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[H]Staples! [W]Rampardos stuff, Fighting energy!

RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

CML for Glaceon Lv. X & Shining Raichu please
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

interested in:
Glaceon Lv. X
Darkrai (MD, rh) x2

LMK thx
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

hey there,

out of curiousity how much would you (if you do) sell that Darkrai Lv X for?

Happy Thanksgiving! :]
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

Yata: Think you could add 1 or 2 IFDS vespiquen(if you have them)?

kingdra master: Sorry, no thanks. I already have empoleon lv.x, anyway.

misternewuzer: Well, I see it going around ebay anywhere from 9 to 17 bucks. Maybe 10-13 bucks...?
btw, Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

PacMac tL: Sorry, don't see anything.

geo15721: Pretty much the only thing I'm interested in is the machamp lv.x.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

I would have to check about them, but I will LYK. I think I should have 1 or 2.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

would you trade your glaceon lv. X for my machamp lv. x? also you think we can work something out for the shining raichu?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

Yata: Okay, LMK.

geo15721: Yeah, I could do that. Well, I WOULD do that, if I weren't already trading the glaceon lv.x(sorry, I just remembered that). Let's just forget about it, shall we? ^_^'
About the shining raichu, how about 1 or 2 stormfront raichus?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

You do? Well, it says you have 2 on your haves list.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

I have no Vespiquen (IFDS) or I can't seem to find them. :(
Can you just accept 2 Torterra IFDS as an additions for those cards I need from you (along with my Mew2 for your Glaceon)?
LMK. :)
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

yeah my list hasn't been updated yet. but i actually had three and two of them are going to yata. so LMK
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

CML for Birthday Pikachu.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

Yata: Just give me a bit o' time to think.

geo15721: Oh. I get it.

soth: Sorry, don't see anything.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

so what do you want to do. is there anything else i can add to get the Shiny Raichu?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

The only other thing I see is the secret rare charmeleon.(Then again, I'm assuming you won't trade that, right?)
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

not for that. anything else?

I have a torterra SF Holo
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

I might be already getting 2(the amount I need), so maybe, maybe not.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

You're definitely getting them. ^^
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

CML for Glaceon Lv. X
RE: Pokefan's Trading Thread! [W]Claydol and Lv.X! [H] Lotso Stuff!

ESP said:
CML for Glaceon Lv. X
Already trading, sorry.

ADDED: Legendary Collection Dark Raichu