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H:tons of great cards W: x3scizor prime, x4 luxray gl lv.x x3 char-line sf secretrare

I have Charmander from Stormfront and a Garchomp C Lv. X promo. Which exs would you be willing to trade?
do u have any spiritomb ar? if not would u do K/G legend full for both?

LUIS do u happen to have any spiritomb ar?
i value KGL at about 20, Blaziken RH at about 6 or 7 and empoleon lv. x about 4, so about one half of KGL.
Hey, I think you'd be interested in my Donphan Prime and Mow Rotom.

I really want your Rhyperior x pack, Blaziken Fb.and any Moonlight Stads you might have.

Lemme know if we can agree to something!
How about my:

Cyrus Conspiracy RH
SP Radar RH
Defender RH (UD)
Pikachu RR GoldStar (112/111)

for your:
Power Spray x3
Promocroak G

skipped again....

please cml for
ambipom g reverse
crobat g reverse
pikachu star
vileplume ud reverse