• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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H: Venusaur ex, Terrakion EX FA + More! W: PROMOS, WOTC

RE: H: Treecko Pokeball, PTCGO Cards, Bulk & More W: RHs and Promos

Do you have any switches from expedition? Preferably RH
RE: H: Treecko Pokeball, PTCGO Cards, Bulk & More W: RHs and Promos

CML for your
15/64 Aerodactyl
17/64 Entei
Max Potion
RE: H: Treecko Pokeball, PTCGO Cards, Bulk & More W: RHs and Promos

From your wants, I have:

Emerging Powers Reverse Holos:
003. Sewaddle
008. Leavanny
022. Panpour
024. Basculin
029. Cubchoo
031. Beartic
032. Emolga
044. Gothita
054. Drilbur
073. Ferrothorn

I'm interested in:
Noble Victories:
24) Seismitoad
25) Tirtouga
26) Carracosta
28) Vanillish
44) Yamask
46) Cofagrigus
54) Elgyem
64) Conkeldurr

Feel free to check my list. Perhaps we can work out some kind of deal? =)
RE: I gotta organize this thread again. I'll have it up and running tomorrow! :)

I gotta relist my cards. Once I get everything sorted, I'll let you guys know. :)
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

Alright guys! The thread is updated and ready to go! Please check it over again as my wants and haves have changed! :)
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

I have these from your wants:
Noble Victories
2 Swadloon RH
5 Lilligant RH
12 Accelgor RH
57 Litwick RH

Next Destinies
2 Seedot RH
11 Growlithe RH
12 Arcanine RH
21 Reshiram RH
25 Lapras RH
29 Simipour RH
36 Cubchoo RH
37 Beartic RH
41 Zapdos RH
42 Shinx RH
43 Shinx RH
46 Luxray RH
63 Riolu RH
66 Hippowdon RH
67 Mienfoo RH
72 Shiftry RH
73 Scraggy RH
75 Bronzor RH
76 Bronzong RH
78 Jigglypuff RH
80 Meowth RH
83 Pidove RH
84 Mincinno RH
85 Cinccino RH
87 Exp. Share RH
89 Level Ball RH
90 Pokemon Center RH

I need these, plus whatever commons/uncommons I need from the set, check my thread for the lists.
Emerging Powers
7 Leavanny
12 Whimsicott
77 Cobalion

Noble Victories
24 Seismitoad
31 Jellicent
43 Vicitini
46 Cofagrigus

Dark Explorers
57 Excadrill
72 Bisharp

Let me know what we can work out.
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

From Dark Explorers I have:
61. Umbreon
60. Umbreon
31. Tympole
69. Zorua
12. Flareon
95. Hooligans Jim & Cas

From Emerging Powers I have:
32. Emolga
79. Watchog
41. Sigilyph
96. Recycle

I would like to get all of the Noble Victories RHs first, then get some of the Next Destinies. :)
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

Noble Victories
2 Swadloon RH
5 Lilligant RH
12 Accelgor RH
57 Litwick RH

Next Destinies
2 Seedot RH
11 Growlithe RH
12 Arcanine RH
25 Lapras RH
29 Simipour RH
36 Cubchoo RH
37 Beartic RH
46 Luxray RH
66 Hippowdon RH
73 Scraggy RH
76 Bronzong RH
78 Jigglypuff RH
8 Rares, 8 Commons/Uncommons

Emerging Powers
7 Leavanny
12 Whimsicott
32 Emolga
41 Sigilyph
77 Cobalion
79 Watchog
96 Recycle

Noble Victories
24 Seismitoad
31 Jellicent
43 Vicitini
46 Cofagrigus

Dark Explorers
12 Flareon
31 Tympole
57 Excadrill
60 Umbreon
61 Umbreon
69 Zorua
72 Bisharp
95 Hooligans Jim & Cas
9 Rares 10 Uncommons/Commons?
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

hey i hope we can work out a trade

BINX wants
legendary- reverse mewtwo (only need rev version!- if u have i can trade my shaymii ex english for it)
expedition- R dugtrio (nonholo only)
expedition- R dark energy (nonholo only)
aquapolis- R suicune nonholo only

base 2- holo blastoise (not mint)
bw ND promo- holo persian
theme deck holo escavalier
NV- rev R renunciulus
nd- holo scrafty
many next destinies rev holos please check my thread for all of them

oh and i have a lot of old tcg pokemon magazines (none w cards though)
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

@KwiksilverT: Deal! PM to confirm!

@Sleeping Snorlax: Yes it is.

@Binx345: I only have the Darkness Energy and Suicune. The Mewtwo is regular and Dugtrio is holo (I'm pretty sure it is anyway, but I'll double check).

How many ND RHs could I get for those?
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

i will do 1 rev holo rare for the suicune and 3 rev common/uncommon for the darkness energy?
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

I'm interested in a lot of your promo cards, are they all mint condition (no edgewear). If so I have a lot of your wants.
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

@Binx: That sounds good. :)

@NarcoticHobo: Many of them are. Which ones are you interested in? I can inspect them today and let you know. :)
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

theducktamer said:
@Binx: That sounds good. :)

@NarcoticHobo: Many of them are. Which ones are you interested in? I can inspect them today and let you know. :)

I'm interested in, if mint:

WOTC Black Star Promos:
3. Mewtwo x
6. Arcanine
7. Jigglypuff
8. Mew
10. Meowth
11. Eevee
12. Mewtwo
14. Mewtwo
16. Computer Error
21. Moltres (US Error Version)
30. Togepi
31. Cleffa
48. Articuno

WOTC Best of Game Promos:
4. Rockets Scizor WINNER
5. Rocket’s Sneasel WINNER
6. Dark Ivysaur WINNER
7. Dark Venusaur WINNER

Nintendo Black Star Promos:
034. Typhlosion
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

Here are the ones I think are mint.

I scanned them all just in case you wanted to see. :)

RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

theducktamer said:
Here are the ones I think are mint.

I scanned them all just in case you wanted to see. :)


Look good, thanks :)

I have the following from your wants, and also a ton of RH from DEX if you plan to collect those as well:

RH EP Liepard
RH NXD Panpour
RH NXD Shiftry
RH NXD Gardevoir
McD's Emolga
McD's Scraggy
64/99 Lucario (Cosmo Holo)
43/99 Persian (Cosmo Holo)
Riolu BW33
Pidove BW15
RE: H: LOTS! W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

RH EP Liepard
RH NXD Panpour
RH NXD Shiftry
RH NXD Gardevoir
McD's Emolga
McD's Scraggy
64/99 Lucario (Cosmo Holo)
43/99 Persian (Cosmo Holo)
Riolu BW33
Pidove BW15

#3 Mewtwo
#6 Arcanine
#7 Jigglypuff
#8 Mew
#10 Meowth
#11 Eevee
#12 Mewtwo
#14 Mewtwo
#16 Computer Error
#21 Moltres
#4 Rocket's Scizor WINNER
#5 Rocket's Sneasel WINNER

LMK or counter! :)
RE: H: LOTS! NEW TRAINERS W: BW Cards to Complete My Sets!

CML for your:
WOTC Black Star Promos:
2. Electabuzz x2
3. Mewtwo x
5. Dragonite x2
6. Arcanine
7. Jigglypuff x2
8. Mew x2
10. Meowth x2
11. Eevee
12. Mewtwo
14. Mewtwo x3
15. Cool Porygon
16. Computer Error
21. Moltres (US Error Version)
29. Marill x3
30. Togepi
31. Cleffa
33. Scizor
34. Entei x3
46. Electabuzz
48. Articuno

WOTC Best of Game Promos:
4. Rocket’s Scizor
4. Rockets Scizor WINNER
5. Rocket’s Sneasel
5. Rocket’s Sneasel WINNER
6. Dark Ivysaur
6. Dark Ivysaur WINNER
7. Dark Venusaur WINNER

“W” Stamped Promos:
19/82 Dark Arbok
54/132 Misty’s Psyduck

Nintendo Black Star Promos:
024. Chimecho
034. Typhlosion

HeartGold & SoulSilver Black Star Promos:
HGSS04. Wobbuffet
HGSS05. Hoothoot
HGSS11. Latios
HGSS13. Smoochum
HGSS14. Lapras
HGSS19. Shuckle
HGSS16. Plusle
HGSS17. Minun
HGSS23. Porygon2

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