.X, but I don't see it on your list. Do you have any other Lv.Xs?
Also, I noticed that I have a few of your RR and SV wants. Any of those I can trade for the Floatzel GL?

The Gengar isnt listed because its decked. However, I dont play it anymore so its for trade.

I have a Claydol thats decked as well, but Im willing to trade it as well if it helps me get that Luxray X from you.

Gengar Lv X
3 expert belts
2 Lucky eggs
1 Floatzel GL
1 Claydol GE

Luxray GL lv X

RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

richkid: Well, I don't know about that, but I'm definitely interested in 2 Claydol LP.

shadoworganid: Sorry, don't think I can even do that.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

I want your Luxray GL Lv.X, from your wants I have:
1x Floatzel GL (RH)
1x Claydol GE
3x Spiritomb PA

CML For More, What Can We Work Out?
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

shadoworganid: Probably not.

ThePokemonProfessor: I don't think I'd do that for Lux. But I am interested in 3 RH Blastoise PT.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

Will you trade your Uxie Lv.x for my Floatzel GL Lv.x?
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

Nope. It would be a lot better deal on your side, IMO.
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

Pokefan4000 said:
Nope. It would be a lot better deal on your side, IMO.

You wanna cml for a throw in?
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

By any chance, would you throw in Staraptor FB Lv.X?
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

Pokefan4000 said:
shadoworganid: Probably not.

ThePokemonProfessor: I don't think I'd do that for Lux. But I am interested in 3 RH Blastoise PT.

Well offer me, I was just listing what I had from your wants, not an offer
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

I have:
1x Gengar Lv.X
2x Claydol GE
1x Floatzel GL
1x Luxray GL
2x Lucky Egg

Do you have any EX's?​
RE: [H]Luxray GL Lv.X, Uxie! [W]Floatzel GL Lv.X!

TPP: Well, I don't really need the Floatzel anymore.
I know I have 1 Rosy's. And define "staple" trainers.

SotH: Only 1. Scizor ex.